Communicating climate change through radio programs in the Congo Basin: A guide to the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of science-policy dialogue radio programs

Communicating climate change through radio programs in the Congo Basin: A guide to the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of science-policy dialogue radio programs PDF Author: Merline Touko Tchoko
Publisher: CIFOR
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Updated information on climate change are lacking in the Congo basin. Moreover, available data are worded in a coded language that impairs their use in decision-making and thus contributes to increase the gap between the information available at the global level and those circulating in the region. This work aimed at assessing the mechanisms of dissemination of scientific information in Central Africa in order to adopt the information channels and languages adapted to various stakeholders, according to their abilities and needs. It is in this context that radio platforms bringing together scientists, policy makers and the public have emerged in 2013 and 2014 in Cameroon and Congo.

Communicating climate change through radio programs in the Congo Basin: A guide to the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of science-policy dialogue radio programs

Communicating climate change through radio programs in the Congo Basin: A guide to the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of science-policy dialogue radio programs PDF Author: Merline Touko Tchoko
Publisher: CIFOR
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Book Description
Updated information on climate change are lacking in the Congo basin. Moreover, available data are worded in a coded language that impairs their use in decision-making and thus contributes to increase the gap between the information available at the global level and those circulating in the region. This work aimed at assessing the mechanisms of dissemination of scientific information in Central Africa in order to adopt the information channels and languages adapted to various stakeholders, according to their abilities and needs. It is in this context that radio platforms bringing together scientists, policy makers and the public have emerged in 2013 and 2014 in Cameroon and Congo.

Les forêts du bassin du Congo et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques

Les forêts du bassin du Congo et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques PDF Author: Jean Denis Sonwa
Publisher: KARTHALA Editions
ISBN: 281111081X
Category : Africa, Central
Languages : fr
Pages : 242

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En Afrique centrale, le Bassin du Congo représente le deuxième espace forestier du monde après l’Amazonie. Bien que les forêts et les communautés forestières soient d’une grande sensibilité aux variations climatiques, très peu d’attention a été portée aux formes de l’adaptation en cours. Les services (conservation de biodiversité, stockage du carbone, recyclage de l’eau) et les produits, en particulier non ligneux, sont délivrés par la forêt au rythme des saisons pour le bien des communautés locales, nationales et internationales. La production de ces biens et services n’est pas à l’abri des aléas du climat. Il serait donc illusoire de penser que l’on peut gérer durablement la biodiversité forestière et stocker le carbone forestier sans penser à l’adaptation aux variations du climat. Dans la mise en oeuvre de la convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques, cet ouvrage met l’accent sur l’adaptation à un moment où la réduction des émissions liées à la déforestation et à la dégradation des forêts ainsi que l’augmentation des stocks de carbone forestier (REDD+) ont pris une place importante dans l’agenda de la sous-région. À partir de l’exemple de l’Afrique centrale, ce livre réunissant les meilleurs spécialistes des disciplines concernées est fondateur, initiant la réflexion et l’action dans le domaine de la forêt et de l’adaptation au changement. En révélant les variabilités passées et les enjeux de la prévision climatique, il souligne l’urgente nécessité d’une intégration résolue et concertée des forêts dans les politiques d’adaptation aux changements du climat et aussi d’une intégration de l’adaptation dans les politiques forestières. Denis Jean Sonwa est chercheur au Centre pour la Recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR), Programme « Forêts et environnement ». Ses travaux portent sur l’écologie forestière, les forêts et les changements climatiques. Johnson Ndi Nkem est conseiller au programme « Changement climatique & développement », CCDARE « Climate Change Adaptation & Development Initiative », du PNUD, Nairobi.

Testing the influence of radio programs on climate change knowledge

Testing the influence of radio programs on climate change knowledge PDF Author: Alba Saray Perez-Teran
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 602150478X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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This working paper sheds light on the impact of radio programs on the climate change knowledge of local populations in the Congo Basin. We provide an assessment of the change in knowledge of a rural village in the Congo Basin after inhabitants listened to one of the radio programs that were prepared on climate change. The document also provides potential indicators for result up-scaling. After applying a micro-economic model to a case–control experiment, both before and after exposure to one radio program, the results show an increase in knowledge of 22.3% attributable to the radio program. In addition, a series of reactions were recorded from different end users, such as other media, ministries, NGO representatives and researchers, who reacted positively to the broadcasts. We recommend the use of radio programs to increase knowledge and induce behavioral changes with regard to climate change adaptation and mitigation

The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo PDF Author: Kengoum, F.
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 6023871372
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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DRC has committed to reduce its emissions effectively, efficiently, and equitably from deforestation and degradation (REDD+). The country experiences complex relationships between drivers, agents, and institutions of deforestation nationally. The REDD+ policy arena is influenced by both governmental and non-governmental actors whose number have increased in the policy arena over the years; however, weak coordination among these actors remains an issue. Since 2009, the DRC has announced several reforms relating to land tenure, land-use planning and agricultural policy, to create an institutional environment that motivates the implementation of REDD+ in the DRC. By 2019, none of these reforms had materialized, due to both political changes and a lack of finance, capacity, and political will. Between 2013 and 2019, little progress has been made on REDD+ in the DRC, as a result of conflicting interests among actors both at national and decentralized levels; information asymmetry; elite capture and corruption; and the pre- and post-election situation. To date, the effectiveness of REDD+ activities in the DRC remain unclear, due to the absence of rigorous impact assessment. However, efforts can be observed on the field where there is increased number of participants to forest policy process compared to REDD+ early years; and several ongoing projects are testing policy options within and across levels. If these efforts are sustained, they can contribute in putting in place conditions to achieve REDD+ objectives.

Community Champions

Community Champions PDF Author: Hannah Reid
Publisher: IIED
ISBN: 1843697998
Category : Climatic changes
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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Deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin: State of knowledge, current causes and perspectives

Deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin: State of knowledge, current causes and perspectives PDF Author: Bérenger Tchatchou
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 602387021X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 59

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The Congo Basin comprises Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. It covers close to 70% of the forestlands of Africa. Of the 530 million hectares in the Congo Basin, 300 million are composed of forests: 99% of these are primary or naturally regenerated forests, as opposed to plantations.

Adaptation and mitigation policies in Cameroon

Adaptation and mitigation policies in Cameroon PDF Author: Félicien Kengoum
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 6021504313
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 52

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The purpose of this study is to identify new synergistic pathways between climate change mitigation and adaptation policies in Cameroon using an approach based on a literature review of the political processes that led to the introduction of the two strategies. The common feature of the two political processes is the absence of strategy in Cameroon. The country is finding it difficult to assimilate and coordinate these processes at the national level. More attention is being given to mitigation than to adaptation. In any case, it is difficult to formulate any political options without complete studies on the responses to the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and on the vulnerability of the forest populations and their capacity to absorb climate shocks.

Realising REDD+

Realising REDD+ PDF Author: Arild Angelsen
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 6028693030
Category : Climatic changes
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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REDD+ must be transformational. REDD+ requires broad institutional and governance reforms, such as tenure, decentralisation, and corruption control. These reforms will enable departures from business as usual, and involve communities and forest users in making and implementing policies that a ect them. Policies must go beyond forestry. REDD+ strategies must include policies outside the forestry sector narrowly de ned, such as agriculture and energy, and better coordinate across sectors to deal with non-forest drivers of deforestation and degradation. Performance-based payments are key, yet limited. Payments based on performance directly incentivise and compensate forest owners and users. But schemes such as payments for environmental services (PES) depend on conditions, such as secure tenure, solid carbon data and transparent governance, that are often lacking and take time to change. This constraint reinforces the need for broad institutional and policy reforms. We must learn from the past. Many approaches to REDD+ now being considered are similar to previous e orts to conserve and better manage forests, often with limited success. Taking on board lessons learned from past experience will improve the prospects of REDD+ e ectiveness. National circumstances and uncertainty must be factored in. Di erent country contexts will create a variety of REDD+ models with di erent institutional and policy mixes. Uncertainties about the shape of the future global REDD+ system, national readiness and political consensus require  exibility and a phased approach to REDD+ implementation.

The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Drivers, agents and institutions

The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Drivers, agents and institutions PDF Author: Augustin M. Mpoyi
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 6021504135
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 73

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Reviewing the conditions in which the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) mechanism is being established in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is part of Component 1 of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS-REDD) being conducted by the Center for International Forestry Research. The overall aim of this global study is to provide decision-makers, practitioners, donors and the scientific community with reliable information on the dynamics of national actions related to the REDD+ mechanism. Discussions on REDD originally seemed to focus on the construction of a global structure and the establishment of a multilateral instrument to replace the Kyoto Protocol. But at the 14th Conference of Parties (CoP 14), held in Poznan in 2008, discussions on the reliability of REDD+ focused more on the dynamics of national- and local-level actions and brought out the need to better understand, analyze and explain the national institutional context of REDD+ development. Subsequently, this review used the extractive approaches. The first inputs were reports, articles, books and documents on the DRC that were directly related to forest management, socioeconomic and political institutions, etc., whether published or not. Because of the diversity of sources, the quantitative data sometimes seem contradictory and conflictual. In the next step, semi-structured interviews were held with experts working in the forestry sector and data were obtained from the participants’ observations. Since this analysis covers the period between May 2011 and June 2012 actions in the field and the institutions after those dates were not included.

Implementing REDD+ and adaptation to climate change in the Congo Basin

Implementing REDD+ and adaptation to climate change in the Congo Basin PDF Author: Charlotte Pavageau
Publisher: CIFOR
ISBN: 6021504585
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 65

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This report presents the state of progress of projects and initiatives to promote adaptation and REDD+ in the Congo Basin region and it analyses opportunities for synergies or trade-off between the two strategies. 94 national programs and activities on the ground related to REDD+ and 11 on adaptation have been identified in six countries of the Congo Basin.