Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 107

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SOMMAIRE Page Borislav Milojković: Graphische Bestimmung des Ungleichför­migkeitsgrades aus der stark statischen C-Kurve 1 Kosara Jojić: Diagonal Stiffening of simply supported Square-Plate submitted to shearing Stresses . ................................................................................. 5 M. Mesarović: Circle Diagrams and moment Diagrams of a monophase Selsyn......................................................................................................................... 11 Vukan Dešić: An Estimate of the production Results by an analysis of characteristic Factors ............................................................................................. 19 Miroslav N. Nestorović: Piston Mechanism with rotary and oscil­latory Motion 27 Ž a r к о Popović: Determination of the possible Cases of Gradings at the telephone Selecters Outlets................................................................................. 33 N. M. Obradović: La turbine ST 1950 .............................................................. 35 Pavle Stanković: Bestimmung des Verformungswiderstandes bei Herstellung von Zahnrädern durch plastische Verformung........................................ 39 L. E s с a n d e et R. Huron: Stabilité de deux chambres d’équilibre respectivement solidaires des canaux d’amenée et de fuite...................................... 41 Ž.Vladisavljevic: Invariant Relations of the Penstock 53 Ž. V 1 a d I s a v lj e v i ć: A Contribution to the Designing of an econo­mical Penstock 54 Ž. Vladisavljević: The Computation of the Force produced by the Collision of an Асе-Flow with a river Obstacle.................................... 55 Ž. V1 я d i s a v 1 j e v i t: The optimum harvest Yield obtained when an irrigation System is used............................................................................................ 56 » M. Ivković: A case of an axially symmetrical Stress................................................ 57 V. Jevdjevich and L. Levin: Entrapment of Air in flowing Water and technical Problems connected with it........................................................ 59 В. К n e ž e v i ć and G. Bata: Some Observations on density Currents in the Laboratory and in the Field ............................................................................. 61 L. Levin et M. V о j n о v І ć : ♦ Rôle de la distorsion sur certains modèles d’hydraulique maritime à fond mobile........................................................... 63 М. P e ć i n a r: A Method for Estimating the Capacity of Wells in porous Sediments along Rivers.............................................................................................. 65 Milan Trbojevich: The Rational Form of gear Teeth 67 Dusan Veličkovic: Détermination des pertes de la chaleur de la chaudière de locomotive par refroidissement............................................................. 69 M. Ž. Vujić: Comparison between the reciprocating, turbo-prop and turbo-jet Engines made on the Basis of the weight-to-power Ratio . . 81 Marcel Véron: Théorie du fonctionnement des échangeurs méthodi­ques à enveloppe de vapeur 83 M. Djordjević: Gemischbildung und Verbrennung im Dieselmotor. Möglichkeit weiterer Entwicklung dieser Prozesse im Dieselmotor . . 97 S. D о b г о s a v 1 y e v i t с h: La possibilité de perfectionnement dans le domaine des moteurs à combustion interne............................... 99 " M. Zivković: Membranengeber für elektro-pneumatischen Indikator „Farnboro“ .......................................................................................................... 101 M. Zivković und M. Radotić: Analyse der Verbesserungsmö­glichkeiten der Charakteristiken einheimischer Dieselmotoren Aran-420 103 V. Zloković: Problème de régulation de la tension de l’alternateur sans emploi du régulateur automatique pour le prototype de la turbine hydraulique rurale ST 1950 ne possédant aucun régulateur de vitesse 105 Dragomir L. Malić: Can classical Formulations of the second Law of Thermodynamics be universally applied?....................................................... 107 M i 1 о š Ž. Vujić: Theoretical Possibilities for increasing heat Transfer to Oil in internal combustion Engines . . . * . . ... . . . 111 Ante Kalinić: Schwingungsdämpfung bei Messungen des Brennstof- ferbrauchs bei Dieselmotoren . .................................... ............................... . 113 Jovan S. Djurić: On multiple-valued Functions and Sommerfeld’s „Surface Wave“...................................................... ........... 115


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 107

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SOMMAIRE Page Borislav Milojković: Graphische Bestimmung des Ungleichför­migkeitsgrades aus der stark statischen C-Kurve 1 Kosara Jojić: Diagonal Stiffening of simply supported Square-Plate submitted to shearing Stresses . ................................................................................. 5 M. Mesarović: Circle Diagrams and moment Diagrams of a monophase Selsyn......................................................................................................................... 11 Vukan Dešić: An Estimate of the production Results by an analysis of characteristic Factors ............................................................................................. 19 Miroslav N. Nestorović: Piston Mechanism with rotary and oscil­latory Motion 27 Ž a r к о Popović: Determination of the possible Cases of Gradings at the telephone Selecters Outlets................................................................................. 33 N. M. Obradović: La turbine ST 1950 .............................................................. 35 Pavle Stanković: Bestimmung des Verformungswiderstandes bei Herstellung von Zahnrädern durch plastische Verformung........................................ 39 L. E s с a n d e et R. Huron: Stabilité de deux chambres d’équilibre respectivement solidaires des canaux d’amenée et de fuite...................................... 41 Ž.Vladisavljevic: Invariant Relations of the Penstock 53 Ž. V 1 a d I s a v lj e v i ć: A Contribution to the Designing of an econo­mical Penstock 54 Ž. Vladisavljević: The Computation of the Force produced by the Collision of an Асе-Flow with a river Obstacle.................................... 55 Ž. V1 я d i s a v 1 j e v i t: The optimum harvest Yield obtained when an irrigation System is used............................................................................................ 56 » M. Ivković: A case of an axially symmetrical Stress................................................ 57 V. Jevdjevich and L. Levin: Entrapment of Air in flowing Water and technical Problems connected with it........................................................ 59 В. К n e ž e v i ć and G. Bata: Some Observations on density Currents in the Laboratory and in the Field ............................................................................. 61 L. Levin et M. V о j n о v І ć : ♦ Rôle de la distorsion sur certains modèles d’hydraulique maritime à fond mobile........................................................... 63 М. P e ć i n a r: A Method for Estimating the Capacity of Wells in porous Sediments along Rivers.............................................................................................. 65 Milan Trbojevich: The Rational Form of gear Teeth 67 Dusan Veličkovic: Détermination des pertes de la chaleur de la chaudière de locomotive par refroidissement............................................................. 69 M. Ž. Vujić: Comparison between the reciprocating, turbo-prop and turbo-jet Engines made on the Basis of the weight-to-power Ratio . . 81 Marcel Véron: Théorie du fonctionnement des échangeurs méthodi­ques à enveloppe de vapeur 83 M. Djordjević: Gemischbildung und Verbrennung im Dieselmotor. Möglichkeit weiterer Entwicklung dieser Prozesse im Dieselmotor . . 97 S. D о b г о s a v 1 y e v i t с h: La possibilité de perfectionnement dans le domaine des moteurs à combustion interne............................... 99 " M. Zivković: Membranengeber für elektro-pneumatischen Indikator „Farnboro“ .......................................................................................................... 101 M. Zivković und M. Radotić: Analyse der Verbesserungsmö­glichkeiten der Charakteristiken einheimischer Dieselmotoren Aran-420 103 V. Zloković: Problème de régulation de la tension de l’alternateur sans emploi du régulateur automatique pour le prototype de la turbine hydraulique rurale ST 1950 ne possédant aucun régulateur de vitesse 105 Dragomir L. Malić: Can classical Formulations of the second Law of Thermodynamics be universally applied?....................................................... 107 M i 1 о š Ž. Vujić: Theoretical Possibilities for increasing heat Transfer to Oil in internal combustion Engines . . . * . . ... . . . 111 Ante Kalinić: Schwingungsdämpfung bei Messungen des Brennstof- ferbrauchs bei Dieselmotoren . .................................... ............................... . 113 Jovan S. Djurić: On multiple-valued Functions and Sommerfeld’s „Surface Wave“...................................................... ........... 115


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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TABLE DES MATIERES 1. G. Stefanovie, A. Miljkovie and D. Miljkovie — Synthesis of Some Alicyclic Amino- and Hydroxy-Acids, and their Tuberculostatic Activity . 2. Bojana Grujie-Injac, G. Stefanovie and S. Lajie — Supplement to the Study of the Sexual Feromone of the Gypsy Moth (Lumantria dispar L) 7 3. Bojana Grujie-Injac, Desanka Kolarski and Dj. Stefanovie — The Chemical Investigation of the Proteins From the Oak (Evernia Prunastri) and the Isiandic (Centraria Islandica) Lichens. I. Determination of Amino Acids and Soluble Proteins 9 4. Milovan R. Gajte — Die Variabilitat der Centaurea nervosa Wilid . . 13 5. Bot'idar P. M. Curcio — Le sous-genre Globochthonius Beier 1931 (Chthoniidae, Pseudoscorpiones); considerations taxonomiques et implications biogeographiques 21 6. Milutin Stefanovit' and Vera Kolb — Configurations and Conformations of the Synthesized Isomeric Indolizine Steroids . . 29 7. M. Stefanovie, A. Jokie, A. Behbud and D. Jeremie — New Sesquiterpenic Lactones from Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. 8-Cetoxy-3-oxo-Pseudoguaian- 6, 12-Olicle and 4-Hydroxy-3-oxo-Pseudoguaian-6, 12-Glide 43 8. Giorgje Stefanovie and Gjorgje Petrovie Acroleinacetals and Their Derivatives (II). The Structure and Isomerisation of Glycerol Acetals 33 9. H. W. Flagel (Graz): Ein Fund von Peronidella baloghi Fliigel im Ober-Perm West-Serbiens . . 75 10. Miodrag RoksandiC — Application of Results of Geophysical Explorations in Studying of Structural Features and Evolution of Dinarides 77 11. E. N. Dobrocvetov — An Empirical Relationship Between Specific Gravity and Average Distance Between Elecronic Shells in Metal Ions 12. M. Lj. Mihailovie, J. Bo:snjak and Z. Cekovio — Factors Influencing the Stereochemistry of the Fragmentation Products Formed in the Lead Tetraacetate and Related Oxidations of the Diastereomeric 4-t-Butylcyclohexanemethanols and the Corresponding 4-t-Butylcyclonexanecarboxylic Acids 1, 2 . 91 13. Dj. Siefanovie and Vidosava Djurdjio — An Investigation of Lipids From Lumbricus terrestris. I — Investigation of Hydrocarbon Fraction ........... . • • • 103 14. Virgil Ianoviei et Mircea Borow (Bucarest) — La geologie, le volganisme neogene et la metallogenie associee dans les Monts Apuseni 117 15. M. V. 8uNO and Dragica M. Mimic — An Electrochemical Investigation of the Ti(IV)-DTPA Complexes . 131 16. Milenko V. 8u§ie and Miroslava Dojeinovie — A pH-Metric Study of Formation of the Complex Compounds of Ti(IV) With the Complexones CyDTA and EGTA . . 139 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 31

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TABLE DES MATIÈRES 1. M. Nenadović — Propeller Selection Problem for Aircraft Power Plants . 1 2. Антон Д. Билимович — О равномерном разделении сферической поверх­ ности ........................................................................................................ 15 3. N. М. Obradović and D. М. Obradović — A Contribution to the Design of Ra­ dial Centrifugal Pumps ...................................................................... 17 4. M. Nenadović — Equation of Elastic Displacements in Applications ... 25 S. Dobrosavljević — Ein neuer Schritt im Kraftfahrzeugmotorenbau ... 33 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 66

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TABLE DES MATIÈRES 1. G. S. Milić — A Contribution "to the Problem of Relationship Between Fluvial Plattforms and Tectonic Movements....................................... 1 2. S. Gelineo — Metabolic Adaptation of Lizards to the Thermal Environment 3 3. S. Grozdanić und A. Stevanović — Beobachtungen an einer Kolonie von Anthophora parietina Fabr. (.Hymenoptera).......................................... 19 4. S. Grozdanić und Olga Baranov — Die Körperstellungen der Tagschmet­ terlinge als Komponenten des Instinktes................................................. 21 5. S. Grozdanić — Der Kannibalismus bei der Gottesanbeterin (Mantis religio sa) 27 6. Gj. Stefanović, M. Stefanović and J. Hranisavljević — Preferential Formation of „Choleic“ Acids With Higher Fatty Acids.......................................... 29 7. M. Krajčinović — The Amino Reaction „Krajcinovic Test“...................... 31 8. V. Gligić — Die ökologisch-physiologischen Rudimente der terziären Relikten 37 9. Milena Pašić — Ein Rückblick auf die Belemnitellenfauna Ostserbiens . . 39 10. Gj. Stefanović, B. Grujić-Injac and D. Mićić — Preparation of Chromato- graphically Pure ( + ) 12-Acetoxy-cis-9-octadecene-1 -ol (Gyplure) .... 47 11. M. V. Lutovac — Développement de l'industrie et son influence sur l'éco­ nomie, Phabitat et les changements démographiques à Ivangrad et aux alentours de cette ville 49 12. S. Gelineo — Oxygen Consumption in Lizards on the Way to Winter Sleep 51 13. P. Vujević — Valeurs moyennes décennales des principaux éléments climati­ ques à Beograd dans la période de 1891 à 1960 ........................... 59 14. P. Stevanović — Abgrenzung der portaferrischen Unterstufe (Portaferrien) oder des oberen Pont (s. str.) im westlichen Teil des Paratethys .... 85 15. M. Lj. Mihailović and M. Miloradović — The Reaction of Lead Tetra- acetate with Some Acyclic Hydroxy-Ethers............................................... 99 16. B. D. Milojević — Die PetronievicsVhe Deutung der Archaeopteryx ... 121 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en

Bulletin de L'Academie Serbe Des Sciences. Section Des Sciences Sociales

Bulletin de L'Academie Serbe Des Sciences. Section Des Sciences Sociales PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 590

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Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 80

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TABLE DES MATIERES 1. Z. A. Ivkovie: Multiplicity and Representation for Non-linear Functionals of Hilbert-space Valued Gaussian Process 1 2. I. Lukac'evie: On the Relativistic Relative Kinematic and Geometric Quantities and their Applications 9 3. Softja Sadiakov, M. DaHe: Preliminary Results of Observations of Double Stars and the Stars near Radio Sources with the Belgrade Meridian Circle 17 4. M. Marjanovie: Spaces X(w) for Zero-dimensional X 23 5. V. Vujide: On Hamilton's Principle for the Rheonomous System 37 6. D. Cvetkovie. Discussing Graph Theory with a Computer, VI. Theorems Proved with the Aid of the Computer 51 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 76

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TABLE DE MATIÈRES 1. M. DAVIDOVIĆ, D. POPESKOVIĆ, LJUBINKA IGIĆ, SAVA BODRO- ŽIĆ et VERA LENARTIĆ - Sur la durée de l’activité fonctionnelle du coeur isolé des animaux poïkilothermes> homeothermes et hibernants dans le Ringer .......... 1 2. I. BARIĆ — Postnatal Changes of Chemical Composition of the Ground- Squirrel (Citellus citellus)J.......... 3 3. I. BARIĆ — Tolerance to Starvation in Rats During the First Weeks of Their Postnatal Life .................. 9 4. M. M. DUDIĆ — Development of Progeny of Exceptionally High Gum- Yielding Trees of Pinus Nigra^ Whose Seed Have Been Treated with Radioactive Cobalt Co60................ 15 5. ДЖ. СТЕФАНОВИЧ, ДРАГИЦА ОБРЕНОВИЧ, В. ВАЙГАНД и Я. ЖИВКОВИЧ -— Электролитическая экстракция меди из серебряных сплавов '..................................... 21 6. В. D. MILOJEVIĆ — Basic Problem and Evolutionary Mechanism of the Animal Social Life. Contribution to the Experimental Evolutionism . . 41 7. M. RADOVANOVIĆ — Résultats des recherches faites dans les îles Adri- atiques sous le jour de l’évolutionnisme 59 8. Z. MAKSIMOVIĆ — Regional Metamorphism and Metasomatism of Ultra- mafic Rocks in the Region of Crna... Trava (East Serbia) 91 9. П. САВИЧ — О происхождении вращения системы и отдельных не­ бесных тел .......................... 107 10. V. М. MIĆOVIĆ and VL. DJ. STEPANOVIĆ — Studies on the Chemi­ cal Composition of Yugoslav Lichens. I. Parallel Studies on the Chemi­cal Composition of the Ash of Some Yugoslav Lichens and of the Ash of Oak Bark...................... 113 11. GJ. STEFANOVIĆ, LJUBINKA LORENC and M. LJ. MIHAILOVIĆ— Condensations of Isatic Acid with Ureas, Ethyl Carbamate and Guanidine 119 12. R. KAŠANIN — The Earth’s Layers and Their Characteristics .... 127 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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TABLE DES MATIERES 1. M. Logar, S. Pavlovia: The manner of iron and aluminium appearance in neoserpentine mineral from the mine „Sip" (Kosovo) Yugoslavia 1 2. M. Stefanović, Lj. Krsti6, A. Jokie, B. Rihter, S. Mladenović: Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-7, 8, 3', 4'-tetramethoxyflavone 7 3. M. Stefanović, Lj. Krsti6, A. Jokia, B. Rihter, S. Mladenović: Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-7, 8, 3', 4'-tetramethoxyflavanone — 13 4. V. M. Petrovie, Olga Rajeia, M. Vrbagki, Biljana Mind: Adaptation to cold and liver protein synthesis in the rat — — — 19 5. M. Sugie: The kinetics of the electrolytic decomposition of NanA. zeolite 27 6. M. Sugi6, Nadada Petranovia: The decomposition kinetics and the capacity of the double electric layer of the chloride inclusion zeolite complex NaA.NaC1 35 7. J. Pamir: Triassic gabbro-albite granosyenite association of the Radovan massif (Bosnia) 43 8. S. Karamata: The transitional zone between tectonite ultramafic rocks and igneous — cumulate rocks in the ophiolite complexes of Yugoslavia 57 9. Gj. Stefanovie, Marjetka Kidrie: Relative amounts of different nucleic acid classes in pes (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings grown under different light conditions 63 10. V. M. Petrovie, Katica Maksimovi6: Adaptation to cold and diurnal fluctuation of the sensitivity to noradrenaline in the rat — 81 11. Rajka RadoitIC: Clypeina neretvae, n. sp., a new neocopnian Dasycladacea from the Neretva valley 87 12. V. Majer, S. Karamata: Porphyroblastic amphibole schist („Garbenschiefer") from the metamorphic suite at the base of the Brezovica peridotite (Yugoslavia) 91 13. M. V. Sugi6, S. V. Mentus: The viscosity and structure of molten stannic chloride 99 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en


Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 97

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TABLE DES MATIÈRES Page 1. В. Ž. MILOJEVIĆ — Le Littoral cPUlcinj. Contribution à la géographie du Littoral dinarique situé le plus au sud....................................................... 7 2. M. LJ. MIHAILOVIĆ, M. ANTIĆ and D. HADŽIJEV — Chemical Inves­ tigation of Wheat. 4. Dynamics of Various Forms of Phosphorus in Wheat During Its Ontogenesis. Nucleic Acid Phosphorus in Gluten and Its Accu­mulation in Wheat Grain in Dependence of Variable Levels of Inorganic Fertilizers 17 3. P. M. STEVANOVIĆ — Marines und marin-brackisches Miozän des Ost- und Vorkarpathischen Hügellandes in Ostserbien..................................... 31 4. Z. MAKSIMOVIĆ, S. LEBEDEV and VERA NIKOLIĆ — A Contribution to the Geochemical Study of Avala Mountain Near Belgrade: A Hydro- morphic Anomaly in the Prečica Stream and Its Origin 43 5. I. R. KRSTANOVIĆ — Crystal Structure of Monazite (CeP04)....................... 51 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en