Coaching Classroom Instruction

Coaching Classroom Instruction PDF Author: Tom Roy
Publisher: Solution Tree Press
ISBN: 0983351287
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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Book Description
A must-have resource for coaches, leaders, and teams, this book covers approaches for boosting professional growth and macrostrategies that are responsive to student needs. Learn how to offer targeted feedback to teachers, empowering them to identify how they can improve their knowledge and skill. Step-by-step guidelines will help teachers increase their performance on the 280 research-based strategies from Becoming a Reflective Teacher.

Coaching Classroom Instruction

Coaching Classroom Instruction PDF Author: Tom Roy
Publisher: Solution Tree Press
ISBN: 0983351287
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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Book Description
A must-have resource for coaches, leaders, and teams, this book covers approaches for boosting professional growth and macrostrategies that are responsive to student needs. Learn how to offer targeted feedback to teachers, empowering them to identify how they can improve their knowledge and skill. Step-by-step guidelines will help teachers increase their performance on the 280 research-based strategies from Becoming a Reflective Teacher.

Instructional Coaching

Instructional Coaching PDF Author: Jim Knight
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1452207011
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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Book Description
An innovative professional development strategy that facilitates change, improves instruction, and transforms school culture! Instructional coaching is a research-based, job-embedded approach to instructional intervention that provides the assistance and encouragement necessary to implement school improvement programs. Experienced trainer and researcher Jim Knight describes the "nuts and bolts" of instructional coaching and explains the essential skills that instructional coaches need, including getting teachers on board, providing model lessons, and engaging in reflective conversations. Each user-friendly chapter includes: First-person stories from successful coaches Sidebars highlighting important information A "Going Deeper" section of suggested resources Ready-to-use forms, worksheets, checklists, logs, and reports

Coaching Your Classroom

Coaching Your Classroom PDF Author: Garnet Hillman
ISBN: 9781947604346
Category : Classroom management
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Book Description
"In Think like a coach, teach for success: delivering actionable feedback in the classroom, authors Garnet Hillman and Mandy Stalets offer a fresh perspective on implementing and delivering effective feedback in the classroom by examining the practices utilized by coaches. Although people would traditionally describe coaches and teachers as different professions that operate in separate spheres, the two share endless similarities. The responsibilities of both coaches and teachers include guiding their learners through the process of sharpening their skills while providing individualized feedback. In order to understand how teachers can ensure all students develop the skills necessary for success, Hillman and Stalets explore what purposeful coaching looks like on the athletic field and in the classroom. By reading Coaching the Classroom, educators will possess the tools and practices needed for creating a culture of student-centered learning and for becoming leaders of the feedback process in their classrooms"--


Coaching PDF Author: Jim Knight
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1452298424
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Book Description
This easy-to-read resource describes several popular approaches to coaching, including literacy coaching, cognitive coaching, instructional coaching, content-focused coaching, and classroom-management coaching, and features contributions from leaders in each field.

Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves

Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves PDF Author: Diane Sweeney
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1506349439
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Book Description
The essential coaching moves that every coach needs to know Student-centered coaching is a highly effective, evidence-based coaching model that shifts the focus from “fixing” teachers to collaborating with them to design instruction that targets student outcomes. But what does this look like in practice? This book shows you the day-to-day coaching moves that build powerful coaching relationships. Readers will find: Coaching moves that can be used before, during, and after lessons An abundance of field-tested tools and practices that can be put to immediate use Original video clips that depict and unpack key moves Richly detailed anecdotes from practicing coaches

Student-Focused Coaching

Student-Focused Coaching PDF Author: Jan Hasbrouck
Publisher: Brookes Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781681254944
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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Book Description
A widely used, highly effective approach to student success, Student-Focused Coaching (SFC) helps instructional coaches and teachers work collaboratively to improve student outcomes using evidence-based practices. This is your one-stop, step-by-step guide to instructional coaching in K-12 schools using the field-tested, research-based SFC model. Featuring a foreword by Jim Knight, the leading voice on instructional coaching, this book was coauthored by the lead developer of the SFC model (Jan Hasbrouck) and an experienced instructional coach and trainer (Daryl Michel). These expert authors help you master the three key roles of coaching: Facilitator, Collaborative Problem-Solver, and Teacher/Learner. You'll discover how to build respectful and mutually beneficial professional relationships with every teacher--from the most eager to the most reluctant--and work together to help all students learn and thrive in the classroom. To help you put the SFC model into action, the book offers practical activities and materials, including application exercises, reflection exercises, virtual coaching tips, and 20+ pages of ready-to-use downloadable forms. LEARN HOW TO Partner with teachers to tackle a range of classroom challenges--academic, behavioral, and social-emotional Develop collaborative communication skills to help you navigate even the most challenging conversations Work with teachers to set and achieve goals by identifying, selecting, and implementing evidence-based interventions Help teachers support struggling students with goal-based, targeted, and intensive instruction Improve time management skills using a four-step, systematic problem-solving process Collect different types of data and use it to give helpful feedback to the teachers you work with Design continuous professional learning opportunities that meet individual teacher needs Deliver support to administrators to make the most of the benefits coaches can provide PRACTICAL DOWNLOADS: The book includes access to 20+ pages of downloadable materials for coaches, including worksheets, checklists, tracking sheets, and self-assessments.

Becoming a Reflective Teacher

Becoming a Reflective Teacher PDF Author: Robert J. Marzano
Publisher: Solution Tree Press
ISBN: 0983351252
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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Book Description
Just as successful athletes must identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and engage in focused practice to meet their goals, so must teachers. Learn how to combine a model of effective instruction with goal setting, focused practice, focused feedback, and observations to improve your instructional practices. Included are 280 strategies related to the 41 elements of effective teaching shown to enhance student achievement.

Everyday Instructional Coaching

Everyday Instructional Coaching PDF Author: Nathan D. Lang
Publisher: Now Classrooms
ISBN: 9781945349485
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
"In his exciting new book, Engaging the Disengaged Teacher, author Nathan D. Lang explores the psychology and education research that support the need for instructional coaching, and he offers seven drivers readers can use to improve their own coaching daily practices. These drivers will challenge readers to re-examine their understanding of who can be an instructional coach and highlights the connection between the teacher and his or her modes of thinking and acting in the classroom. Each of the book's seven chapters highlights, defines, and offers tips for implementing a single driver. Readers will access research, stories, and free reproducibles (like a survey, audit tool, guides, and templates, to name a few) to start the process of evaluating, refining, and executing their instructional coaching"--

Evaluating Instructional Coaching

Evaluating Instructional Coaching PDF Author: Sharon Thomas
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416630856
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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Book Description
A clear and comprehensive guide to evaluating and supporting instructional coaches and coaching programs, including how to recruit, hire, and retain effective coaches. With sound practices in place to evaluate coaching programs, instructional coaches will become better partners, teachers will become better mentors, and students will become better learners. Few evaluation systems are specifically geared toward coaching roles. Ensuring that school districts have accurate information about both coaches and coaching programs is crucial to guide improvement in supporting classrooms, as well as in ensuring accountability. With sound evaluation processes in place, districts can effectively evaluate instructional coaches and coaching programs and use data to set goals. Advance Praise for Evaluating Instructional Coaching: It has arrived! The ICG team has pulled through again with a much-needed guide, providing a thorough process from how to hire, evaluate, support, and retain instructional coaches. This book will empower school leaders to be partners with instructional coaches by providing meaningful evaluation tools and effective coaching programs. Readers will walk away with ideas on how to help coaches grow to best serve students and teachers in their schools. Thank you, ICG. We needed your research, knowledge, and most of all your humble approach on how best to support coaches and coaching programs! —Kelly Jacobs, District Instructional Coaching Coordinator, Lansing (Mich.) School District Instructional coaches devote their time to growing teachers. One way to support instructional coaches in their professional growth is to ensure an effective evaluation system is in place for them. This book gives leaders several things to consider as they define the coach's role, hire candidates, and put an evaluation process in place. —Michelle Lis, Coordinator, Instructional Coaching, Fairfax County (Va.) Public Schools A joint publication of ASCD and One Fine Bird Press.

Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching

Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching PDF Author: Stephen G. Barkley
Publisher: R&L Education
ISBN: 1607095823
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
This book expands on the framework established in the original volume of Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching. It provides many examples that can be incorporated into any educational environment. It outlines the why, who, what, and how of a sound coaching program. The new edition adds sections on the impact of learning styles on coaching, extends the connections between coaching, mentoring, and supervision, and includes instructional coaching. It contains updated examples of various coaching models in place, including international examples.