Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology

Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology PDF Author: Victor R. Preedy
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080502318
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2556

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This comprehensive handbook is a "one-stop-shop" for all researchers involved in the field of alcohol-related harm at the whole body or cellular level. Over 100 chapters provide abundant information of a wide range of topics that extend from the evolutionary aspects of alcohol consumption and the prevalence of alcohol misuse to programmed cell death. Each chapter is highly illustrated with tables and figures making this a valuable reference for students, clinicians and researchers alike. *Over 100 chapters conveniently divided into 3 sections *Represents a 'one-stop-shop' of information with suitable indexing of the various pathways and processes *Each chapter is highly illustrated with tables as well as figures

Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology

Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology PDF Author: Victor R. Preedy
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080502318
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2556

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Book Description
This comprehensive handbook is a "one-stop-shop" for all researchers involved in the field of alcohol-related harm at the whole body or cellular level. Over 100 chapters provide abundant information of a wide range of topics that extend from the evolutionary aspects of alcohol consumption and the prevalence of alcohol misuse to programmed cell death. Each chapter is highly illustrated with tables and figures making this a valuable reference for students, clinicians and researchers alike. *Over 100 chapters conveniently divided into 3 sections *Represents a 'one-stop-shop' of information with suitable indexing of the various pathways and processes *Each chapter is highly illustrated with tables as well as figures

Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology: Selective methods used in alcohol research

Comprehensive Handbook of Alcohol Related Pathology: Selective methods used in alcohol research PDF Author: Victor R. Preedy
Category : Alcohol
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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Substance Abuse Disorders

Substance Abuse Disorders PDF Author: Hamid Ghodse
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470975946
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 452

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Substance abuse disorders are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and are frequently comorbid with other psychiatric and health conditions and accompanied by social problems; however, they remain under-recognized and under-treated. Many physicians and mental health practitioners receive little-to-no training in the identification and treatment of these disorders. Approaches to their prevention include some of the major success stories in modern public health as well as some of the deepest controversies in public life. This new title in the WPA series Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry informs psychiatrists and a wide range of professional groups from health and social services about these disorders and their treatment and control. 'Highly Commended' in the Psychiatry section of the 2012 BMA Book Awards

Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving

Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving PDF Author: A. Wayne Jones
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000048640
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 589

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Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving addresses many theoretical and practical issues related to the role played by alcohol and other psychoactive drugs on driving performance, road-traffic safety, and public health. Several key forensic issues are involved in the enforcement of laws regulating driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs, including analytical toxicology, pharmacology of drug action, as well as the relationships between dose taken, concentration levels in the body, and impairment of performance and behavior. Our knowledge of drunken driving is much more comprehensive than drugged driving, so a large part of this book is devoted to alcohol impairment, as well as impairment caused by use of drugs other than alcohol. For convenience, the book is divided into four main sections. The first section gives some historical background about measuring alcohol in blood and breath as evidence for the prosecution of traffic offenders. The important role of the Breathalyzer instrument in traffic-law enforcement, especially in Australia, Canada, and the USA is presented along with a biographical sketch of its inventor (Professor Robert F. Borkenstein of Indiana University) with focus on the man, his work and his impact. The second section discusses several issues related to forensic blood and breath-alcohol alcohol analysis as evidence for prosecution of traffic offenders. This includes how the results should be interpreted in relation to impairment and an evaluation of common defense challenges. Because most countries have adopted concentration per se laws, the main thrust of the prosecution case is the suspect’s measured blood- or breath-alcohol concentration. This legal framework necessitates that the analytical methods used are "fit for purpose" and are subjected to rigorous quality assurance procedures. The third section gives a broad overview of the current state of knowledge about driving under the influence of non-alcohol drugs in various countries. This includes adoption of zero-tolerance laws, concentration per se statutes, and clinical evidence of driver impairment based on field sobriety tests and drug recognition expert evidence. The fourth section deals with epidemiology, enforcement, and countermeasures aimed at reducing the threat of drunken and drugged driving. All articles have appeared previously in the international journal Forensic Science Review, but all are completely updated with current data, references, and the latest research on developments since the articles were published. This book contains a convenient collection of the best articles covering recommendations for blood and breath testing methods, public policy relating to such methods, and forensic and legal implications of the enforcement of measures to counter driving under the influence.

The Drunken Monkey

The Drunken Monkey PDF Author: Robert Dudley
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520958179
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 179

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Alcoholism, as opposed to the safe consumption of alcohol, remains a major public health issue. In this accessible book, Robert Dudley presents an intriguing evolutionary interpretation to explain the persistence of alcohol-related problems. Providing a deep-time, interdisciplinary perspective on today’s patterns of alcohol consumption and abuse, Dudley traces the link between the fruit-eating behavior of arboreal primates and the evolution of the sensory skills required to identify ripe and fermented fruits that contain sugar and low levels of alcohol. In addition to introducing this new theory of the relationship of humans to alcohol, the book discusses the supporting research, implications of the hypothesis, and the medical and social impacts of alcoholism. The Drunken Monkey is designed for interested readers, scholars, and students in comparative and evolutionary biology, biological anthropology, medicine, and public health.

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet PDF Author: Richard Hoffman
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118713389
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Recent large-scale epidemiological studies have confirmed the pre-eminence of the Mediterranean diet for reducing the risk of primary and secondary heart disease and cancer. There is also increasingly convincing evidence for its protective value against diabetes, dementias and other age-related disorders, and for increasing overall longevity. The Mediterranean Diet: Health and Science is a timely, authoritative and accessible account of the Mediterranean diet for nutritionists and dieticians. It discusses the Mediterranean diet in the light of recent developments in nutritional biochemistry, disease mechanisms and epidemiological studies, and also provides advice on nutrition policies and interventions. The Mediterranean Diet: Health and Science opens with an overview of the Mediterranean diet, and this is followed by a survey of the latest epidemiological evidence for its health benefits. There is detailed nutritional information on olive oil, wine, fish, fruit and vegetables and other components of the Mediterranean diet, and this information is used to explain how the diet protects against a range of age-related diseases. The book emphasises the importance of understanding the Mediterranean diet in its totality by discussing the evidence for beneficial interactions between various components of the diet. There are also discussions of how agricultural practices, as well as food preparation and cooking techniques, influence the nutritional quality of the diet. The book concludes by discussing the social context in which the Mediterranean diet is eaten, and public health issues associated with adopting a Mediterranean diet, especially in the context of more northerly countries. Written by nutritional biochemist Richard Hoffman and a past President of the French Nutrition Society, Mariette Gerber, who between them have many years experience in this area, this exciting and highly topical boook is an essential purchase for all nutritionists and dietitians worldwide. Libraries in all universities where nutrition, dietetics and food science and technology are studied and taught should have copies of this excellent book on their shelves.

Perfect Drinking and its Enemies

Perfect Drinking and its Enemies PDF Author: Kari Poikolainen
Publisher: Hillcrest Publishing Group
ISBN: 1626526788
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 173

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Learn how to shun the enemies of perfect drinking. Protect yourself from moral panic, well-meant nannying and patronizing. Know the health risks. Avoid the dangers of alcoholism. Seek to oppose counterproductive alcohol policies.

Information Resources in Toxicology, Volume 1: Background, Resources, and Tools

Information Resources in Toxicology, Volume 1: Background, Resources, and Tools PDF Author:
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128137258
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1055

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This new fifth edition of Information Resources in Toxicology offers a consolidated entry portal for the study, research, and practice of toxicology. Both volumes represents a unique, wide-ranging, curated, international, annotated bibliography, and directory of major resources in toxicology and allied fields such as environmental and occupational health, chemical safety, and risk assessment. The editors and authors are among the leaders of the profession sharing their cumulative wisdom in toxicology's subdisciplines. This edition keeps pace with the digital world in directing and linking readers to relevant websites and other online tools.Due to the increasing size of the hardcopy publication, the current edition has been divided into two volumes to make it easier to handle and consult. Volume 1: Background, Resources, and Tools, arranged in 5 parts, begins with chapters on the science of toxicology, its history, and informatics framework in Part 1. Part 2 continues with chapters organized by more specific subject such as cancer, clinical toxicology, genetic toxicology, etc. The categorization of chapters by resource format, for example, journals and newsletters, technical reports, organizations constitutes Part 3. Part 4 further considers toxicology's presence via the Internet, databases, and software tools. Among the miscellaneous topics in the concluding Part 5 are laws and regulations, professional education, grants and funding, and patents. Volume 2: The Global Arena offers contributed chapters focusing on the toxicology contributions of over 40 countries, followed by a glossary of toxicological terms and an appendix of popular quotations related to the field.The book, offered in both print and electronic formats, is carefully structured, indexed, and cross-referenced to enable users to easily find answers to their questions or serendipitously locate useful knowledge they were not originally aware they needed. Among the many timely topics receiving increased emphasis are disaster preparedness, nanotechnology, -omics, risk assessment, societal implications such as ethics and the precautionary principle, climate change, and children's environmental health. - Introductory chapters provide a backdrop to the science of toxicology, its history, the origin and status of toxicoinformatics, and starting points for identifying resources - Offers an extensive array of chapters organized by subject, each highlighting resources such as journals, databases,organizations, and review articles - Includes chapters with an emphasis on format such as government reports, general interest publications, blogs, and audiovisuals - Explores recent internet trends, web-based databases, and software tools in a section on the online environment - Concludes with a miscellany of special topics such as laws and regulations, chemical hazard communication resources, careers and professional education, K-12 resources, funding, poison control centers, and patents - Paired with Volume Two, which focuses on global resources, this set offers the most comprehensive compendium of print, digital, and organizational resources in the toxicological sciences with over 120 chapters contributions by experts and leaders in the field

Psychiatry and Cardiovascular Diseases

Psychiatry and Cardiovascular Diseases PDF Author: Yusuf Ziya ŞENER
Publisher: Akademisyen Kitabevi
ISBN: 6253993429
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 154

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Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence

Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence PDF Author: Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811903328
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 633

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This book gathers outstanding research papers presented at the 5th International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence (IJCACI 2021), held online during October 23–24, 2021. IJCACI 2021 is jointly organized by Jahangirnagar University (JU), Bangladesh, and South Asian University (SAU), India. The book presents the novel contributions in areas of computational intelligence and it serves as a reference material for advance research. The topics covered are collective intelligence, soft computing, optimization, cloud computing, machine learning, intelligent software, robotics, data science, data security, big data analytics, and signal and natural language processing.