Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos PDF Author: Steven H. Strogatz
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429961111
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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Book Description
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos PDF Author: Steven H. Strogatz
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429961111
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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Book Description
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors.

Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos

Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos PDF Author: Stephen Wiggins
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387217495
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 860

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Book Description
This introduction to applied nonlinear dynamics and chaos places emphasis on teaching the techniques and ideas that will enable students to take specific dynamical systems and obtain some quantitative information about their behavior. The new edition has been updated and extended throughout, and contains a detailed glossary of terms. From the reviews: "Will serve as one of the most eminent introductions to the geometric theory of dynamical systems." --Monatshefte für Mathematik

Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics

Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics PDF Author: Michael Tabor
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Presents the newer field of chaos in nonlinear dynamics as a natural extension of classical mechanics as treated by differential equations. Employs Hamiltonian systems as the link between classical and nonlinear dynamics, emphasizing the concept of integrability. Also discusses nonintegrable dynamics, the fundamental KAM theorem, integrable partial differential equations, and soliton dynamics.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos PDF Author: J. M. T. Thompson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780471876847
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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Book Description
Ein angesehener Bestseller - jetzt in der 2.aktualisierten Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet nichtlinearer Dynamik und Chaos, einem der am schnellsten wachsenden Teilgebiete der Mathematik. Die seit der ersten Auflage hinzugekommenen Erkenntnisse sind in einem zusätzlichen Kapitel übersichtlich zusammengefasst.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Chaos

Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Chaos PDF Author: Sandro Wimberger
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331906343X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 215

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Book Description
The field of nonlinear dynamics and chaos has grown very much over the last few decades and is becoming more and more relevant in different disciplines. This book presents a clear and concise introduction to the field of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, suitable for graduate students in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, and in natural sciences in general. It provides a thorough and modern introduction to the concepts of Hamiltonian dynamical systems' theory combining in a comprehensive way classical and quantum mechanical description. It covers a wide range of topics usually not found in similar books. Motivations of the respective subjects and a clear presentation eases the understanding. The book is based on lectures on classical and quantum chaos held by the author at Heidelberg University. It contains exercises and worked examples, which makes it ideal for an introductory course for students as well as for researchers starting to work in the field.

An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos

An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos PDF Author: John H. Argyris
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3662460424
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 884

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Book Description
This book is conceived as a comprehensive and detailed text-book on non-linear dynamical systems with particular emphasis on the exploration of chaotic phenomena. The self-contained introductory presentation is addressed both to those who wish to study the physics of chaotic systems and non-linear dynamics intensively as well as those who are curious to learn more about the fascinating world of chaotic phenomena. Basic concepts like Poincaré section, iterated mappings, Hamiltonian chaos and KAM theory, strange attractors, fractal dimensions, Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation theory, self-similarity and renormalisation and transitions to chaos are thoroughly explained. To facilitate comprehension, mathematical concepts and tools are introduced in short sub-sections. The text is supported by numerous computer experiments and a multitude of graphical illustrations and colour plates emphasising the geometrical and topological characteristics of the underlying dynamics. This volume is a completely revised and enlarged second edition which comprises recently obtained research results of topical interest, and has been extended to include a new section on the basic concepts of probability theory. A completely new chapter on fully developed turbulence presents the successes of chaos theory, its limitations as well as future trends in the development of complex spatio-temporal structures. "This book will be of valuable help for my lectures" Hermann Haken, Stuttgart "This text-book should not be missing in any introductory lecture on non-linear systems and deterministic chaos" Wolfgang Kinzel, Würzburg “This well written book represents a comprehensive treatise on dynamical systems. It may serve as reference book for the whole field of nonlinear and chaotic systems and reports in a unique way on scientific developments of recent decades as well as important applications.” Joachim Peinke, Institute of Physics, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives PDF Author: Marco Thiel
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642046290
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Book Description
This book is a collection of papers contributed by some of the greatest names in the areas of chaos and nonlinear dynamics. Each paper examines a research topic at the frontier of the area of dynamical systems. As well as reviewing recent results, each paper also discusses the future perspectives of each topic. The result is an invaluable snapshot of the state of the ?eld by some of the most important researchers in the area. The ?rst contribution in this book (the section entitled “How did you get into Chaos?”) is actually not a paper, but a collection of personal accounts by a number of participants of the conference held in Aberdeen in September 2007 to honour Celso Grebogi’s 60th birthday. At the instigation of James Yorke, many of the most well-known scientists in the area agreed to share their tales on how they got involved in chaos during a celebratory dinner in Celso’s honour during the conference. This was recorded in video, we felt that these accounts were a valuable historic document for the ?eld. So we decided to transcribe it and include it here as the ?rst section of the book.

Chaos and Complexity in Psychology

Chaos and Complexity in Psychology PDF Author: Stephen J. Guastello
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139867261
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 1020

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Book Description
While many books have discussed methodological advances in nonlinear dynamical systems theory (NDS), this volume is unique in its focus on NDS's role in the development of psychological theory. After an introductory chapter covering the fundamentals of chaos, complexity and other nonlinear dynamics, subsequent chapters provide in-depth coverage of each of the specific topic areas in psychology. A concluding chapter takes stock of the field as a whole, evaluating important challenges for the immediate future. The chapters are written by experts in the use of NDS in each of their respective areas, including biological, cognitive, developmental, social, organizational and clinical psychology. Each chapter provides an in-depth examination of theoretical foundations and specific applications and a review of relevant methods. This edited collection represents the state of the art in NDS science across the disciplines of psychology.

Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering -

Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering - PDF Author: Santo Banerjee
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642219217
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 349

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Book Description
Chaos and nonlinear dynamics initially developed as a new emergent field with its foundation in physics and applied mathematics. The highly generic, interdisciplinary quality of the insights gained in the last few decades has spawned myriad applications in almost all branches of science and technology—and even well beyond. Wherever quantitative modeling and analysis of complex, nonlinear phenomena is required, chaos theory and its methods can play a key role. This volume concentrates on reviewing the most relevant contemporary applications of chaotic nonlinear systems as they apply to the various cutting-edge branches of engineering. The book covers the theory as applied to robotics, electronic and communication engineering (for example chaos synchronization and cryptography) as well as to civil and mechanical engineering, where its use in damage monitoring and control is explored). Featuring contributions from active and leading research groups, this collection is ideal both as a reference and as a ‘recipe book’ full of tried and tested, successful engineering applications

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos PDF Author: Henk W Broer
Publisher: Birkhäuser
ISBN: 9783034875202
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 463

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Symmetries in dynamical systems, "KAM theory and other perturbation theories", "Infinite dimensional systems", "Time series analysis" and "Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis" were the main topics of the December 1995 Dynamical Systems Conference held in Groningen in honour of Johann Bernoulli. They now form the core of this work which seeks to present the state of the art in various branches of the theory of dynamical systems. A number of articles have a survey character whereas others deal with recent results in current research. It contains interesting material for all members of the dynamical systems community, ranging from geometric and analytic aspects from a mathematical point of view to applications in various sciences.