Computer–Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data

Computer–Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data PDF Author: Mikhail E. Elyashberg
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3662464020
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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Here, the authors introduce readers to solving molecular structure elucidation problems using the expert system ACD/Structure Elucidator. They explain in detail the concepts of the Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) approach and point out the crucial role of understanding the axiomatic nature of the data used to deduce the structure. Aspects covered include the main blocks of the expert system and essential features of the mathematical algorithms used. Graduate and PhD students as well as practicing chemists are provided with a detailed explanation of the various practical approaches depending on available spectral data peculiarities and the complexity of the unknown structure. This is supported by a large number of real-world completed examples, most of which are related to the structure elucidation of natural product molecules containing unusual skeletons. Dedicated software and further supplementary material are available at

Computer–Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data

Computer–Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data PDF Author: Mikhail E. Elyashberg
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3662464020
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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Book Description
Here, the authors introduce readers to solving molecular structure elucidation problems using the expert system ACD/Structure Elucidator. They explain in detail the concepts of the Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) approach and point out the crucial role of understanding the axiomatic nature of the data used to deduce the structure. Aspects covered include the main blocks of the expert system and essential features of the mathematical algorithms used. Graduate and PhD students as well as practicing chemists are provided with a detailed explanation of the various practical approaches depending on available spectral data peculiarities and the complexity of the unknown structure. This is supported by a large number of real-world completed examples, most of which are related to the structure elucidation of natural product molecules containing unusual skeletons. Dedicated software and further supplementary material are available at

Contemporary Computer-Assisted Approaches to Molecular Structure Elucidation

Contemporary Computer-Assisted Approaches to Molecular Structure Elucidation PDF Author: Mikhail E Elyashberg
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1782625763
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 505

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Book Description
Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) systems are a combination of software algorithms and tools to support and enable chemists and spectroscopists engaged in the process of molecular structure elucidation via the analysis of spectroscopic data. These expert systems dramatically reduce the time associated with structure elucidation and improve the reliability of the results. Contemporary Computer-Assisted Approaches to Molecular Structure Elucidation describes the principles on which these expert systems for spectroscopic structure elucidation are based and concisely explains the algorithmic concepts behind the programs. The authors use their own personal experiences in the development of the Structure Elucidator (StrucEluc) CASE software system to discuss the present state-of-the-art in computer-assisted structure elucidation. Scientists that are presently using CASE systems will be interested in the algorithms and modern approaches and for organizations that are currently using the StrucEluc platform the book is designed to help researchers understand the strategies behind CASE as well as details regarding the StrucEluc platform. For scientists that have never used CASE systems they will now have access to all necessary information to understand CASE systems for mastering this new and very effective approach to structure elucidation. The authors overall goal is writing this book is to produce the 'must read' definitive text that will represent the results of decades of work to develop computer-assisted structure elucidation software systems. CASE systems are now powerful software tools commonly outperforming and correcting human interpretations of data. This book will also provide an historical perspective of the work of the founding fathers of the technique and identify the challenges that have been overcome to produce modern CASE systems.

Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products

Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products PDF Author: Antony Williams
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1849733937
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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The Ghanian plant Cryptolepis sanguinolenta is the source of a series of fascinating indoloquinoline alkaloids. The most unusual member of this alkaloid series was initially proposed to be a spiro nonacyclic structure, named cryptospirolepine, and was elucidated in 1993 based on the technologies available at that time. There were, however, several annoying attributes to the structure that bothered analysts for the ensuing 22 years. During the two decades that followed the initial work there have been enormous developments in NMR technology. Using new experimental approaches, specifically homodecoupled 1,1- and 1,n-HD-ADEQUATE NMR experiments developed in 2014, the structure of only a 700 µg sample of cryptospirolepine has been revised and is shown on the cover of this volume. The confluence of the NMR technological and methodological advances that allowed the revision of the structure of cryptospirolepine using a submilligram sample seems a fitting example for this book, which is dedicated to the NMR characterization of various classes of natural products. Volume 2 considers data processing and algorithmic based analyses tailored to natural product structure elucidation and reviews the application of NMR to the analysis of a series of different natural product families including marine natural products, terpenes, steroids, alkaloids and carbohydrates. Volume 1 discusses contemporary NMR approaches including optimized and future hardware and experimental approaches to obtain both the highest quality and most appropriate spectral data for analysis. These books, bringing together acknowledged experts, uniquely focus on the combination of experimental approaches and modern hardware and software applied to the structure elucidation of natural products. The volumes will be an essential resource for NMR spectroscopists, natural product chemists and industrial researchers working on natural product analysis or the characterization of impurities and degradation products of pharmaceuticals that can be as scarce as natural product samples.

Classics in Spectroscopy

Classics in Spectroscopy PDF Author: Stefan Berger
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9783527325160
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 668

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Analytik von Naturstoffen, die jeder kennt: Die Autoren dieses Bandes beschränken sich nicht auf die nüchterne Abhandlung von Daten und Verfahren, sondern erzählen die wahrhaft inspirierenden Geschichten jedes ihrer Moleküle. Dabei ist der rein methodische Teil so ausführlich und exakt beschrieben, dass der Band hervorragend für Lehre und Studium geeignet ist. Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen und das attraktive Layout machen das Buch zu einem Muss für jeden Organiker und Spektroskopiker und die, die es werden wollen.

Organic Structure Analysis

Organic Structure Analysis PDF Author: Phillip Crews
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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"Organic Structure Analysis, Second Edition, is the only text that teaches students how to solve structures as they are solved in actual practice. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in organic structure analysis, organic structure identification, and organic spectroscopy, it emphasizes real applications-integrating theory as needed - and introduces students to the latest spectroscopic methods." --Book Jacket.

Computer-assisted Structure Elucidation

Computer-assisted Structure Elucidation PDF Author: Neil A. B. Gray
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 568

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Drawing on a wide range of recent research, this book introduces the most important new algorithms for solving problems in structural chemistry. It is a review of problems related to the representation and manipulation of chemical data, illustrated with various approaches to their solutions.

Challenges in Molecular Structure Determination

Challenges in Molecular Structure Determination PDF Author: Manfred Reichenbächer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642243894
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 500

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Taking a problem-based approach, the authors provide a practice-oriented and systematic introduction to both organic and inorganic structure determination by spectroscopic methods. This includes mass spectrometry, vibrational spectroscopies, UV/VIS spectroscopy and NMR as well as applying combinations of these methods. The authors show how to elucidate chemical structures with a minimal number of spectroscopic techniques. Readers can train their skills by more than 400 problems with varying degree of sophistication. Interactive Powerpoint-Charts are available as Extra Materials to support self-study.

Mathematical Chemistry and Chemoinformatics

Mathematical Chemistry and Chemoinformatics PDF Author: Adalbert Kerber
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 3110254077
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 521

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More than 20 years of experience in molecular structure generation, from conceptualization through to applications Innovative, interdisciplinary text demonstrating example queries with software packages such as MOLGEN-online Detailed explanations on establishing QSPRs and QSARs as well as structure elucidation using mass spectrometry and structure generation. Aims and Scope This work provides an introduction to mathematical modeling of molecules and the resulting applications (structure generation, structure elucidation, QSAR/QSPR etc.). Most chemists have experimented with some software that represents molecules in an electronic form, and such models and applications are of increasing interest in diverse and growing fields such as drug discovery, environmental science and metabolomics. Furthermore, structure generation remains the only way to systematically create molecules that are not (yet) present in a database. This book starts with the mathematical theory behind representing molecules, explaining chemical concepts in mathematical terms and providing exercises that can be completed online. The later chapters cover applications of the theory, with detailed explanations on QSPR and QSAR investigations and finally structure elucidation combining mass spectrometry and structure generation. This book is aimed in particular at the users of structure generation methods and corresponding techniques, but also for those interested in teaching and learning mathematical chemistry, and for software designers in chemoinformatics.

Structure Elucidation in Organic Chemistry

Structure Elucidation in Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Maria-Magdalena Cid
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527664637
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 554

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Intended for advanced readers, this is a review of all relevant techniques for structure analysis in one handy volume. As such, it provides the latest knowledge on spectroscopic and related techniques for chemical structure analysis, such as NMR, optical spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography, including the scope and limitation of each method. As a result, readers not only become acquainted with the techniques, but also the advantages of the synergy between them. This enables them to choose the correct analytical method for each problem, saving both time and resources. Special emphasis is placed on NMR and its application to absolute configuration determination and the analysis of molecular interactions. Adopting a practical point of view, the author team from academia and industry guarantees both solid methodology and applications essential for structure determination, equipping experts as well as newcomers with the tools to solve any structural problem.

Fundamental Concepts

Fundamental Concepts PDF Author: Fidele Ntie-Kang
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110579359
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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Vol. 1 of Chemoinformatics of Natural Products presents an overview of natural products chemistry, discussing the chemical space of naturally occurring compounds, followed by an overview of computational methods.