Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Bulgaria

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Bulgaria PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854552
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Languages : en
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As in previous years, the period of 2016-2017 does not mark any significant advances in the implementation of the NRIS. Improvements have been observed in the usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion (especially ESF and partly ERDF funds, while the engagement of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) remains problematic) and for education (especially in reducing early school leaving and increasing participation in different levels of education, although segregation remains a problem). Deterioration is obvious in the fields of governance (especially regarding the legitimacy of the National Roma Contact Point (NRCP) and the consultative process with civil society) and antigypsyism (with a significant rise in anti-Roma rhetoric, publications and even actions). Serious challenges, however, remain in all fields. The overall political context for Roma integration has encountered controversial developments over the last year. On the one hand, the parliamentary majority established both before and after the general elections in March 2017 and the governing coalition for the past eight months include nationalist parties known for their anti-Roma rhetoric. On the other hand, some current mainstream policies of the current Government have a real opportunity to accelerate Roma integration, especially in the field of education. The period of 2016-2017 marked the full collapse of the legitimacy of both the NRCP and the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues (NCCEII), which have been fully abandoned by the Roma NGOs and cannot implement their consultative and coordination roles. The policy dialogue between the Government and the Roma organisations is not terminated but occurs through other consultative formats (such as the Monitoring Committees of the EU co-funded Operational Programmes) and direct dialogue between NGOs and institutions. The usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion has increased significantly during this period. Combined with absent or low state budget investment and the crises of the NCCEII, this has gradually converted the use of these funds from technical means to ones that combine policy design and policy implementation.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Bulgaria

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Bulgaria PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854552
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Languages : en
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Book Description
As in previous years, the period of 2016-2017 does not mark any significant advances in the implementation of the NRIS. Improvements have been observed in the usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion (especially ESF and partly ERDF funds, while the engagement of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) remains problematic) and for education (especially in reducing early school leaving and increasing participation in different levels of education, although segregation remains a problem). Deterioration is obvious in the fields of governance (especially regarding the legitimacy of the National Roma Contact Point (NRCP) and the consultative process with civil society) and antigypsyism (with a significant rise in anti-Roma rhetoric, publications and even actions). Serious challenges, however, remain in all fields. The overall political context for Roma integration has encountered controversial developments over the last year. On the one hand, the parliamentary majority established both before and after the general elections in March 2017 and the governing coalition for the past eight months include nationalist parties known for their anti-Roma rhetoric. On the other hand, some current mainstream policies of the current Government have a real opportunity to accelerate Roma integration, especially in the field of education. The period of 2016-2017 marked the full collapse of the legitimacy of both the NRCP and the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues (NCCEII), which have been fully abandoned by the Roma NGOs and cannot implement their consultative and coordination roles. The policy dialogue between the Government and the Roma organisations is not terminated but occurs through other consultative formats (such as the Monitoring Committees of the EU co-funded Operational Programmes) and direct dialogue between NGOs and institutions. The usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion has increased significantly during this period. Combined with absent or low state budget investment and the crises of the NCCEII, this has gradually converted the use of these funds from technical means to ones that combine policy design and policy implementation.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Bulgaria

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Bulgaria PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083412
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Regarding Roma integration, the 2017-18 period is characterised by the collapse of the legitimacy of the National Roma Contact Point (NRCP) and the consultative process with civil society after an ultra-nationalist was appointed chair of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues. The main space for Roma-targeted policy and consultation on it is regarding the usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion (especially ESF funds, and ERDF funds in part). Important improvements have been observed in the field of education, especially in reducing early school leaving and increasing participation in different levels of education, while segregation remains a problem. Deterioration is obvious in the field of housing. Serious challenges, however, remain in all fields.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Bulgaria

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Bulgaria PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276207818
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Languages : en
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The year 2019 has marked a new pick in hate speech against Roma. Politicians and journalists got used to discuss the Roma topic as a means of provoking political and ethnic tension. The overall context was the May 2019 elections of members of the European Parliament and the local government elections in October/November 2019. The anti-Roma concept proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister Karakachanov is an indicative example in this direction. Based on one concrete conflict it leads to the escalation of many others.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Germany

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Germany PDF Author: Guillermo Ruiz Torres
ISBN: 9789279917912
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Languages : en
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Over the past ten years, policies aiming at the social inclusion of disadvantaged Sinti and Roma and at combating antigypsyism have been strengthened. An explanation for this development is manifold. First, the adoption of the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies has pushed the German government, regional and local authorities to strengthen measures. Second, a high proportion of citizens from Bulgaria and Romania – Roma and non-Roma – arriving in the cities are socially disadvantaged, resulting into social policy challenges. The cities have been reacting to these challenges. Third, the federal government strengthened programs of civic education which are supposed to counter the increasing right-wing extremist tendencies in the society. These policy developments have been pushed at the same time by Sinti and Roma organisations which have been fighting for decades for achieving changes in terms of non-discrimination and equal treatment. Since Sinti and Roma have been recognised as an autochthonous national minority in 1998, institutional settings have been established to address the minority affairs. In the Bundestag (the federal parliament), issues concerning Sinti and Roma are debated by a discussion group on ‘National Minorities’. Over the last two legislative terms, several parliamentary questions were submitted on the subject and parliamentary hearings have taken place. Just recently, in 2015, an Advisory Committee for Questions of German Sinti and Roma was established at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which is the National Roma Contact Point (NRCP). Nevertheless, the NRCP has no mandate to draft programmes or coordinate programmes with the federal states or local administrations. Ministries at federal and regional (Länder) level are responsible for programmes aiming at promoting the equal treatment and social integration of Sinti and Roma. Over the last five years, stronger investments have been done in measures aiming at equal treatment of Sinti and Roma. At federal level, programmes have been set up to promote the equal treatment and empowerment of disadvantaged Sinti and Roma, and to fight antigypsyism. Officially, data on ethnic origin is not collected in Germany. This has to do with the National Socialist persecution and murder of Jews, and Sinti and Roma. This position on data collection is shared by the Minority Council that represents the four autochthonous national minorities and ethnic groups in Germany. Sinti and Roma organisations are consulted by various public institutions at federal, regional and local level. Several regional states (Länder) have concluded agreements with Sinti and Roma organisations for a better safeguarding of their minority rights.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Quality of the National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Bulgaria

Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Quality of the National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Bulgaria PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789268007501
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The report aims to evaluate the process of preparation of the new Bulgarian NRSF, the extent and nature of participation of Roma and pro-Roma civil society, and the quality of this process. The report also assesses the new NRSF and its Action Plan from the perspective of its relevance regarding the needs of the Roma in Bulgaria, expected effectiveness, and alignment with the opportunities provided by the new EU Roma Framework.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Greece

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Greece PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279977398
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Languages : en
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Despite the positive developments of the period between 1995-2005, Roma inclusion in Greece has now returned to the bleak situation of the 1980s. Currently, most Greek Roma suffer from inequalities in the fields of housing, education, health care and employment due to their ethnic background, and they face discriminatory behaviour from state officials and the public.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Denmark

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Denmark PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083474
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In December 2012, Denmark presented the National Roma Inclusion Strategy (NRIS) in response to the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies adopted by the EC and the European Council in 2011. The Danish NRIS is not a strategy as such, rather, it is an integrated set of policy measures, but since the Danish Government and the EC refer to the document as the NRIS, this report continues to adopt this terminology. The Danish NRIS does not include specific programmes or measures for Roma in Denmark but states that Roma are included in broader national integration policies. Since the adoption of the NRIS, no Roma-targeted initiatives have been developed at governmental or municipal level. The Roma population in Denmark can largely be discussed in two categories, national Roma and other EU citizens of Roma origin. There are no official statistics on the national Roma population in Denmark since ethnic data is not recorded by Danish authorities and institutions. Estimations of the population size range between 1,500-10,000 national Roma in Denmark. The national Roma population is (again, roughly) comprised of migrant workers from the former Yugoslav republics who arrived in Denmark in the 1970s, as well as former refugees from the Yugoslav Wars and their families who arrived in the 1990s. In regards to other EU citizens of Roma origin, there are no official statistics on the numbers who reside in Denmark. There are currently no active Roma NGOs in Denmark and national organisations and institutions that work with human rights and the social inclusion of minorities do currently not have Roma-specific activities. Roma who hold national citizenship or permanent residency in Denmark are entitled to rights and state services on an equal footing with the majority population in Denmark. This includes access to public education, public health care, social housing, labour market assistance, etc. For this reason, the situation of the national Roma population in Denmark diverges significantly from the situation of Roma in other EU Member States, including in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, where many Roma live on the margins of society with little or no access to housing, quality education and labour market integration. This being said, there remains a need to investigate how this access that the national Roma population has to the four areas of concern unfolds in practice - and not only by way of law (de jure). There is a need for comprehensive insight into how Roma in Denmark experience their inclusion into Danish society in their everyday lives including whether and how they experience barriers related to employment, housing, health and education.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Latvia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Latvia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279977091
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Languages : en
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In recent years, at the political level no significant changes in regards to the representation of the Roma interests have taken place. The standard of living and integration of the Roma has somewhat improved; however, faster and more purposeful solution of the existing problems is being significantly slowed down by the lack of horizontal cooperation within ministries and government institutions. Barriers for the Roma integration in the labour market over the past few years have not decreased, which is the result of the lack of awareness about the impact of positive discrimination on the development of the community and the economic growth of the territory. The activity and willingness to participate in the activities implemented within state and EU programmes and projects is low. The Ministry of Culture is the responsible authority for the coordination of the national Roma integration policy planning and implementation, yet several line ministries have not been granted particular responsibilities in working with the Roma community. There are no purposeful programmes for the Roma as the direct target group; the existing EU and state programmes are directed to a wider target group, including the Roma, and the goal of such programmes is the inclusion of social risk groups and the elimination of discrimination. Positive is the tendency of the recent years in terms of the availability of state financial sources for the Roma civil society organizations.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Luxembourg

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Luxembourg PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276199557
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Languages : en
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Following the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 guidelines issues by EC in 2011, Luxembourg has opted for an integrated set of policy measures within broader social inclusion policies for implementing its equivalent of a National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS). To date, Luxembourg failed to report on the implementation of the NRIS. The EC available assessments from 2012 and 2014 were unable to indicate their impact in education, employment, health, housing, anti-discrimination and funding on Roma specifically. According to the government, ethnic data collection is forbidden and therefore all actions referenced in the integrated set of measures apply equally to all community citizens and their family members without any distinctions. According to the Council of Europe statistics, the Roma community in Luxembourg is very small in size (approx. 300 persons), but diverse and dispersed across the country. There is little to no data about the situation of Roma communities in Luxembourg; there are no registered Roma NGOs or community leaders to represent the interests of Roma communities at national level. When Luxembourg drafted its NRIS, no prior needs assessment or consultation with Roma representatives was conducted. In these conditions, the NRIS adoption appears as a formal compliance with the EU requirements, which cannot produce any real effect for the target group.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia PDF Author: Jarmila Lajcakova
ISBN: 9789276199007
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Languages : en
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The report focuses on access to sports, monitoring and evaluation of large-scale programmes and policies targeting mainstream. We have selected these areas because they either present blind spots in Roma inclusion policies or their importance and/or implementation is underestimated. These areas thus in our view, deserve significantly more attention in the post-2020 efforts to increase the impact of Roma inclusion policies.