Anglomania in France 1740-1789 : fact, fiction and political discourse

Anglomania in France 1740-1789 : fact, fiction and political discourse PDF Author: Josephine Grieder
Publisher: Librairie Droz
ISBN: 9782600036115
Category :
Languages : fr
Pages : 196

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Anglomania in France 1740-1789 : fact, fiction and political discourse

Anglomania in France 1740-1789 : fact, fiction and political discourse PDF Author: Josephine Grieder
Publisher: Librairie Droz
ISBN: 9782600036115
Category :
Languages : fr
Pages : 196

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Anglomania in France, 1740-1789

Anglomania in France, 1740-1789 PDF Author: Josephine Grieder
Category : British in literature
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Cultural Exchange in Seventeenth-Century France and England

Cultural Exchange in Seventeenth-Century France and England PDF Author: Gesa Stedman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 135194696X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 325

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Gesa Stedman's ambitious new study is a comprehensive account of cross-channel cultural exchanges between seventeenth-century France and England, and includes discussion of a wide range of sources and topics. Literary texts, garden design, fashion, music, dance, food, the book market, and the theatre as well as key historical figures feature in the book. Importantly, Stedman concentrates on the connection between actual, material transfer and its symbolic representation in both visual and textual sources, investigating material exchange processes in order to shed light on the connection between actual and symbolic exchange. Individual chapters discuss exchanges instigated by mediators such as Henrietta Maria and Charles II, and textual and visual representations of cultural exchange with France in poetry, restoration comedies, fashion discourse, and in literary devices and characters. Well-written and accessible, Cultural Exchange in Seventeenth-Century France and England provides needed insight into the field of cultural exchange, and will be of interest to both literary scholars and cultural historians.

Radicalism in British Literary Culture, 1650-1830

Radicalism in British Literary Culture, 1650-1830 PDF Author: Timothy Morton
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 052112087X
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Publisher Description (unedited publisher data) In this volume of interdisciplinary essays, leading scholars examine the radical tradition in British literary culture from the English Revolution to the French Revolution. They chart continuities between the two periods and examine the recuperation of ideas and texts from the earlier period in the 1790s and beyond. Contributors utilize a variety of approaches and concepts: from gender studies, the cultural history of food and diet and the history of political discourse, to explorations of the theatre, philosophy and metaphysics. This volume argues that the radical agendas of the mid-seventeenth century, intended to change society fundamentally, did not disappear throughout the long eighteenth-century only to be resuscitated at its close. Rather, through close textual analysis, these essays indicate a more continuous transmission. Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: English literature 18th century History and criticism, Radicalism in literature, English literature Early modern, 1500-1700 History and criticism, English literature 19th century History and criticism, Revolutionary literature, English History and criticism, Politics and literature Great Britain History, Radicalism Great Britain History.

Mutual (In)Comprehensions

Mutual (In)Comprehensions PDF Author: Rosemary Mitchell
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443850802
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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This collection of essays by French and British humanities scholars explores the complex relationship between the two nations in the long nineteenth century. Both countries contemplated the other with admiration and anxiety, using their best enemy to shape their own national identities. Mutual (In)Comprehensions is unique in the range of its coverage, which includes artistic, literary, economic, educational, social, and historical interpretations, interactions, and appropriations. British railway engineers consider the character of the French railway worker; a French illustrator portrays with disturbing insight the social divisions of Victorian London; British agricultural writers find cause for reflection in the condition of the French peasantry; and an English Anglo-Catholic considers the lessons for her church in the history of post-Reformation French Catholicism. French architects discover something to admire in the British Gothic Revival, while geographical societies on both sides of the Channel exhibit a spirit of international co-operation. Including the work of both established academics and young scholars, the collection demonstrates the significance of Franco-British interactions over the long nineteenth century, and shows that – as ever – British culture can only be fully understood within a Continental framework, and vice versa. This volume will appeal to scholars of Victorian culture, in particular French and British nineteenth-century literature and art, as well as to academics interested in the development of national identities and international cultural relations.


Montesquieu PDF Author:
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108899234
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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A number of Montesquieu's lesser-known discourses, dissertations and dialogues are made available to a wider audience, for the first time fully translated and annotated in English. The views they incorporate on politics, economics, science, and religion shed light on the overall development of his political and moral thought. They enable us better to understand not just Montesquieu's importance as a political philosopher studying forms of government, but also his stature as a moral philosopher, seeking to remind us of our duties while injecting deeper moral concerns into politics and international relations. They reveal that Montesquieu's vision for the future was remarkably clear: more science and less superstition; greater understanding of our moral duties; enhanced concern for justice, increased emphasis on moral principles in the conduct of domestic and international politics; toleration of conflicting religious viewpoints; commerce over war, and liberty over despotism as the proper goals for mankind.


Montesquieu PDF Author: David W. Carrithers
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108841465
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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The first complete translation of twenty-one texts by Montesquieu , presenting his views on politics, science, economics, and religion.

Fragmented France

Fragmented France PDF Author: Jack Ernest Shalom Hayward
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199216312
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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Hayward explores the way in which the French define their identity by opposition to the 'Anglo-Saxons': first England, now America. The prologue explores France's self-image by contrast with the Anglo-American counter-identity.

When the United States Spoke French

When the United States Spoke French PDF Author: Francois Furstenberg
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0143127454
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 514

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“A bright, absorbing account of a short period in history that still resounds today.” —Kirkus Reviews Beautifully written and brilliantly argued, When the United States Spoke French offers a fresh perspective on the tumultuous years of America as a young nation, when the Atlantic world’s first republican experiments were put to the test. It explores the country’s formative period from the viewpoint of five distinguished Frenchmen who took refuge in America after leaving their homes and families in France, crossing the Atlantic, and landing in Philadelphia. Through their stories, we see some of the most famous events of early American history in a new light—from the battles with Native Americans on the western frontier to the Haitian Revolution, the Whiskey Rebellion to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

Poland's Last King and English Culture

Poland's Last King and English Culture PDF Author: Richard Butterwick
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198207016
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 406

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In Poland's Last King, Richard Butterwick reassesses the achievement of Poland's most controversial king. He shows how Stanislaw August's radical plans for constitutional reform and the renewal of Polish culture were profoundly influenced by his admiration of England, and examines the successes and limitations of the Polish Enlightenment.