Confessions of a Frigid Man

Confessions of a Frigid Man PDF Author: Masahiro Morioka
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781542447171
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Book Description
"Confessions of a Frigid Man: A Philosopher's Journey into the Hidden Layers of Men's Sexuality" is the translation of a Japanese 2005 bestseller, "Kanjinai Otoko." Soon after the publication, this book stirred controversy over the nature of male sexuality, male "frigidity," and its connection to the "Lolita complex." Today, this work is considered a classic in Japanese men's studies. The most striking feature of this book is that it was written from the author's first-person perspective. The author is a professor who teaches philosophy and ethics at a university in Japan, and in this book he talks about his own sexual fetishism, his feeling of emptiness after ejaculation, and his huge obsession with young girls and their developing female bodies. He undertakes a philosophical investigation of how and why sexuality took such a form within a person who had grown up as a "normal," heterosexual man. This may be the first case in which a philosopher delves deep into his own sexuality and poses an ambitious hypothesis about the formation of male "frigid" sexuality, which might actually be shared by many "normal" men in our society in a hidden way. Reading this book, female readers will come to know, for the first time, some hidden aspects of male sexuality which men have skillfully submerged in a deep layer of their psyches. Table of Contents Foreword to English Readers Preface Chapter 1: As Long as There's a Miniskirt I Don't Need a Flesh and Blood Woman!? Chapter 2: Men Who Avert Their Eyes from "Male Frigidity" Chapter 3: Why am I Attracted to School Uniforms? Chapter 4: Delving into the Psychology of Men with "Lolita Complexes" Chapter 5: Moving Beyond Being a "Frigid Man" Epilogue: Further Thoughts on a Frigid Man - Year 2013 From "Preface" "In this book I am going to write about the idea that men may not feel much sexual pleasure or satisfaction, and that it is because of this lack of feeling that they become absorbed in sexual fantasies involving things like miniskirts, uniforms, "lolicon" [a Japanese term for "Lolita complex"], and rape. In order to support this assertion I will speak extensively about myself. I intend to consider this issue not in terms of a general theory of male sexuality but rather from the point of view of my own specific case. But I hope male readers read this text as if it were written just for them. I hope female readers read it with a sense of urgency, imagining that the man they are with may be subject to some of the same psychological workings it describes. I have resolved to speak with complete frankness; I intend to explore this unknown world without any fear or reservation. ....."

Confessions of a Frigid Man

Confessions of a Frigid Man PDF Author: Masahiro Morioka
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781542447171
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Book Description
"Confessions of a Frigid Man: A Philosopher's Journey into the Hidden Layers of Men's Sexuality" is the translation of a Japanese 2005 bestseller, "Kanjinai Otoko." Soon after the publication, this book stirred controversy over the nature of male sexuality, male "frigidity," and its connection to the "Lolita complex." Today, this work is considered a classic in Japanese men's studies. The most striking feature of this book is that it was written from the author's first-person perspective. The author is a professor who teaches philosophy and ethics at a university in Japan, and in this book he talks about his own sexual fetishism, his feeling of emptiness after ejaculation, and his huge obsession with young girls and their developing female bodies. He undertakes a philosophical investigation of how and why sexuality took such a form within a person who had grown up as a "normal," heterosexual man. This may be the first case in which a philosopher delves deep into his own sexuality and poses an ambitious hypothesis about the formation of male "frigid" sexuality, which might actually be shared by many "normal" men in our society in a hidden way. Reading this book, female readers will come to know, for the first time, some hidden aspects of male sexuality which men have skillfully submerged in a deep layer of their psyches. Table of Contents Foreword to English Readers Preface Chapter 1: As Long as There's a Miniskirt I Don't Need a Flesh and Blood Woman!? Chapter 2: Men Who Avert Their Eyes from "Male Frigidity" Chapter 3: Why am I Attracted to School Uniforms? Chapter 4: Delving into the Psychology of Men with "Lolita Complexes" Chapter 5: Moving Beyond Being a "Frigid Man" Epilogue: Further Thoughts on a Frigid Man - Year 2013 From "Preface" "In this book I am going to write about the idea that men may not feel much sexual pleasure or satisfaction, and that it is because of this lack of feeling that they become absorbed in sexual fantasies involving things like miniskirts, uniforms, "lolicon" [a Japanese term for "Lolita complex"], and rape. In order to support this assertion I will speak extensively about myself. I intend to consider this issue not in terms of a general theory of male sexuality but rather from the point of view of my own specific case. But I hope male readers read this text as if it were written just for them. I hope female readers read it with a sense of urgency, imagining that the man they are with may be subject to some of the same psychological workings it describes. I have resolved to speak with complete frankness; I intend to explore this unknown world without any fear or reservation. ....."


走出變態之路 PDF Author: 森岡正博
Publisher: 博士草堂
ISBN: 6269757606
Category : Psychology
Languages : zh-CN
Pages : 183

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★ 最出格的日本男性研究領域經典著作 ★ 哲學教授自剖異常性癖深層心理成因 ★ 中文版特別收錄延伸討論及作者訪談 本書原名為《感じない男》,意思是「感不到(尋常的性快感)的男人」,我們中譯作「無感的男人」,但這樣不夠直觀,於是決定依照內容,將中文版書名拉長為《走出變態之路:「性無感」男人的心魔與心藥》,玩了兩下雙關:「走出變態之路」可以是「離棄變態」,如本書作者的自我診療;也可以是「擁抱變態」,創出變態所有、所治、所享的道路與國度,如本書指出的日本少女色情文化氾濫到大眾媒體空間的情狀。同理,「心藥」以藥物為比,而藥物就有治癒的、緩解的,也有麻醉的、成癮性的。具體情況該是哪一種?就端看各人的選擇了。 本書的出版也可以說是機緣巧合,恰好趕上了時事。 2023年,MeToo運動「業力引爆」中的台灣社會 2023年5月的台灣,由於民進黨女性黨工爆出被外部合作廠商性騷擾,受害人向主管申訴卻被「吃案」的事件,同時探討政黨幕僚與選舉的劇集《人選之人》恰巧在此前於串流平台上線,而且描寫了同樣的議題,說出了「我們不要就這樣算了,好不好」這等切中人心的台詞。 這一樁受害者的現身具名指控,正是始於2017年歐美的「MeToo」運動所倡導的形式;台灣社會對此雖然先前已有報導議論,也有人呼籲響應,但還沒有多少受害者真正鼓起勇氣來效法。而這次,因為事情出在執政黨,且能體現從幹部個人品德到整個黨組織文化的全面敗壞,實屬頂級的政治鬥爭把柄,於是各路媒體與廣大網友紛紛見獵心喜、推波助瀾,於是至少在表面上給予了MeToo運動偌大支持。在如此氣氛的鼓動之下,也真有來自各界的受害者接二連三地浮出水面來發聲了。短短數日之內,許多向來在大眾領域經營著光鮮形象、深沉涵養的男性明星、編輯、作家、學者、教師、政客、社運家,還有一些小眾圈子裡的名人,紛紛「業力引爆[1]」,在網上被一個個有名無名的女性或男性(沒錯,而且不少)道破舊事,黜落凡塵。直到目前,這波熱潮仍在延續中。 MeToo運動,在「內索」方面為受害者賦予自己現身、發聲、回復尊嚴的心理支持;在「外求」方面則劍指各種造就性剝削的權力結構與社會意識。雖然不知站出來的受害者中有多少能夠彌合內心的創傷,但至少從外界的氛圍來說,現在這場運動已經形成了一些威懾力,今後想藉權勢向弱者出手的人,應該要比以前會知所畏懼吧。 然而,在女性主義者紛紛向受害者張開心理輔導之網,並熱切議論如何從教育、法律等層面再加強約束力的時候,有一種討論卻是缺席的,那就是男性可以如何讓自己從源頭上平息犯罪的慾望,而這恰恰是森岡正博教授這本《無感的男人》探究的主題。 能不能比「男人就是這樣」「一切都是權力」說得更細一些? 一般來說,如果你問這題,大多數人都會說:這還用討論嗎?除非割掉,不可能消除的,最多只能自律。為什麼呢?因為男人就是這樣,如民進黨那位吃案主管說出的名台詞:「雄性動物追求異性不成,總會被傷自尊嘛,妳要多體諒[2]」,言下之意,似乎並不認為男人有必要比禽獸多一點教養。然而有教養又如何呢?好幾位著名的男性文化人也在這波運動中爆出舊年醜事,於是更有人認為,這些傢伙讀著各種批判理論、講著各種平權主義而成名,自己卻做了他們最反對的鳥事,可見其本質也是權力飢渴加性飢渴,做那些學問也是為了取得權勢,然後可以搞別人,通過權力達到性快感、通過性達到權力快感而已。當然你可以說學歷不等於品德意義上的「教養」,但講究品德的宗教界或舊式讀書人也不是沒有這種事。 儘管前些年有人說「罪犯也需要心理治療」,並且刑法也這麼修了[3],但這一波運動中就沒有什麼人往這個方向來討論,這也很好理解,輿論場中沒有人會想站在「未定罪的加害者」這一邊,除非你跟他利害攸關;就算想談什麼心理治療,也得先把人抓進去才好談。抓進去再治,在群眾的想像中可算「二次處刑」,是個樂子;還沒抓就治,那便有為其護航、開脫之嫌,要犯眾怒的。 然而,對那些尚未作出犯行,而也有著那些衝動的男性呢?一種武斷的說法是「每個男人都是潛在的性侵犯」,大多數男人只是不具備足以讓自己放膽出手的權勢與環境,自律與他律的力量還能壓制邪火而已。但這就沒有充分討論到邪火的多寡與強弱。有人慾望不會太強,轉移一下注意力也就壓下來了;有人則是在性激素之外,兼有各種成長創傷、現實挫折造成的心理變態,他們平常對人或許也還能謹守分際,但就忍得很辛苦,或欲排解而不得其法,正常交往或自慰、買春都不能填補內心的空洞。然後他們或許會開始追求權力,開始用本職學能為自己創造威逼他人的條件。 又或者,看到MeToo運動的懾人聲勢,他們會覺得女權份子又要把原罪扣到男人頭上來了。即使知道這種想法不好,即使理智上也認同平權,但這並不能消解感性上的委屈與「堵爛」,只能把戾氣壓得更深沉。他們可能也覺得自己需要某種心理疏導,但決不想聽人說教。最後或許就是繼續悶著,繼續靠色情作品發洩,間或在網上冷嘲熱諷。從社會面來看是沒有變壞,但從個人面來看也沒有變好。 從心開始,照見共業 對於這樣的情況,森岡正博從自己如何發現自身異常的性心理、又如何走出了苦惱、復歸於溫和的經驗出發,為我們提供了非常可貴的、不流於說教的觀察與省思。 從「我為什麼會對迷你裙發情」(即便先前就知道穿著它的人是個女裝大佬)出發,森岡開始挖掘制服癖、蘿莉控等性癖的隱秘成因:「男性無感症」,即無法從射精中體會到快感,只能在事後陷入各種空虛和懊惱的男人,或者由於無法肯定自己成年男性的身體,而對學校、少女產生懷念和嚮往;又或者因為羨嫉自己無法支配的女性所能得到的快感,而在內心長出了「厭女」的毒株,進而對強暴類型的色情作品產生興趣……及至《無感的男人》出版的2005年,日本「已經變成了一個蘿莉控大國」,少女色情不但在「裡界」(成人產業的世界)橫流,而且以少女寫真集、少女偶像團體等較為「輕度」的性凝視形態,巧妙地外溢到了主流大眾觸目可見的「表界」,提供各種仰賴呵護、渴望關注的性格形象,給現實中包括「無感症」患者在內的求之不得的男性,持續提供精神上的麻醉,乃至於,讓「支配女性」這種欲望,得以繞過平權主義的教條,堂而皇之地持續變相茁壯在大眾娛樂產品中。 然而森岡接下來並沒有像女權主義者那樣嚴厲地呼籲取締這一切(除了「硬核」的真對少女施暴的色情產業),而是從自己的身心著眼:他研究透了這之中欲望的生成與運作機制,從而可以跳脫出來看待各色女性以及自己的生理反應:「不過如此而已」。他與自己的身體和解,不再受心魔糾纏,這樣自然就比較不會有性犯罪的衝動,也不至再無端沉迷於某種色情商品了。 雖然社會未必會因為多了這麼一本書的溫和意見而有所改善,但至少,在個人層面,他通過這麼一番考問,超脫了各種可能導致變態的因素,成為了更好、更豁達的人,也就為社會減少了一分戾氣,和一個潛在的犯罪者。這,便對有著類似心魔的男性讀者,有著巨大的參考價值。 這本書和其他性別研究不同掛! 更值一提的,是本書在治學路數上的異質性。 森岡正博並沒有依從「主流」的性學研究、性別研究或者哪個學派所設定的議題來進行討論,甚至,這本書在研究方法上,就和絕大多數講究「客觀」的學術論著相反:它是以主觀的角度,針對自己的長年困擾開始研究,再謹慎而有限度地推己及人。途中自然也會參考各個學科、學派的理論,論點也會有所交集,但它的出發點和目標是和人家不一樣的。所以,如果有讀者懷疑,網上報上流行的那些平權論述,是某些勢力在利用學術、誘導學者來有組織有預謀地顛覆各個國家社會的文化,以為其政治正確的意識型態霸權統識打下樁腳──那你可以比較放心地閱讀本書,因為你能看出森岡和「那些人」不是同一掛。儘管森岡也說是「正面擁抱了女性解放和女性主義理論」以後才建立了自己這套「男性學」,但他總歸保有著自己的主見和主體性。而對擁護女性解放和女性主義理論的讀者來說,見到這麼一個來自不同領域的男性學者來提供男性視角的呼應,也是可貴的參照。 再談一談「主觀」這方面。寫過論文的應該都能體會到,「客觀」雖說是學術應有的講究,但通常我們寫作時會感覺到的是「不寫成那樣好像就不體面」;即使我們對自己的論點沒有太大信心,也想裝出一派淵深邃密、冷靜嚴謹的樣子,這與其說是客觀,不如說是追求一種能把自己和外界的質疑、挑剔隔離開來的安全感,過來人一望即知,只是想不想戳破而已。只有到你真正登堂入室,一把書讀通了,二找到了你真正在乎的問題,你才會有一些「出格」的底氣,敢於使用淺近的語言,表述自己的主觀經驗和見解,因為這時候,你已經可以不卑不亢地大致評估你的一己之見對於學界同仁和社會大眾的參考價值,你也願意冒一點險。這樣寫出來的論著,雖然未必「安全」,但是可以令讀者感到誠實。因此,在大學裡,老師也往往會推薦學生多讀些這種不那麼規範,但富有和你坦誠相見的生命力,而比死板的論文更貼近學術真義的作品。 《無感的男人》就是這樣一部坦誠的作品。而且,作者坦誠的程度和勇氣令人驚異:他以大學教授之尊,居然敢在書中坦白了自己也曾對11-12歲左右的少女產生過性欲。雖然沒有付諸實踐的想法,但在日本這樣講究體面的社會,在沒有外力逼迫,只為處理自己的生命課題而講出這些,還是需要莫大的勇氣。後記中他也寫道,自己在此書出版後「陷入了空前的精神低落」與敏感躁鬱,好一陣子才走出來。 自己的變態暴露在光天化日之下,這種「社會性死亡」的感覺是怎樣呢?近日那些被「業力引爆」、無法洗白的男性,應該最有發言權,只是他們現在應該不太願意來回答「你現在感覺如何[4]」,反倒是好幾人在道歉聲明上避重就輕,意圖轉移焦點,結果越描越黑,一一被憤怒或好事、好鬥的網友拆解。大概對罪證確鑿又心有不甘的人來說,誠懇道歉是超越人類極限的事;而如森岡這樣在尚未滑落的情況下自我檢討,則還在凡人所能承擔的程度之內。森岡最終降伏了心魔,得到了輕鬆,那麼,或許他寫在這本書裡的經驗與思索,對同樣有著心病,或許也犯過一些錯誤的男性讀者來說,便能比各種在道德壓力下吐出的自白,或主動想對社會大眾施加道德壓力的言論,可親可感、可喜可樂得多。 我們翻譯這本書的契機也不一般 然而,我們先前並不知道今年會發生什麼事,那我們是為什麼會來翻譯出版這本書呢? 陳征洋是我主持的同人誌《東方文化學刊》的創刊班底。2022年他主動來跟我說想翻譯這本書在《學刊》上連載,也已取得原作者同意。我看了譯稿,覺得的確很有意思,於是連載到今年6月完結,我說:既然你都翻完了,我給你出個單行本吧?就算不好賣,我只印個100本也算是出版了。然而,既然現在MeToo帶起了一波性別議題熱潮,我們可以再認真一點、搞大一點。於是,我們又去信與森岡先生作了一篇書面訪談,再加上征洋老弟一篇小論文,這本中文版的內容也就算足夠豐富、跟上時代了。 我們的專業領域也不在性別研究,《東方文化學刊》更非什麼正規期刊,而是日本《東方Project》系列作的同人誌,談遊戲、漫畫、音樂,考究其中文化源流的;故意取這個正經八百的名字,是跟同好玩個反差的趣味。當然,我們也有正牌的學位,我也修過性別研究的課程,也能把各種正經的人文歷史社會科學引進來拓展此間的「泛二次元研究」,於是征洋老弟也就偶爾給我們翻譯他感興趣的英文、日文論著,也一兼二顧地累積他在民俗學、設計學專業方面的功課。我們的讀者也多半讀過大學或還在讀,能看懂,也喜歡這樣宅著宅著就做出學問的賞心樂事。這是我們翻譯本書的大背景。 我們這些遊戲玩家、動漫同人,在性別議題上,也和「社會正義戰士」有著截然不同的基本態度。如征洋老弟那篇〈無感症在二次元的遍地開花〉,如果是一般的女權主義作家來寫,可能會採取嚴厲批判的態度,說資本助長的這些性文化是多麼虛偽,其消費者是多麼噁心,而整個科技產業包括AI還在持續助長這個多麼邪惡的架構,等等等等。我們就不會想這麼寫。 在陳征洋的文章中,你會看到,他也會指出其中的消費主義陷阱,也會指出御宅族一些思想的偏頗之處,也會指出技術壟斷所導向的權力結構的危險,但是,他指出這些不是為了鬥垮鬥臭,而是建設性地寄望同仁,希望大家今後能推陳出新,繼續發展新技術新組織,從而更全面、完善、體貼地滿足各路宅友的欲望,哪怕虛幻,哪怕有著奴役之虞。 為什麼呢?因為他喜歡這個群體,認同這個群體。比起「取消文化」等社會運動經常瀰漫的激憤肅殺之氣,「技術宅拯救世界」這樣的「天命宣言」,儘管可能過於天真爛漫,總歸可喜得多。於是,他翻譯和討論《無感的男人》這樣的論著,其最主要的意義與價值,便是在思想上為宅友、宅文化,以及整個泛二次元相關產業拾遺補闕。這就和平權運動的議程迥然相異,也和森岡先生的思路有所不同。 我喜歡這樣的不同。不同的群體,不同的思考脈絡,都能從這本書裡得到異質的刺激與啟發,這正是我作為一個又看這個、又搞那個的「文化雜食者」最感興趣的場面。所以,謹此向各位推薦我們因緣際會做出來的這本小書,希望將來可以看到更多有趣的迴響。 封面設計的思路:各種性趣的模糊圖像 AI繪圖技術於2022年突飛猛進,本書的封面封底,也便使用了MidJourney提供的服務來繪製。雖然這些公司從全網抓取圖片來訓練AI,於智慧財產權和藝術倫理、商業倫理等方面還有很不小的爭議,但毋庸諱言,它已為非美術專業的創作者、出版人提供了巨大的便利。如果我要請畫師來實現我們這幅封面的構想──男人背影與二十幾種雜誌──那如果不在現實中找一堆舊書來改一改圖作為素材(這也可能有版權問題),而要每張都從頭畫的話,那就得多花很多工錢。算算不划算,我就只能改用比較簡單的設計(例如本書英文版封面背景就是一張意味不明的風景畫),甚至不作圖。 除了成本考量,用AI繪圖來給這本探討男人性心理的論著做封面,在「精神內核」上也應該可以說是很合理的。正如科幻作家特德‧姜(Ted Chiang)將ChatGPT比作「網路上所有文本的模糊JPEG」,AI從全網抓取人類畫師的作品來訓練,又依人類輸入的詞條(prompt)來選定風格、生成圖畫,其所輸出的結果,自然就大概反映了該種風格內大多數生產者、消費者的審美與性趣。這和雜誌封面的生產邏輯也是如出一轍,所以善於思考與聯想的讀者,見到此圖,應該可以生出許多感想吧。 封面構想來自森岡先生在本書中描寫「美少女寫真集」的那一節。我前些年(2018以前)去日本旅遊的時候,也在便利商店的書架上就看到許多成人刊物堂堂皇皇地配著粗體廣告詞公開販售著(當然,有塑膠封套),封面有真人也有漫畫,只差沒有露點了。當時頗受衝擊,也有些好奇:這種書刊在書報攤賣不意外,便利商店也賣,就有些奇葩了。婦女和小孩看到不會尷尬嗎?無論如何,我記下了這等景象。 這回作圖的時候,查了一下,果然2018年以後日本便利商店紛紛撤掉那些18禁雜誌了[5],不過也有文章說主要原因除了女性的反感和籌備東京奧運之外,還是因為成人內容在網上到處可得,會買實體雜誌的人愈來愈少了。然而,森岡先生此書初版於2005年,改版於2013年,都是這類刊物還很氾濫的年頭。所以我們來做這樣一張封面,也算追記時代吧?封底就改畫一隻男人的手拿著智慧型手機,畫面上一個二次元蘿莉,這是現在的生態了。 限於目前AI生圖的準確度(雖說也可以餵它照片叫它模仿),我沒有執著於再現超商貨架,而是挑一張書店的書架,再生它幾十張雜誌封面來替換,最後再做一個男人背影貼進來完稿。大家應該會注意到底下那一排,理論上美男(腐女向)和壯男(男同向)不應該和一般向、男性向的美少女雜誌放在同一個書架上的,不過我想整一些「多元性」和喜感。如果要追求真實的話,這些封面也應該做得再色一點,但MidJourney對此有限制,我也不想做得太過火或特別為這個去抓一堆模型來自己訓練,那就將就在這個程度意思一下吧。 封底也是做兩張圖拼起來,再配上文字,就有夠邪門了。

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The Metaphor of the Monster offers fresh perspectives and a variety of disciplinary approaches to the ever-broadening field of monster studies. The eclectic group of contributors to this volume represents areas of study not generally considered under the purview of monster studies, including world literature, classical studies, philosophy, ecocriticism, animal ethics, and gender studies. Combining historical overviews with contemporary and global outlooks, this volume recontextualizes the monstrous entities that have always haunted the human imagination in the age of the Anthropocene. It also invites reflection on new forms of monstrosity in an era epitomized by an unprecedented deluge of (mis)information. Uniting researchers from varied academic backgrounds in a common effort to challenge the monstrous labels that have historically been imposed upon "the Other," this book endeavors above all to bring the monster out of the shadows and into the light of moral consideration.

Welcome Back, Alice 7

Welcome Back, Alice 7 PDF Author: Shuzo Oshimi
Publisher: Kodansha USA
Category : Comics & Graphic Novels
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Yohei, Kei, and Yui want to be loved for who they are. Yet somehow they keep making the wrong choices, hurting not just the people around them, but also themselves. And when Yohei ends up in the hospital, it becomes a wake-up call for all three of them.

Confessions to a Heathen Idol

Confessions to a Heathen Idol PDF Author: Anna Botsford Comstock
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 386

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Confessions to a Heathen Idol

Confessions to a Heathen Idol PDF Author: Marian Lee
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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The True Confessions of a London Spy

The True Confessions of a London Spy PDF Author: Katherine Cowley
Publisher: Tule Publishing
ISBN: 1956387048
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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Book Description
No one said being a spy for the British government would be easy. When Miss Mary Bennet is assigned to London for the Season, extravagant balls and eligible men are the least of her worries. A government messenger has been murdered and suspicion falls on the Radicals, who may be destabilizing the government in order to compel England down the bloody path of the French Revolution. Working with her fellow spies, Mr. William Stanley and Miss Fanny Cramer, Mary must investigate without raising the suspicions of her family, rescue her friend Miss Georgiana Darcy from a suitor scandal, and solve the mystery before anyone else is harmed—all without being discovered, lest she be exiled back to the countryside. This is the perfect job for a woman who exists in the background. Can Mary prove herself, or will this assignment be her last?

The Independent Woman

The Independent Woman PDF Author: Simone De Beauvoir
Publisher: Vintage
ISBN: 0525563415
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Book Description
“Like man, woman is a human being.” When The Second Sex was first published in Paris in 1949—groundbreaking, risqué, brilliantly written and strikingly modern—it provoked both outrage and inspiration. The Independent Woman contains three key chapters of Beauvoir’s masterwork, which illuminate the feminine condition and identify practical social reforms for gender equality. It captures the essence of the spirited manifesto that switched on light bulbs in the heads of a generation of women and continues to exert profound influence on feminists today.