Carnival China: China In The Era Of Hu Jintao And Xi Jinping

Carnival China: China In The Era Of Hu Jintao And Xi Jinping PDF Author: Kerry Brown
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 1783264268
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Book Description
With Foreword by John KeaneThe era of the Chinese leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao was one in which China became richer, more powerful, more prominent and more vexed. This series of essays, originally published on the Open Democracy website between 2006 and 2013, attempts to make sense of the cultural, political and economic dynamics within which China operates. They deal with internal and external matters, and cover a range of topics, from the fall out over the award of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo to the build-up in 2008 to the Beijing Olympics. Furnished with a comprehensive introduction which sets out an assessment of where China was heading in the first and second decades of the 21st century, the essays encompass voices from the political elite, the migrant labourers and the complex patchwork of groups, people and interests that constitute a rising China whose influence is now felt across the world. Carnival China is a celebration of the confusion, dynamism and colour of China, presented through short essays which were written at the time key events happened and which capture and analyse the country's contradictions and complexities.

Carnival China: China In The Era Of Hu Jintao And Xi Jinping

Carnival China: China In The Era Of Hu Jintao And Xi Jinping PDF Author: Kerry Brown
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 1783264268
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Book Description
With Foreword by John KeaneThe era of the Chinese leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao was one in which China became richer, more powerful, more prominent and more vexed. This series of essays, originally published on the Open Democracy website between 2006 and 2013, attempts to make sense of the cultural, political and economic dynamics within which China operates. They deal with internal and external matters, and cover a range of topics, from the fall out over the award of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo to the build-up in 2008 to the Beijing Olympics. Furnished with a comprehensive introduction which sets out an assessment of where China was heading in the first and second decades of the 21st century, the essays encompass voices from the political elite, the migrant labourers and the complex patchwork of groups, people and interests that constitute a rising China whose influence is now felt across the world. Carnival China is a celebration of the confusion, dynamism and colour of China, presented through short essays which were written at the time key events happened and which capture and analyse the country's contradictions and complexities.

Online Society in China

Online Society in China PDF Author: David Kurt Herold
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1136808868
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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This book discusses the rich and varied culture of China's online society, and its impact on offline China. It argues that the Internet in China is a separate 'space', and is more than merely a technological or media extension of offline Chinese society.

Online Society in China

Online Society in China PDF Author: David Kurt Herold
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113680885X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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Book Description
This book discusses the rich and varied culture of China's online society, and its impact on offline China. It argues that the internet in China is a separate 'space' in which individuals and institutions emerge and interact. While offline and online spaces are connected and influence each other, the Chinese internet is more than merely a technological or media extension of offline Chinese society. Instead of following existing studies by locating online China in offline society, the contributors in this book discuss the carnival of the Chinese internet on its own terms. Examining the complex relationship between government officials and the people using the Internet in China, this book demonstrates that culture is highly influential in how technology is used. Discussing a wide range of different activities, the contributors examine what Chinese people actually do on the internet, and how their actions can be interpreted within the online society they are creating.

Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in China

Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in China PDF Author: Michael Keane
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1782549862
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 575

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Book Description
China is at the crux of reforming, professionalising, and internationalising its cultural and creative industries. These industries are at the forefront of China's move towards the status of a developed country. In this comprehensive Handbook, international experts including leading Mainland scholars examine the background to China's cultural and creative industries as well as the challenges ahead. The chapters represent the cutting-edge of scholarship, setting out the future directions of culture, creativity and innovation in China. Combining interdisciplinary approaches with contemporary social and economic theory, the contributors examine developments in art, cultural tourism, urbanism, digital media, e-commerce, fashion and architectural design, publishing, film, television, animation, documentary, music and festivals. Students of Chinese culture and society will find this Handbook to be an invaluable resource. Scholars working on topics related to China's emergence and its cultural aspirations will also find the themes discussed in this book to be of interest. Contributors:R. Bai, M. Cheung, Y. Chu, P. Chung, J. Dai, J. De Kloet, A.Y.H. Fung, L. Gorfinkel, M. Guo, E.C. Hendriks, C.M. Herr, V. Ho, Y. Huang, M. Keane, W. Lei, H. Li, W. Li, Y. Li, W. Lei, B. Liboriussen, T. Lindgren, R. Ma, L. Montgomery, E. Priest, Z. Qiu, X. Ren, F. Schneider, W. Sun, M.A. Ulfstjerne, J. Wang, Q. Wang, C. Hing-Yuk Wong, H. Wu, B. Yecies, L. Yi, N. Yi, X. Zhang, E.J. Zhao, J. Zheng

China in the Era of Social Media

China in the Era of Social Media PDF Author: Junhao Hong
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 179360875X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 381

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China in the Era of Social Media discusses how social media is changing the world in an unprecedented way through speed, scope, and depth. In the last decade or so, social media in China has witnessed the most explosive growth in the world. Being the most populous nation in the world, it has the most social media users in the world as well. This book examines the current situation and unique characteristics of Chinese social media, the significance of social media in the country’s social transformation, and particularly its influences on political change in the nation. The main goal of this book is to explore how social media has been affecting and thus changing China’s political system, the ruling communist ideology, and the state-run media, as well as its public discourse and public opinions. Scholars of Asian studies, political science, and communications will find this book particularly interesting.

The Myth of China’s No Strings Attached Development Assistance

The Myth of China’s No Strings Attached Development Assistance PDF Author: Theodor Tudoroiu
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1793603235
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 235

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Using a Caribbean case study and a Constructivist theoretical approach, The Myth of China’s No Strings Attached Development Assistance shows that the frequently mentioned “no strings attached” nature of China’s development assistance to its partners in the Global South is nothing more than a myth. This claim is supported by empirical data from Trinidad and Tobago and by comparisons with similar situations in Africa and Latin America. On their basis, the authors propose a critical re-reading of a reality that many scholars are accustomed to watch through the reassuring but distorting lens of academic routine. Despite contrary claims in the literature, Beijing’s development assistance to the Commonwealth Caribbean states is accompanied by clear political, economic, and social conditionalities. Through them, China is constructing a cognitive and normative space conducive to a new regional order that should be politically friendly, economically profitable, and socially open to its government, companies, and citizens.

Craziness and Carnival in Neo-Noir Chinese Cinema

Craziness and Carnival in Neo-Noir Chinese Cinema PDF Author: Harry H. Kuoshu
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030730816
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 167

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Craziness and Carnival in Neo-Noir Chinese Cinema offers an in-depth discussion of the “stone phenomenon” in Chinese film production and cinematic discourses triggered by the extraordinary success of the 2006 low-budget film, Crazy Stone. Surveying the nuanced implications of the film noir genre, Harry Kuoshu argues that global neo noir maintains a mediascape of references, borrowings, and re-workings and explores various social and cultural issues that constitute this Chinese episode of neo noir. Combining literary explorations of carnival, postmodernism, and post-socialism, Kuoshu advocates for neo noir as a cultural phenomenon that connects filmmakers, film critics, and film audiences rather than an industrial genre.

Clothing, Food, and Travel

Clothing, Food, and Travel PDF Author: Liu Xiaoyi
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000961559
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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This book explores the material and cultural history of the Ming Dynasty based on the Chinese magnum opus Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan (literally, The Story of a Marital Fate to Awaken the World), written under the pseudonym of the seventeenth-century writer Xizhou Sheng. The novel weaves into its narrative, through the characters' personalities and the events it illustrates, important details of Ming material life. Through the literary snapshot of the Ming material culture as reflected in Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan, this work investigates the practices and customs of clothing, food, and travel, three of the "four major concerns of the people's livelihoods," known as yishizhuxing in Chinese. While frequenting economic dimensions and probing the impact that Ming politics had on the ethos and social economy of the period, it sheds significant light on folk customs, legal and religious practices, and the status of women, among other issues. This work aims to enrich the current Western scholarship, done primarily by Timothy Brook, Craig Clunas, and Glen Dudbridge, on Ming material culture. The book will be of great value to students and scholars of East Asian Studies, Chinese literature, and those interested in the history of material culture in general.

Mandarin Brazil

Mandarin Brazil PDF Author: Ana Paulina Lee
Publisher: Stanford University Press
ISBN: 1503606023
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 293

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In Mandarin Brazil, Ana Paulina Lee explores the centrality of Chinese exclusion to the Brazilian nation-building project, tracing the role of cultural representation in producing racialized national categories. Lee considers depictions of Chineseness in Brazilian popular music, literature, and visual culture, as well as archival documents and Brazilian and Qing dynasty diplomatic correspondence about opening trade and immigration routes between Brazil and China. In so doing, she reveals how Asian racialization helped to shape Brazil's image as a racial democracy. Mandarin Brazil begins during the second half of the nineteenth century, during the transitional period when enslaved labor became unfree labor—an era when black slavery shifted to "yellow labor" and racial anxieties surged. Lee asks how colonial paradigms of racial labor became a part of Brazil's nation-building project, which prioritized "whitening," a fundamentally white supremacist ideology that intertwined the colonial racial caste system with new immigration labor schemes. By considering why Chinese laborers were excluded from Brazilian nation-building efforts while Japanese migrants were welcomed, Lee interrogates how Chinese and Japanese imperial ambitions and Asian ethnic supremacy reinforced Brazil's whitening project. Mandarin Brazil contributes to a new conversation in Latin American and Asian American cultural studies, one that considers Asian diasporic histories and racial formation across the Americas.

Struggling Giant

Struggling Giant PDF Author: Kerry Brown
Publisher: Anthem Press
ISBN: 0857287036
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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‘Struggling Giant’ explores the future of this emerging economic powerhouse and what the next two decades might bring in the critical areas of the environment, economy and political stability.