Commercial and Economic Law in India

Commercial and Economic Law in India PDF Author: K.B. Agrawal
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 940350174X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the law covering merchants’ status and obligations – including the laws governing state intervention in economic activities – in India provides quick and easy guidance on such commercial and economic matters as business assets, negotiable instruments, commercial securities, and regulation of the conditions of commercial transactions. Lawyers who handle transnational business will appreciate the explanation of local variations in terminology and the distinctive concepts that determine practice and procedure. Starting with a general description of the specifically applicable concepts and sources of commercial law, the book goes on to discuss such factors as obligations of economic operators and institutions, goodwill, broker/client relations, commercial property rights, and bankruptcy. Discussion of economic law covers the laws governing establishment, supervision of economic activities, competition law, and government taxation incentives. These details are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance. Thorough yet practical, this convenient volume is a valuable tool for business executives and their legal counsel with international interests. Lawyers representing parties with interests in India will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative commercial and economic law.

Commercial and Economic Law in India

Commercial and Economic Law in India PDF Author: K.B. Agrawal
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 940350174X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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Book Description
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the law covering merchants’ status and obligations – including the laws governing state intervention in economic activities – in India provides quick and easy guidance on such commercial and economic matters as business assets, negotiable instruments, commercial securities, and regulation of the conditions of commercial transactions. Lawyers who handle transnational business will appreciate the explanation of local variations in terminology and the distinctive concepts that determine practice and procedure. Starting with a general description of the specifically applicable concepts and sources of commercial law, the book goes on to discuss such factors as obligations of economic operators and institutions, goodwill, broker/client relations, commercial property rights, and bankruptcy. Discussion of economic law covers the laws governing establishment, supervision of economic activities, competition law, and government taxation incentives. These details are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance. Thorough yet practical, this convenient volume is a valuable tool for business executives and their legal counsel with international interests. Lawyers representing parties with interests in India will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative commercial and economic law.

Law and the Economy in Colonial India

Law and the Economy in Colonial India PDF Author: Tirthankar Roy
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 022638764X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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By accessibly recounting and analyzing the unique experience of institutions in colonial Indiawhich were influenced heavily by both British Common Law and indigenous Indian practices and traditionsLaw and the Economy in Colonial India sheds new light on what exactly fosters the types of institutions that have been key to economic development throughout world history more generally. The culmination and years of research, the book goes through a range of examples, including textiles, opium, tea, indigo, tenancy, credit, and land mortgage, to show how economic laws in colonial India were shaped neither by imported European ideas about how colonies should be ruled nor indigenous institutions, but by the practice of producing and trading. The book is an essential addition to Indian history and to some of the most fundamental questions in economic history."

Keeping Pace with Change: Fintech and the Evolution of Commercial Law

Keeping Pace with Change: Fintech and the Evolution of Commercial Law PDF Author: International Monetary Fund
Publisher: International Monetary Fund
ISBN: 1616358750
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 31

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This note explores the interactions between new technologies with key areas of commercial law and potential legal changes to respond to new developments in technology and businesses. Inspired by the Bali Fintech Agenda, this note argues that country authorities need to closely examine the adequacy of their legal frameworks to accommodate the use of new technologies and implement necessary legal reform so as to reap the benefits of fintech while mitigating risks. Given the cross-border nature of new technologies, international cooperation among all relevant stakeholders is critical. The note is structured as follows: Section II describes the relations between technology, business, and law, Section III discusses the nature and functions of commercial law; Section IV provides a brief overview of developments in fintech; Section V examines the interaction between technology and commercial law; and Section VI concludes with a preliminary agenda for legal reform to accommodate the use of new technologies.

Adjudicating Global Business in and with India

Adjudicating Global Business in and with India PDF Author: Leïla Choukroune
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 9780429343773
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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"This edited collection on international commercial and investment disputes in, and with, India examines past and present landmark legislative and regulatory reforms initiated by the Indian government, including the 2015 new Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) model, the 2015 amendments to the 1996 Arbitration Act and the 2013 amendments to Section 135 of the Companies Act on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as well as the most recent amendments to the same. This unique and exhaustive study will be of great appeal to a vast range of readers from practitioners to academia"--

Stages of Capital

Stages of Capital PDF Author: Ritu Birla
Publisher: Duke University Press
ISBN: 082239247X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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In Stages of Capital, Ritu Birla brings research on nonwestern capitalisms into conversation with postcolonial studies to illuminate the historical roots of India’s market society. Between 1870 and 1930, the British regime in India implemented a barrage of commercial and contract laws directed at the “free” circulation of capital, including measures regulating companies, income tax, charitable gifting, and pension funds, and procedures distinguishing gambling from speculation and futures trading. Birla argues that this understudied legal infrastructure institutionalized a new object of sovereign management, the market, and along with it, a colonial concept of the public. In jurisprudence, case law, and statutes, colonial market governance enforced an abstract vision of modern society as a public of exchanging, contracting actors free from the anachronistic constraints of indigenous culture. Birla reveals how the categories of public and private infiltrated colonial commercial law, establishing distinct worlds for economic and cultural practice. This bifurcation was especially apparent in legal dilemmas concerning indigenous or “vernacular” capitalists, crucial engines of credit and production that operated through networks of extended kinship. Focusing on the story of the Marwaris, a powerful business group renowned as a key sector of India’s capitalist class, Birla demonstrates how colonial law governed vernacular capitalists as rarefied cultural actors, so rendering them illegitimate as economic agents. Birla’s innovative attention to the negotiations between vernacular and colonial systems of valuation illustrates how kinship-based commercial groups asserted their legitimacy by challenging and inhabiting the public/private mapping. Highlighting the cultural politics of market governance, Stages of Capital is an unprecedented history of colonial commercial law, its legal fictions, and the formation of the modern economic subject in India.

The Dharma of Business

The Dharma of Business PDF Author: Davis R. Donald
Publisher: Penguin Random House India
ISBN: 9386495961
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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Business law in medieval and early modern India developed within the voluminous and multifaceted texts called the Dharmashastras. These texts laid down rules for merchants, traders, guilds, farmers, and individuals in terms of the complex religious, legal, and moral ideal of dharma. This exciting book provides a new perspective on commercial law in this period. In addition to a description of the substantive rules for business, the book reinterprets the role of business and commerce within the law generally and demonstrates that modern assumptions about good business practice could benefit from the insights of this ancient tradition. It thus makes a compelling case for the relevance of the dharma of business to our own time.

International Commercial Courts

International Commercial Courts PDF Author: Stavros Brekoulakis
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009020684
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 591

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The book offers a comprehensive analysis of the role, importance and place of international commercial courts in the field of international adjudication from a comparative perspective. In a time where scholarly and academic debates revolve around the issues of the role of law in the post-globalization era, the new international commercial courts seem to be in the position to bridge concerns regarding diminished sovereignty, on the one hand, and the necessity of globalizing dispute resolution, on the other. International commercial courts thus present themselves as the paradigm for the future of adjudication.

Emerging Powers and the World Trading System

Emerging Powers and the World Trading System PDF Author: Gregory Shaffer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 110885849X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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Victorious after World War II and the Cold War, the United States and its allies largely wrote the rules for international trade and investment. Yet, by 2020, it was the United States that became the great disrupter – disenchanted with the rules' constraints. Paradoxically, China, India, Brazil, and other emerging economies became stakeholders in and, at times, defenders of economic globalization and the rules regulating it. Emerging Powers and the World Trading System explains how this came to be and addresses the micropolitics of trade law – what has been developing under the surface of the business of trade through the practice of law, which has broad macro implications. This book provides a necessary complement to political and economic accounts for understanding why, at a time of hegemonic transition where economic security and geopolitics assume greater roles, the United States challenged, and emerging powers became defenders, of the legal order that the United States created.

Modern Law of International Trade

Modern Law of International Trade PDF Author: Ajendra Srivastava
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811554757
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Book Description
This book presents a comprehensive and systematic study of the principal aspects of the modern law of international commercial transactions. Based on diverse sources, including legislative texts, case law, international conventions, and a variety of soft-law instruments, it highlights key topics such as the international sale of goods, international transport, marine insurance, international finance and payments, electronic commerce, international commercial arbitration, standard trade terms, and international harmonization of trade laws. In focusing on the private law aspects of international trade, the book closely analyzes the relevant statutes, case law and the European Union (EU) and international uniform law instruments like the Rome I Regulation, the UN Convention on the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), UNCITRAL Model Laws; non-legislative instruments including restatements such as the UNIDROIT Principles on International Commercial Contracts, and rules of business practices codified by the ICC such as the Arbitration Rules, UCP 600 and different versions of the INCOTERMS. The book clearly explains the key concepts and nuances of the subject, offering incisive and vivid analyses of the major issues and developments. It also traces the evolution of the law of international trade and explores the connection between the lex mercatoria and the modern law. Comprehensively examining the issue of international harmonization of trade laws from a variety of perspectives, it provides a detailed account of the work of major players in the field, including UNCITRAL, UNIDROIT, ICC, and the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). Adopting the comparative law method, this book offers a critical analysis of the laws of two key jurisdictions—India and England—in the context of export trade. In order to stimulate discussion on law reform, it explains the similarities and differences not only between laws of the two countries, but also between the laws of India and England on the one hand, and the uniform law instruments on the other. Given its breadth of coverage, this book is a valuable reference resource not only for students in the fields of law, international trade, and commercial law, but also for researchers, practitioners and policymakers.

Arbitration in India

Arbitration in India PDF Author: Dushyant Dave
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041182829
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Book Description
India has a long-standing tradition of dispute resolution through arbitration, with arbitral-type regulations going back to the eighteenth century. Today, amendments to the 1996 Indian Arbitration Act, a steady evolution of case law and new arbitral institutions position India’s vibrant system once more at the forefront of international commercial dispute resolution. In this handbook, over forty members of the international arbitration community in India and beyond offer authoritative perspectives and insights into topics on arbitration that matter in India. International arbitration practitioners, Indian practitioners, and scholars have combined efforts to produce a practical and informative guide on the subject. Among numerous notable features, the contributors provide detailed analysis and description of such aspects of arbitration as the following, with a focus on the Indian context: Indian application of the 1958 New York Convention; law governing the merits of the dispute and awards; investor-state dispute settlement; drafting arbitration clauses for India-centric agreements; managing costs and time; rise of virtual arbitration and technology; effect of public policy in light of extensive Indian jurisprudence; and arbitration of claims relating to environmental damage. Practical features include checklists for drafting arbitration clauses and a comparative chart of major commercial arbitration rules applicable to India. Also included is a comparative analysis of arbitral regimes in India, Singapore and England; chapters on the India Model Bilateral Investment Treaty and ISDS reforms; a special section on the enforcement of foreign awards; a section on the drafting of the award guided by leading arbitrators and stakeholders and a review of the new 2021 ICC Rules. For foreign counsel and arbitrators with arbitrations in India, this complete and up-to-date analysis provides guidelines for practitioners, corporate counsel, and judges on considerations to be borne in mind with respect to arbitration with an Indian nexus and whilst seeking enforcement and execution of an arbitral award in India. It will prove an effective tool for students and others in understanding and navigating the particularities and peculiarities of India’s system of domestic and international commercial arbitration.