Modern Orthodox Theology

Modern Orthodox Theology PDF Author: Paul Ladouceur
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 0567664848
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 545

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Modern Orthodox theology represents a continuity of the Eastern Christian theological tradition stretching back to the early Church and especially to the Ancient Fathers of the Church. This volume considers the full range of modern Orthodox theology. The first chapters of the book offer a chronological study of the development of modern Orthodox theology, beginning with a survey of Orthodox theology from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 until the early 19th century. Ladouceur then focuses on theology in imperial Russia, the Russian religious renaissance at the beginning of the 20th century, and the origins and nature of neopatristic theology, as well as the new theology in Greece and Romania, and tradition and the restoration of patristic thought. Subsequent chapters examine specific major themes: - God and Creation - Divine-humanity, personhood and human rights - The Church of Christ - Ecumenical theology and religious diversity - The 'Christification' of life - Social and Political Theology - The 'Name-of-God' conflict - The ordination of women The volume concludes with assessments of major approaches of modern Orthodox theology and reflections on the current status and future of Orthodox theology. Designed for classroom use, the book features: - case studies - a detailed index - a list of recommended readings for each chapter

Modern Orthodox Theology

Modern Orthodox Theology PDF Author: Paul Ladouceur
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 0567664848
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 545

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Book Description
Modern Orthodox theology represents a continuity of the Eastern Christian theological tradition stretching back to the early Church and especially to the Ancient Fathers of the Church. This volume considers the full range of modern Orthodox theology. The first chapters of the book offer a chronological study of the development of modern Orthodox theology, beginning with a survey of Orthodox theology from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 until the early 19th century. Ladouceur then focuses on theology in imperial Russia, the Russian religious renaissance at the beginning of the 20th century, and the origins and nature of neopatristic theology, as well as the new theology in Greece and Romania, and tradition and the restoration of patristic thought. Subsequent chapters examine specific major themes: - God and Creation - Divine-humanity, personhood and human rights - The Church of Christ - Ecumenical theology and religious diversity - The 'Christification' of life - Social and Political Theology - The 'Name-of-God' conflict - The ordination of women The volume concludes with assessments of major approaches of modern Orthodox theology and reflections on the current status and future of Orthodox theology. Designed for classroom use, the book features: - case studies - a detailed index - a list of recommended readings for each chapter

The Way of the Heart

The Way of the Heart PDF Author: Charles Wright
Publisher: Liturgical Press
ISBN: 0879073357
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Award-winning French author shares the biography and spiritual journey of Cistercian abbot Dom André Louf. Based on a wide variety of interviews, printed sources, and Dom André Louf’s spiritual journal, The Way of the Heart narrates Louf’s spiritual journey from his childhood in Flanders through his becoming a monk in a Cistercian monastery, his ten years of retirement as a hermit in a Benedictine monastery in the south of France, and his death. During his career he struggled with conflicting vocational desires—sometimes wishing to serve as a pastor, academic, abbot, or to immerse himself in eremitic contemplation. That struggle is the leading thread through this biography, which portrays a man whose immense gifts pulled him in many directions, while always endeavoring to submit himself to God’s will.

Meeting God in the Other

Meeting God in the Other PDF Author: Alina Patru
Publisher: LIT Verlag Münster
ISBN: 3643911920
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 616

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The present volume unites 44 studies to honor Prof. Dr. Dorin Oancea, Romanian-Orthodox theologian and religious studies scholar, well known as a bridge-builder between Eastern and Western Christian Traditions. The manifold studies reflect upon the fundaments of interfaith and inter-confessional openness, offer insightful examples from past and present, or point to the loci where this openness can and should be achieved today. A meaningful collection for all those interested in present day ecumenical theology, in inter-confessional studies or theology of religions.

Knowing God in Light

Knowing God in Light PDF Author: Nichifor Tănase, Marius Portaru, Daniel Lemeni
Publisher: LIT Verlag Münster
ISBN: 3643916639
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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The fall of Communism in Eastern Europe opened up a new future—for theology, too, not least in Romania, perhaps of all Orthodox nations the most open to the West. Young Romanian Orthodox theologians seized the opportunity to study and research in the West, availing themselves of mentors and resources hitherto denied them; some have settled in the West, others returned home. This welcome volume displays a theological revival as young Romanian theologians draw on tradition and address new problems. We can discern here a welcome confidence in the Orthodox tradition, no longer on the defensive nor concerned to mark itself off from the theology of the ‘West’. It is a ‘generous Orthodoxy’ (a term that has been used of the theological approach of the late Metropolitan Kallistos), ready to share its treasures with other Christians and eager to learn from them and engage with them.

Modelul Antim, modelul Paltinis

Modelul Antim, modelul Paltinis PDF Author: Anca Manolescu
Publisher: Humanitas SA
ISBN: 9735049341
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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„Titlul acestei cărți poate fi înșelător. Cititorul ar putea crede că are dinainte o lucrare de pură istorie culturală, o culegere de documente și analize, menite să devină un omagiu pios, comemorativ, adus unor grupuri de intelectuali care, în vremuri neprielnice, au încercat să-și păstreze chipul și să-și urmeze vocația. În realitate, e vorba de o reconstrucție erudită, dar intens simpatetică, a unui «model» de viață spirituală atemporal. E vorba despre modul în care se nasc întâlnirile purtătoare de destin, despre farmecul – și rigorile – drumului tatonant spre cunoaștere, despre comuniune, împreună-căutare, dramă lumească și speranță. E vorba despre efortul oamenilor de a se situa, de «a-și găsi locul» și despre «instituționalizarea» – dincolo de instituții – a formării intelectuale. În ce mă privește, am aflat neașteptat de multe lucruri despre împrejurări pe care credeam că le știu dinăuntru. Anca Manolescu le știe însă mai bine. Într-un anumit sens, ea este mai intim legată de modelele pe care le invocă decât chiar unii dintre reprezentanții lor.“ (Andrei PLEȘU) „E oare nepotrivit ca intelectualul să se comporte în credinţă ca intelectual? E inutil să-şi păstreze în acest domeniu chipul specific sau măcar ideal? Pofta de a înţelege, disciplina şi elanul gândului nu-şi găsesc locul în religie? În epocile premoderne, întrebarea ar fi fost întrucâtva caraghioasă. De la autori creştini timpurii până la monahismul medieval, nu a fost oare înfăţişată credinţa drept «filozofie» în sensul antic al termenului, drept «adevărata filozofie»: formare a sinelui întemeiată pe revelaţie, urmare a Logosului pe calea cunoaşterii lui Dumnezeu? Calea filozofiei, în rostul ei prim, şi calea cunoaşterii religioase nu sunt divergente. Ca stil de viaţă şi de convivialitate, între cercul filozofic şi grupul de studiu creştin, asemănările, nu deosebirile par să precumpănească. Modelul Antim şi modelul Păltiniş ne-o reamintesc.“ (Anca MANOLESCU)

The Philokalia

The Philokalia PDF Author: Brock Bingaman
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199911835
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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The Philokalia (literally "love of the beautiful or good") is, after the Bible, the most influential source of spiritual tradition within the Orthodox Church. First published in Greek in 1782 by St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St. Macarios of Corinth, the Philokalia includes works by thirty-six influential Orthodox authors from the fourth to fifteenth-centuries such as Maximus the Confessor, Peter of Damascus, Symeon the New Theologian, and Gregory Palamas. Surprisingly, this important collection of theological and spiritual writings has received little scholarly attention. With the growing interest in Orthodox theology, the need for a substantive resource for philokalic studies has become increasingly evident. The purpose of the present volume is to remedy that lack by providing an ecumenical collection of scholarly essays on the Philokalia that will introduce readers to its background, motifs, authors, and relevance for contemporary life and thought.

Memory, Humanity, and Meaning

Memory, Humanity, and Meaning PDF Author: Mihail Neamțu
Publisher: Zeta Books
ISBN: 9731997261
Category : Aesthetics
Languages : en
Pages : 556

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The Porous Museum

The Porous Museum PDF Author: Gabriela Nicolescu
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350196649
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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The Porous Museum examines questions of museum practice, aesthetics and politics through a focused study of The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant in Bucharest. The museum has functioned successively as a museum of art, a communist museum, the headquarters of the communist secret police, and a museum of folk art. Gabriela Nicolescu traces the museum's spectacular biography and follows the transformation of its practices and aesthetics through three very different political regimes in the 20th and early 21st century: monarchist, socialist and post-socialist. Nicolescu's fascinating study starts with a focus on a dumped and smashed statue of the revolutionary figureheads Marx, Engels and Lenin in the museum's rear yard as an expression of the complicated journey of modern Romania. She considers questions of recycling and rupture, with some exhibits and practices carried over from one regime to another, whilst others have been discarded in favour of the completely new. Through this process, the museum can been seen as a microcosm of the wider nation state and the ways in which the past is remembered or rejected. The interdependency of politics, ethics and aesthetics that Nicolescu terms 'porosity' is an attribute of museums all over the world. Applying original anthropological research to key ethnographic museums in Romania and elsewhere in Europe, the book moves beyond regional and media stereotypes by arguing for the influence of local oral histories on national history.

God Sent His Son

God Sent His Son PDF Author: Christoph Schoenborn
Publisher: Ignatius Press
ISBN: 1681492113
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 413

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In this work of Christology, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, a world-renowned theologian, takes as his starting point the Apostle Paul's statement, "But when the time had fully come, God sent for his Son, born of woman, born under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons" (Gal 4:4-5). Based on many years of lecturing on Christology, Cardinal Schönborn's work moves from the solid conviction of faith that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of Israel, the Son of the Living God, through the development of the Church's understanding of this truth, to the consideration of contemporary issues and the views of various modern theologians. Cardinal Schönborn sees Christology as based on the original Illumination granted by the Father in manifesting his Son, which divides, as if through a prism, into a rainbow of Christological themes. "Christology," he writes, "in every phase of its development, follows its path by this light: ಘin thy light do we see light' (Ps 36:10)." Christology is always faith seeking understanding-trying to understand that to which the believer already says, "Yes!" God Sent His Son has the comprehensiveness and scholarly precision of a textbook but the insights and personal relevance of a work of spirituality. It carefully explores ancient and medieval.

Education in an Age of Lies and Fake News

Education in an Age of Lies and Fake News PDF Author: Jānis (John) Tālivaldis Ozoliņš
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000440613
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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The ‘post-truth’ world in which we live has been beset by fake news, lies and a cavalier disregard for truth. If truth is neglected then an alternative is an appeal to the emotions in order to validate a particular position, which can quickly turn to the use of power to impose a particular view. The loss of truth results in the loss of freedom. This book contends that if we want to preserve our freedom then we have a serious obligation to pursue truth. One way to do this is through an adequate moral education. Education in an Age of Lies and Fake News: Regaining a Love of Truth makes an argument for the importance of truth. It explores how we can retrieve the concept of truth and how moral education can be deployed in order to re-establish a commitment to truth. It introduces Eastern perspectives on the question of truth and how we view reality, and presents a realist position on the nature of truth as a counter to scepticism, drawing on Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, amongst others. Further, the chapters are mindful of the significance of developing a pedagogy which not only enables students to be critical thinkers, but to foster a genuine concern for truth and for its pursuit. This book will be essential reading for students, educators, philosophers and researchers pursuing the question of truth in the modern age.