California Transportation Law

California Transportation Law PDF Author: Jeremy G. March
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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California Transportation Law

California Transportation Law PDF Author: Jeremy G. March
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Rights in Transit

Rights in Transit PDF Author: Kafui Ablode Attoh
Publisher: University of Georgia Press
ISBN: 0820354228
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Is public transportation a right? Should it be? For those reliant on public transit, the answer is invariably “yes” to both. Indeed, when city officials propose slashing service or raising fares, it is these riders who are often the first to appear at that officials’ door demanding their “right” to more service. Rights in Transit starts from the presumption that such riders are justified. For those who lack other means of mobility, transit is a lifeline. It offers access to many of the entitlements we take as essential: food, employment, and democratic public life itself. While accepting transit as a right, this book also suggests that there remains a desperate need to think critically, both about what is meant by a right and about the types of rights at issue when public transportation is threatened. Drawing on a detailed case study of the various struggles that have come to define public transportation in California’s East Bay, Rights in Transit offers a direct challenge to contemporary scholarship on transportation equity. Rather than focusing on civil rights alone, Rights in Transit argues for engaging the more radical notion of the right to the city.

Transportation Law Manual

Transportation Law Manual PDF Author: United States. General Accounting Office. Office of the General Counsel
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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California Style Manual

California Style Manual PDF Author: Bernard Ernest Witkin
Category : Annotations and citations (Law)
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Roadside Design Guide

Roadside Design Guide PDF Author:
Publisher: Amer Assn of State Hwy
ISBN: 9781560510314
Category : Bridge railings
Languages : en
Pages : 352

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This document presents a synthesis of current information and operating practices related to roadside safety and is developed in metric units. The roadside is defined as that area beyond the traveled way (driving lanes) and the shoulder (if any) of the roadway itself. The focus of this guide is on safety treatments that minimize the likelihood of serious injuries when a driver runs off the road. This guide replaces the 1989 AASHTO "Roadside Design Guide."

Community Impact Assessment

Community Impact Assessment PDF Author:
Category : Highway planning
Languages : en
Pages : 44

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This guide was written as a quick primer for transportation professionals and analysts who assess the impacts of proposed transportation actions on communities. It outlines the community impact assessment process, highlights critical areas that must be examined, identifies basic tools and information sources, and stimulates the thought-process related to individual projects. In the past, the consequences of transportation investments on communities have often been ignored or introduced near the end of a planning process, reducing them to reactive considerations at best. The goals of this primer are to increase awareness of the effects of transportation actions on the human environment and emphasize that community impacts deserve serious attention in project planning and development-attention comparable to that given the natural environment. Finally, this guide is intended to provide some tips for facilitating public involvement in the decision making process.

Labor Disputes Act

Labor Disputes Act PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Labor
Category : Collective bargaining
Languages : en
Pages : 412

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Considers legislation to create a permanent National Labor Relations Board; to promote collective bargaining between employers and employees; and to prevent certain unfair labor practices.

Flagging Handbook

Flagging Handbook PDF Author: United States. Federal Highway Administration
Category : Roads
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Instructor's Behind-the-wheel Guide for California's Bus Driver's Training Course

Instructor's Behind-the-wheel Guide for California's Bus Driver's Training Course PDF Author: California. State Department of Education
Publisher: Hippocrene Books
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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Intended to help produce safe, competent California school bus drivers, this document contains instructor's materials for a bus driver education course with eight sequential skill levels, including a final appraisal. The first section contains the curriculum's purpose and objectives, the California standards for a state-certified bus driver instructor, the California standards for a delegated behind-the-wheel trainer, and general guidelines for selection of training sites. In addition, information is provided on vehicle inspection training, brake system inspection training, and undercarriage training. Copies of a driver's inspection report and a driver's performance review also appear. Each of the next eight sections contain materials for one of the following skill levels: (1) basic vehicle familiarization; (2) precision training in vehicle movement and driving fundamentals; (3) transmission control and shifting procedures; (4) general defensive driving techniques; (5) specialized defensive driving techniques; (6) passenger loading and unloading procedures; (7) emergency procedures; and (8) final appraisal. The first seven sections each contain a table of contents, purpose and objectives, a note to the instructor, a glossary of terms, an outline of content to be taught, and a sheet on which the instructor can record the trainee's demonstrated competence at each task covered. The final appraisal section includes the purpose and objectives of the appraisal, advice to instructors on being tough but fair, final appraisal procedures, and a form on which to document the final appraisal. (CML)

California Torts

California Torts PDF Author: Neil M. Levy
Category : Torts
Languages : en
Pages : 1100

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