Civic Education and Youth Political Participation

Civic Education and Youth Political Participation PDF Author: Murray Print
Publisher: Brill / Sense
ISBN: 9789460910234
Category : Citizenship
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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[E]xamines research into issues about the engagement of young people in politics and democracy and examines research on civic education applications and programs which may address concerns about youth political participation.--From publisher description.

Civic Education and Youth Political Participation

Civic Education and Youth Political Participation PDF Author: Murray Print
Publisher: Brill / Sense
ISBN: 9789460910234
Category : Citizenship
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
[E]xamines research into issues about the engagement of young people in politics and democracy and examines research on civic education applications and programs which may address concerns about youth political participation.--From publisher description.

Youth Civic and Political Engagement

Youth Civic and Political Engagement PDF Author: Martyn Barrett
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429655371
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 221

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What exactly is civic and political participation? What factors influence young people’s participation? How can we encourage youth to actively participate in their own democracies? Youth Civic and Political Engagement takes a multidisciplinary approach to answering these key questions, incorporating research in the fields of psychology, sociology, political science and education to explore the issues affecting youth civic and political engagement. Drawing on evidence that has been obtained in many different national contexts, and through multinational studies, this book provides a theoretical synthesis of this large and diverse body of research, using an integrative multi-level ecological model of youth engagement to do so. It identifies unresolved issues in the field and offers numerous suggestions for future research. Youth Civic and Political Engagement is an invaluable resource for researchers, teachers, youth workers, civil society activists, policymakers and politicians who wish to acquire an up-to-date understanding of the factors and processes that influence young people’s civic and political engagement, and how to promote youth engagement.

Young People, Citizenship and Political Participation

Young People, Citizenship and Political Participation PDF Author: Mark Chou
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1783489944
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 164

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Prominent studies and opinion polls often claim to show that young people distrust politicians, they are disengaged from political institutions, and are disillusioned about democracy. But academic work conversely shows that young people are engaging with politics, merely in new and innovative ways. Young People, Citizenship and Political Participation responds to the gap between the claims of these findings. It explores whether, and how, young people work with and against contemporary politics - at institutional and grassroots levels. It also examines the role of civics education in addressing this so-called crisis of democracy. Instead of seeing civics education as the solution, they offer an approach to civics that acknowledges the increasingly diverse ways in which young people are engaging politically.

Civic Education and Youth Political Participation

Civic Education and Youth Political Participation PDF Author:
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9460910254
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 211

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Why does it appear that many young people are disengaging from democracy and political participation? For many governments, politicians, academics, social commentators and researchers this is a serious and challenging problem. Consequently widespread interest exists on how to engage young people in politics and democracy. Civic education has re-emerged as a possible answer to this question, though not necessarily in the form in which it may be currently known. This book examines research into issues about the engagement of young people in politics and democracy and examines research on civic education applications and programs which may address concerns about youth political participation. Murray Print and Henry Milner are professors from the University of Sydney and the Universite de Montreal respectively. They have brought together a group of leading researchers exploring the relationship between political participation and civic education to examine this relationship in greater depth.

Activating the Citizen

Activating the Citizen PDF Author: J. DeBardeleben
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230240909
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 317

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The decline of citizen involvement affects two key elements of democratic government: elections and political parties. Activating the Citizen examines the reasons underlying citizen withdrawal and explores and assesses innovative approaches on both sides of the Atlantic to try to counter these phenomena.

Globalization and Children

Globalization and Children PDF Author: Natalie Hevener Kaufman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0306479257
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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ALLISON JAMES Globalization seems to be the word on everyone’s lips, with politicians as much as academics extolling its benefits as well as its contradictions. For some, globali- tion means, in practice, that whether in Bangkok or Boston, in London or Rio, as travelers from wealthy countries they can be sure to find the beer, the pizzas, and the jeans that they can at home; they can be both at home and away simulta- ously. For others, though, globalization has had rather different, often less bene- cial, consequences. In their everyday lives people have come to find themselves tied in, albeit in often unseen ways, into larger economic and political systems over which they have no control; yet these systems cause radical changes—often for the worse rather than the better—in the pattern of their daily lives. And it is those who have least voice whose lives are usually affected the most. In this book attention is drawn systematically—really for the first time—to a consideration of how processes of globalization variously impact upon the lives of children. Such an approach is not only most welcome in the field of childhood studies, but also long overdue. It will, at last, enable us to begin to contextualize in a broader framework some of the many issues to do with ch- dren’s rights and participation which have long been discussed as separate and discrete issues within childhood studies.

Political and Civic Engagement

Political and Civic Engagement PDF Author: Martyn Barrett
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317635280
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 640

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Based upon a three-year multi-disciplinary international research project, Political and Civic Participation examines the interplay of factors affecting civic and political engagement and participation across different generations, nations and ethnic groups, and the shifting variety of forms that participation can take. The book draws upon an extensive body of data to answer the following key questions: Why do many citizens fail to vote in elections? Why are young people turning increasingly to street demonstrations, charitable activities, consumer activism and social media to express their political and civic views? What are the barriers which hinder political participation by women, ethnic minorities and migrants? How can greater levels of engagement with public issues be encouraged among all citizens? Together, the chapters in this volume provide a comprehensive overview of current understandings of the factors and processes which influence citizens’ patterns of political and civic engagement. They also present a set of evidence-based recommendations for policy, practice and intervention that can be used by political and civil society actors to enhance levels of engagement, particularly among youth, women, ethnic minorities and migrants. Political and Civic Participation provides an invaluable resource for all those who are concerned with citizens’ levels of engagement, including: researchers and academics across the social sciences; politicians and political institutions; media professionals; educational professionals and schools; youth workers and education NGOs; and leaders of ethnic minority and migrant organizations and communities.

Making Young Voters

Making Young Voters PDF Author: John B. Holbein
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108488420
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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The solution to youth voter turnout requires focus on helping young people follow through on their political interests and intentions.

Political Socialization of Youth

Political Socialization of Youth PDF Author: Janette Habashi
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137475234
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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This book increases the awareness of youth political agency and how it relates to adults, governments, communities, and local and global discourse. It reveals the complexity of youth’s political lives as it intersects with social identifiers such as location, gender, and political status, and interacts with neoliberal discourse embedded in media, local politics, education, and religious idioms. This book fills a gap in existing research to provide a body of literature on the political socialization and its manifestation in youth political agency. The research findings aid in understanding the abilities of youth to reason, reflect upon, articulate, and act upon their political views. This research is not only pertinent to children in Palestine, but can also be applied to children living everywhere as global discourse of oppression is not limited to a location, age or a group.

The Networked Young Citizen

The Networked Young Citizen PDF Author: Brian D. Loader
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131769693X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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The future engagement of young citizens from a wide range of socio-economic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds in democratic politics remains a crucial concern for academics, policy-makers, civics teachers and youth workers around the world. At a time when the negative relationship between socio-economic inequality and levels of political participation is compounded by high youth unemployment or precarious employment in many countries, it is not surprising that new social media communications may be seen as a means to re-engage young citizens. This edited collection explores the influence of social media, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, upon the participatory culture of young citizens. This collection, comprising contributions from a number of leading international scholars in this field, examines such themes as the possible effects of social media use upon patterns of political socialization; the potential of social media to ameliorate young people’s political inequality; the role of social media communications for enhancing the civic education curriculum; and evidence for social media manifesting new forms of political engagement and participation by young citizens. These issues are considered from a number of theoretical and methodological approaches but all attempt to move beyond simplistic notions of young people as an undifferentiated category of ‘the internet generation’.