Bedside Clinics In Medicine Part I- Long Short Spot Cases, 5/e

Bedside Clinics In Medicine Part I- Long Short Spot Cases, 5/e PDF Author: Arup Kumar Kundu
ISBN: 9788187504986
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Languages : en
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Bedside Clinics In Medicine Part I- Long Short Spot Cases, 5/e

Bedside Clinics In Medicine Part I- Long Short Spot Cases, 5/e PDF Author: Arup Kumar Kundu
ISBN: 9788187504986
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery

Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery PDF Author: Hugo Farne
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0191060100
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 856

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Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery, second edition, teaches students a hypothesis-driven, logical step-by-step approach to diagnosis when faced with each of 29 common patient presentations. This approach mirrors that used by successful clinicians on the wards, challenging students with questions at each stage of a case (history-taking, examination, investigation, management). In tackling these questions, students understand how to critically analyse information and learn to integrate their existing knowledge to a real-life scenario from start to finish. Each chapter focuses on a common presenting symptom (e.g. chest pain). By starting with a symptom, mirroring real life settings, students learn to draw on their knowledge of different physiological systems - for example, cardiology, respiratory, gastroenterology - at the same time. All the major presenting symptoms in general medicine and surgery (mapped to UK medical school curricula) are covered, together with a broad range of pathologies. This book is an essential resource for all medicine students, and provides a modern, well-rounded introduction to life on the wards. Ideal for those starting out in clinical medicine and an ideal refresher for those revising for OSCEs and finals.

Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner PDF Author: Leslie Neal-Boylan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0813811449
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner is a key resource for advanced practice nurses and graduate students seeking to test their skills in assessing, diagnosing, and managing cases in family and primary care. Composed of more than 70 cases ranging from common to unique, the book compiles years of experience from experts in the field. It is organized chronologically, presenting cases from neonatal to geriatric care in a standard approach built on the SOAP format. This includes differential diagnosis and a series of critical thinking questions ideal for self-assessment or classroom use.

Manual of Practical Medicine

Manual of Practical Medicine PDF Author: R Alagappan
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9351523160
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1024

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This manual emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management.

100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology PDF Author: Cecilia Bottomley
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1444112945
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 282

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A 24-year-old woman is referred from the emergency department with sudden onset of left iliac fossa pain and you are the medic on duty...100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology presents 100 commonly seen obstetric and gynaecological scenarios. The patient's history, examination and initial investigations are presented along with questions on the di

The Birth of the Clinic

The Birth of the Clinic PDF Author: Michel Foucault
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134955391
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Foucault's classic study of the history of medicine.

Decision Making in Medicine

Decision Making in Medicine PDF Author: Stuart B. Mushlin
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323041078
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 754

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This popular reference facilitates diagnostic and therapeutic decision making for a wide range of common and often complex problems faced in outpatient and inpatient medicine. Comprehensive algorithmic decision trees guide you through more than 245 disorders organized by sign, symptom, problem, or laboratory abnormality. The brief text accompanying each algorithm explains the key steps of the decision making process, giving you the clear, clinical guidelines you need to successfully manage even your toughest cases. An algorithmic format makes it easy to apply the practical, decision-making approaches used by seasoned clinicians in daily practice. Comprehensive coverage of general and internal medicine helps you successfully diagnose and manage a full range of diseases and disorders related to women's health, emergency medicine, urology, behavioral medicine, pharmacology, and much more. A Table of Contents arranged by organ system helps you to quickly and easily zero in on the information you need. More than a dozen new topics focus on the key diseases and disorders encountered in daily practice. Fully updated decision trees guide you through the latest diagnostic and management guidelines.

Bedside Clinics in Surgery

Bedside Clinics in Surgery PDF Author: Makhan Lal Saha
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9352703146
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1287

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This new edition has been fully revised to provide students with the latest advances and technologies in general surgery. The book begins with a selection of long and short cases, each covering different regions of the anatomy. The remaining sections discuss surgical problems, X-Rays, pathology, preoperative preparations, minor surgical procedures, instruments, operative surgery, and surgical anatomy. The text is highly illustrated with clinical photographs and schematic drawings, and the surgical anatomy section provides hand drawn illustrations correlating anatomy with pathology. The third edition includes several new features including: a long case on the management of diabetic foot, the TNM malignant tumour staging classification has been updated in accordance with the 7th edition American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) manual, interpretation of mammography has been added to the X-Ray section, and lower leg compartments and cervical fascia have been added to the surgical anatomy section. Key points Fully revised, new edition providing students with the latest advances in general surgery Third edition includes many new features such as the updated TNM malignant tumour staging classification Highly illustrated with clinical photographs and schematic drawings Previous edition (9789350906453) published in 2014

Pearls in Medicine for Students

Pearls in Medicine for Students PDF Author: Kumar Arup Kundu
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Limited
ISBN: 9789385891588
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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1. Abnormal Sweating 2. Alopecia 3. Alteration of Facial Contour 4. Angular Stomatitis 5. Aseptic Fever 6. Bald Tongue 7. Bedsore 8. Blackish Urine 9. Blue Fingers/Toes 10. Blue Sclera 11. Bradycardia 12. Bull-neck 13. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) 14. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 15. Claw Foot 16. Coprolalia 17. Cough 18. Cramp 19. Depressed Bridge of the Nose 20. Dextrocardia 21. Diffuse Aches and Pains 22. Diplopia 23. Discolored Teeth 24. Drop Attacks 25. Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) 26. Eyes: a Clue to Diagnosis 27. Face Reading 28. Facial Pain 29. Fatigue 30. Flushing of Face 31. Foul Breath 32. Genital Ulcer 33. Gingival Bleeding 34. Gum Hypertrophy 35. Hardness (Thickening) of Skin 36. Head-nodding 37. Heel Pain 38. Herpes Labialis 39. Hiccough 40. Hirsutism 41. Hoarseness of Voice 42. Hyperkeratosis of Palms 43. Hypertelorism 44. Indigestion (Dyspepsia) 45. Intermittent Claudication 46. Joint Pain 47. Leg Ulceration 48. Lock Jaw 49. Lump in Right Iliac Fossa 50. Macroglossia 51. Nerve Thickening 52. Night Blindness 53. Nocturnal Enuresis 54. Pallor 55. Parotid Swelling 56. Patch Tonsil 57. Photosensitivity 58. Polycythemia 59. Pruritus 60. Ptosis 61. Purpuric Spots 62. Purse-lip Respiration 63. Rectal Bleeding 64. Recurrent Oral Ulcers 65. Red Urine 66. Rings around Cornea 67. Shake Hands with the Patient 68. Sneezing, Yawning and Snoring 69. Splinter Hemorrhage 70. Spoon-shaped Nails 71. Sternal (Bone) Tenderness 72. Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) 73. Swollen Legs 74. Tongue: a Clue to Many Diseases 75. Weight Gain/Loss 76. Wheeze/Stridor 77. White Nails 78. White (Milky) Urine 79. Wingling of Scapulae 80. Yellowish Palms/Soles Index

ABC of Clinical Reasoning

ABC of Clinical Reasoning PDF Author: Nicola Cooper
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119871530
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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ABC of Clinical Reasoning Being a good clinician is not only about knowledge — how doctors and other healthcare professionals think, reason, and make decisions is arguably their most critical skill. The second edition of the ABC of Clinical Reasoning breaks down clinical reasoning into its core components and explores each of these in more detail, including the applications for clinical practice, teaching, and learning. Informed by the latest evidence from cognitive psychology, education, and studies of expertise, this edition has been extensively re-written and updated, and covers: Key components of clinical reasoning: evidence-based history and examination, choosing and interpreting diagnostic tests, problem identification and management, and shared decision-making Key concepts in clinical reasoning, such dual process theories, and script theory Situativity and human factors Metacognition and cognitive strategies Teaching clinical reasoning From a team of expert authors, the ABC of Clinical Reasoning is essential reading for all students, clinical teachers, curriculum planners and clinicians involved in diagnosis. About the ABC series The ABC series has been designed to help you access information quickly and deliver the best patient care, and remains an essential reference tool for GPs, junior doctors, medical students and healthcare professionals. Now offering over 80 titles, this extensive series provides you with a quick and dependable reference on a range of topics in all the major specialties. The ABC series is the essential and dependable source of up-to-date information for all practitioners and students in primary healthcare. To receive automatic updates on books and journals in your specialty, join our email list. Sign up today at