Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine PDF Author: Hung N. Winn
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781850707981
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 980

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Book Description
Maternal-fetal medicine has evolved over the last three decades to become a well-established discipline. The current understanding of maternal physiology and pathophysiology has allowed us to obtain more accurate diagnoses and to provide more effective treatments of medical, surgical, and obstetrical maternal complications. More importantly, the fetus has become a distinct individual whose in utero environment has become much more accessible to study, diagnose, and treatment. Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine addresses the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of common medical and obstetrical maternal complications and fetal complications. It provides a concise and timely review of clinically relevant topics in this discipline. The textbook is a comprehensive reference covering the wide range of disciplines that make up maternal-fetal medicine.

Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine PDF Author: Hung N. Winn
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781850707981
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 980

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Book Description
Maternal-fetal medicine has evolved over the last three decades to become a well-established discipline. The current understanding of maternal physiology and pathophysiology has allowed us to obtain more accurate diagnoses and to provide more effective treatments of medical, surgical, and obstetrical maternal complications. More importantly, the fetus has become a distinct individual whose in utero environment has become much more accessible to study, diagnose, and treatment. Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine addresses the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of common medical and obstetrical maternal complications and fetal complications. It provides a concise and timely review of clinically relevant topics in this discipline. The textbook is a comprehensive reference covering the wide range of disciplines that make up maternal-fetal medicine.

Fetal Medicine

Fetal Medicine PDF Author: Charles H. Rodeck
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0443104085
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 793

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Book Description
Fetal medicine has emerged as a separate subspecialty over the last 30 years as a result of major advances in a number of areas, in particular ultrasound imaging, cytogenetics, molecular biology and biochemistry. The widespread use of antenatal screening and diagnostic tests has led to an increased need for obstetricians to have knowledge and skills in fetal medicine. This book provides the information that underpins training programmes in fetal medicine and integrates science and clinical disciplines in a practical and useful way. Clinical sections include: the latest advances in prenatal screening; a systems-based presentation of the diagnosis and management of fetal malformations; complete coverage of common and rare fetal conditions including growth restriction, endocrine and platelet disorders, early pregnancy loss, and twins/multiple pregnancy. More focus on important basic-science concepts, such as maternofetal cell trafficking, and the relevance to clinical management.

Fetal Medicine E-Book

Fetal Medicine E-Book PDF Author: Pranav P Pandya
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0702072877
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 796

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Book Description
Covering pertinent basic science and offering today's most authoritative guidance on clinical management, Fetal Medicine, 3rd Edition, is a must-have resource for obstetricians and other healthcare professionals involved in care of the fetus. An international team of expert contributors delivers the knowledge and background you need to effectively diagnose and treat fetal disorders – everything from prenatal screening and diagnostic tests to common and rare prenatal conditions, early pregnancy loss, ethical issues, and much more. - Focuses on fetal medicine throughout, bringing you today's most reliable information in both basic science and clinical topics. - Offers updated information from cover to cover, including new coverage of genetics, embryology, and clinical management. - Features new self-assessment questions and new images throughout – for a total of nearly 1,000 photographs and line drawings, as well as more than 150 quick-reference tables. - Details fast-changing developments in fetal medicine, including advances in ultrasound imaging, cytogenetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry. - Helps you learn and retrieve complex information quickly thanks to succinct, highly structured text; key points at the beginning of each chapter; and concise chapter summaries. New editor team – 3 new editors with an international approach – they will select qualified authors who can discuss the basic science as well as the clinical aspects of perinatal problems Updated knowledge content – major areas of change are non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and genetic testing – Ron Wapner is one of the leaders in these fields Expert Consult access – individual electronic access for the first time 4-color design – current design is b&w so will update with new colors and colorize the drawings.

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Maternal-Fetal Medicine PDF Author: Mary E. D'Alton
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139463454
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Maternal-Fetal Medicine provides the busy clinician with precisely the information needed where and when it is needed. The text covers a wide variety of topics related to maternal and fetal medicine, as well as clinical questions that will challenge providers both in the outpatient setting and on labor and delivery wards. Special attention has been paid to incorporating an evidence-based approach to obstetric management, and a number of chapters have been included to assist in the management of obstetric emergencies. In total, over 1000 diseases and conditions are discussed in detail.

Handbook of Clinical Obstetrics

Handbook of Clinical Obstetrics PDF Author: E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1405171847
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 600

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Book Description
The second edition of this quick reference handbook for obstetricians and gynecologists and primary care physicians is designed to complement the parent textbook Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus & Mother The third edition of Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus & Mother is unique in that it gives in-depth attention to the two patients – fetus and mother, with special coverage of each patient. Clinical Obstetrics thoroughly reviews the biology, pathology, and clinical management of disorders affecting both the fetus and the mother. Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus & Mother - Handbook provides the practising physician with succinct, clinically focused information in an easily retrievable format that facilitates diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment. When you need fast answers to specific questions, you can turn with confidence to this streamlined, updated reference.

Anesthesia for Maternal-Fetal Surgery

Anesthesia for Maternal-Fetal Surgery PDF Author: Olutoyin A. Olutoye
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009088904
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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A practical book on the unique fetal conditions amenable to surgical corrections and the anesthetic considerations for mother and child.

Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Endocrinology

Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Endocrinology PDF Author: Christopher S. Kovacs
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128148241
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1040

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Book Description
Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management systematically examines the normal and abnormal endocrinology of the pregnant and lactating female and of the fetus and neonate. This reference volume expands coverage of specific disorders and diseases beyond the current endocrinology content on the market, which in most cases has a paragraph or no mention at all about pregnancy or aspects of fetal/neonatal development. - Formalized source of maternal/fetal endocrine physiology and pathophysiology - Key reference for fellows and residents for rarer endocrine pathologies - Integrated presentation of new molecular and genetic causes of endocrine disorders - Bridges the experience/knowledge gap of endocrinopathies rarely encountered in pregnancy

High Risk Pregnancy E-Book

High Risk Pregnancy E-Book PDF Author: David K. James
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1455700002
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1798

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Book Description
High Risk Pregnancy examines the full range of challenges in general obstetrics, medical complications of pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis, fetal disease, and management of labor and delivery. Drs. David James, Philip J. Steer, Carl P. Weiner, Bernard Gonik, Caroline Crowther, and Stephen Robson present an evidence-based approach to the available management options, equipping you with the most appropriate strategy for each patient. This comprehensive reference features the fully searchable text online at, as well as more than 100 videos of imaging and monitoring. giving you easy access to the resources you need to manage high risk pregnancies. Prepare for clinical challenges and save time in addressing them thanks to expert advice on treatment options from international contributors. Find and apply the information you need quickly and easily through a consistent organization and at-a-glance summary boxes that discuss evidence-based management options. Access the fully searchable text online at, along with links to Medline. View over 140 videos of detailed fetal imaging and monitoring that aid in diagnoses. Tap into recent developments in treatment and management in four new chapters—Global Maternal & Perinatal Health Issues; Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; Surveillance of the Fetus and its Indications; and Training for Obstetric Emergencies. Apply new evidence-based management options to treat genetic and constitutional factors leading to a high-risk pregnancy (such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and cardiac disease) through new and expanded coverage of these increasingly common presentations. Reference pregnancy-relevant laboratory values with an updated and comprehensive appendix on "Normal Values in Pregnancy." Effectively manage patients newly diagnosed with hematologic and immunologic malignancies, and explore the available drug options. Confirm your diagnoses with greater confidence thanks to full-color images throughout the text.

Maternal Medicine

Maternal Medicine PDF Author: George R. Saade
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071825479
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 689

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Book Description
Confidently diagnose and treat common pregnancy complications with this unique algorithmic approach Maternal Medicine is point-of-care reference designed to help you effectively treat conditions that often coexist with pregnancy. Focusing primarily on diagnosis and management with the goal of limiting complications early, the chapters focus on specific conditions rather than organ systems. This practical guide is designed to impart important relevant information that enables you to deliver patient care based on recommendations provided by experts in each field and grounded in the latest clinical evidence (when available). The authors have carefully selected topics that reflect conditions most often encountered in clinical practice. Coverage of each topic includes antepartum, intra-partum, and post-partum management, enabling you to deliver complete, uninterrupted patient care. You will find all the data you need in one convenient reference, including tables, tips, medication dosages, contraindications, lab values, diagnostic criteria, management algorithms, and levels of evidence. Luis D. Pacheco, MD is Associate Professor, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Anesthesiology, Divisions of Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Surgical Critical Care, Director of Project # Obstetrical Patient Safety, and Director of Residency Education Program in Surgical Intensive Care Unit, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. George R. Saade, MD is Jennie Sealy Smith Distinguished Chair, Professor of ObGyn and Cell Biology, Chief of Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and Director of Perinatal Research Division, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. Gary D.V. Hankins, MD is Professor and Chairman, Garland D. Anderson, MD Distinguished University Chair in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas.

Fetal Therapy

Fetal Therapy PDF Author: Mark D. Kilby
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108597645
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 623

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Book Description
Updated by a team of internationally renowned experts, this book gives a thorough overview of fetal pathophysiology and an evidence base for in utero: both medical (non-invasive) and surgical treatments. Many topics are expanded to cover recent advances, including: stem cell transplantation; tissue scaffolding; minimally invasive approaches to 'open fetal surgery'; the etiology, prevention and treatment of preterm birth and PROM; the genetic etiologies of fetal disease; and gene therapy. In addition, there are in-depth discussions as to the role of open fetal myelomeningocele repair and several fetoscopic approaches to therapy. The international editors have added important new chapters on reducing stillbirth and prenatal counselling. This book is an invaluable reference guide to the latest fetal therapy options, and an essential, in-depth study book for maternal-fetal and neonatology specialists.