Climate Change and Groundwater

Climate Change and Groundwater PDF Author: Walter Dragoni
Publisher: Geological Society of London
ISBN: 9781862392359
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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There is a general consensus that for the next few decades at least, the Earth will continue its warming. This will inevitably bring about serious environmental problems. For human society, the most severe will be those related to alterations of the hydrological cycle, which is already heavily influenced by human activities. Climate change will directly affect groundwater recharge, groundwater quality and the freshwater-seawater interface. The variations of groundwater storage inevitably entail a variety of geomorphological and engineering effects. In the areas where water resources are likely to diminish, groundwater will be one of the main solutions to prevent drought. In spite of its paramount importance, the issue of 'Climate Change and Groundwater' has been neglected. This volume presents some of the current understanding of the topic.

Climate Change and Groundwater

Climate Change and Groundwater PDF Author: Walter Dragoni
Publisher: Geological Society of London
ISBN: 9781862392359
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Book Description
There is a general consensus that for the next few decades at least, the Earth will continue its warming. This will inevitably bring about serious environmental problems. For human society, the most severe will be those related to alterations of the hydrological cycle, which is already heavily influenced by human activities. Climate change will directly affect groundwater recharge, groundwater quality and the freshwater-seawater interface. The variations of groundwater storage inevitably entail a variety of geomorphological and engineering effects. In the areas where water resources are likely to diminish, groundwater will be one of the main solutions to prevent drought. In spite of its paramount importance, the issue of 'Climate Change and Groundwater' has been neglected. This volume presents some of the current understanding of the topic.

Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources

Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources PDF Author: Holger Treidel
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0203120760
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 419

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Climate change is expected to modify the hydrological cycle and affect freshwater resources. Groundwater is a critical source of fresh drinking water for almost half of the worlds population and it also supplies irrigated agriculture. Groundwater is also important in sustaining streams, lakes, wetlands, and associated ecosystems. But despite this,

Groundwater and Climate Change

Groundwater and Climate Change PDF Author: Philippe Cullet
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351056883
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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This book undertakes a scholarly assessment of the state of the art of law and policy perspectives on groundwater and climate change at the international, regional and national levels. A particular focus is given to India, which is the largest user of groundwater in the world, and where groundwater is the primary source of water for domestic and agricultural uses. The extremely rapid rise in groundwater use in many Indian states has led to a growing groundwater crisis that they must address. The existing regulatory framework has not adapted to the challenges and fails to address any environmental concerns. On climate change, India has adopted a policy framework that makes the link with water, but no legislation has followed up to make the link operational. The subject matter of this book has been widely debated with regard to each of its main two components separately. Bringing these two domains together is what makes this book unique. The link between climate change and groundwater has been acknowledged to some extent, and there is growing interest in studying the impacts of climate change on (ground)water. Similarly, in water and environmental law and policy, increasing attention has been given to the study of climate change and groundwater legal and policy frameworks but generally separately. This book contributes to filling this knowledge gap by drawing on contributions from leading experts in the field of environmental and water law and policy who have been involved in climate change and/or groundwater research. The chapters in this book were originally published in a special issue of Water International.

Advancing the Science of Climate Change

Advancing the Science of Climate Change PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309145880
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 526

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Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for-and in many cases is already affecting-a broad range of human and natural systems. The compelling case for these conclusions is provided in Advancing the Science of Climate Change, part of a congressionally requested suite of studies known as America's Climate Choices. While noting that there is always more to learn and that the scientific process is never closed, the book shows that hypotheses about climate change are supported by multiple lines of evidence and have stood firm in the face of serious debate and careful evaluation of alternative explanations. As decision makers respond to these risks, the nation's scientific enterprise can contribute through research that improves understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change and also is useful to decision makers at the local, regional, national, and international levels. The book identifies decisions being made in 12 sectors, ranging from agriculture to transportation, to identify decisions being made in response to climate change. Advancing the Science of Climate Change calls for a single federal entity or program to coordinate a national, multidisciplinary research effort aimed at improving both understanding and responses to climate change. Seven cross-cutting research themes are identified to support this scientific enterprise. In addition, leaders of federal climate research should redouble efforts to deploy a comprehensive climate observing system, improve climate models and other analytical tools, invest in human capital, and improve linkages between research and decisions by forming partnerships with action-oriented programs.

Global Groundwater

Global Groundwater PDF Author: Abhijit Mukherjee
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0128181737
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 679

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Global Groundwater: Source, Scarcity, Sustainability, Security, and Solutions presents a compilation of compelling insights into groundwater scenarios within all groundwater-stressed regions across the world. Thematic sub-sections include groundwater studies on sources, scarcity, sustainability, security, and solutions. The chapters in these sub-sections provide unique knowledge on groundwater for scientists, planners, and policymakers, and are written by leading global experts and researchers. Global Groundwater: Source, Scarcity, Sustainability, Security, and Solutions provides a unique, unparalleled opportunity to integrate the knowledge on groundwater, ranging from availability to pollution, nation-level groundwater management to transboundary aquifer governance, and global-scale review to local-scale case-studies. - Provides interdisciplinary content that bridges the knowledge from groundwater sources to solutions and sustainability, from science to policy, from technology to clean water and food - Includes global and regional reviews and case studies, building a bridge between broad reviews of groundwater-related issues by domain experts as well as detailed case studies by researchers - Identifies pathways for transforming knowledge to policy and governance of groundwater security and sustainability

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies PDF Author: Ganpat, Wayne
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1522516085
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 425

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The existence of the human race has created inevitable effects on our surrounding environment. To prevent further harm to the world’s ecosystems, it becomes imperative to assess mankind’s impact on and create sustainability initiatives to maintain the world’s ecosystems. Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies is a pivotal reference source for the latest scholarly material on the scientific, technical, and socio-economic factors related to climate change assessment. Providing a comprehensive overview of perspectives on sustainability protection of environmental resources, this book is ideally designed for policy makers, professionals, government officials, upper-level students, and academics interested in emerging research on climate change.

Groundwater Hydrology

Groundwater Hydrology PDF Author: Mohammad Karamouz
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429556217
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 779

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Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of acceptable quality, and excessive water pollution due to urban, agricultural, and industrial expansions have caused intense environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More frequent and severe floods and droughts have changed the resiliency and ability of water infrastructure systems to operate and provide services to the public. These concerns and issues have also changed the way we plan and manage our surface and groundwater resources. Groundwater Hydrology: Engineering, Planning, and Management, Second Edition presents a compilation of the state-of-the-art subjects and techniques in the education and practice of groundwater and describes them in a systematic and integrated fashion useful for undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners. This new edition features updated materials, computer codes, and case studies throughout. Features: Discusses groundwater hydrology, hydraulics, and basic laws of groundwater movement Describes environmental water quality issues related to groundwater, aquifer restoration, and remediation techniques, as well as the impacts of climate change \ Examines the details of groundwater modeling and simulation of conceptual models Applies systems analysis techniques in groundwater planning and management Delineates the modeling and downscaling of climate change impacts on groundwater under the latest IPCC climate scenarios Written for students as well as practicing water resource engineers, the book develops a system view of groundwater fundamentals and model-making techniques through the application of science, engineering, planning, and management principles. It discusses the classical issues in groundwater hydrology and hydraulics followed by coverage of water quality issues. It also introduces basic tools and decision-making techniques for future groundwater development activities, taking into account regional sustainability issues. The combined coverage of engineering and planning tools and techniques, as well as specific challenges for restoration and remediation of polluted aquifers sets this book apart.

Groundwater around the World

Groundwater around the World PDF Author: Jean Margat
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1135038384
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 378

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This book presents a unique and up-to-date summary of what is known about groundwater on our planet, from a global perspective and in terms of area-specific factual information. Unlike most textbooks on groundwater, it does not deal with theoretical principles, but rather with the overall picture that emerges as a result of countless observations,

Groundwater Hydrology

Groundwater Hydrology PDF Author: M. Karamouz
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439891214
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 662

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Book Description
Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of acceptable quality, and excessive water pollution due to urban, agricultural, and industrial expansions have caused intense environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More frequent and severe floods and droughts have changed the ability and resiliency of water infrastructure systems to operate and provide services to the public. These concerns and issues have also changed the way we plan and manage our surface and groundwater resources. Groundwater Hydrology: Engineering, Planning, and Management presents a compilation of the state-of-the-art subjects and techniques in the education and practice of groundwater and describes them in a systematic and integrated fashion useful for undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners. The book develops a system view of groundwater fundamentals and model-making techniques through the application of science, engineering, planning, and management principles. It discusses the classical issues in groundwater hydrology and hydraulics followed by coverage of water quality issues. The authors delineate the process of analyzing data, identification, and parameter estimation; tools and model-building techniques and the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater techniques; aquifer restoration, remediation, and monitoring techniques; and analysis of risk. They touch on groundwater risk and disaster management and then explore the impact of climate change on groundwater and discuss the tools needed for analyzing future data realization and downscaling large-scale low-resolution data to local watershed and aquifer scales for impact studies. The combined coverage of engineering and planning tools and techniques as well as specific challenges for restoration and remediation of polluted aquifers sets this book apart. It also introduces basic tools and techniques for making decisions about and planning for future groundwater development activities, taking into account regional sustainability issues. An examination of the interface between groundwater challenges, the book demonstrates how to apply systems analysis techniques to groundwater engineering, planning, and management.

Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment

Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment PDF Author: James F. Hogan
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Water Science and Application Series, Volume 9. Groundwater recharge, the flux of water across the water table, is arguably the most difficult component of the hydrologic cycle to measure. In arid and semiarid regions the problem is exacerbated by extremely small recharge fluxes that are highly variable in space and time. --from the Preface Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States speaks to these issues by presenting new interpretations and research after more than two decades of discipline-wide study. Discussions ondeveloping environmental tracers to fingerprint sources and amounts of groundwater at the basin scalethe critical role of vegetation in hydroecological processesnew geophysical methods in quantifying channel rechargeapplying Geographical Information System (GIS) models to land surface processescoupling process-based vadose zone to groundwater modeling, and more make this book a significant resource for hydmlogists, biogeoscientists, and geochemists concerned with water and water-related issues in arid and semiarid regions.