An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis

An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis PDF Author: Mogens Herman Hansen
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198140991
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 1413

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Book Description
This is the first ever documented study of the 1,035 identifiable Greek city states (poleis) of the Archaic and Classical periods (c.650-325 BC). Previous studies of the Greek polis have focused on Athens and Sparta, and the result has been a view of Greek society dominated by Sophokles', Plato's, and Demosthenes' view of what the polis was. This study includes descriptions of Athens and Sparta, but its main purpose is to explore the history andorganization of the thousand other city states.The main part of the book is a regionally organized inventory of all identifiable poleis covering the Greek world from Spain to the Caucasus and from the Crimea to Libya. This inventory is the work of 47 specialists, and is divided into 46 chapters, each covering a region. Each chapter contains an account of the region, a list of second-order settlements, and an alphabetically ordered description of the poleis. This description covers such topics as polis status,territory, settlement pattern, urban centre, city walls and monumental architecture, population, military strength, constitution, alliance membership, colonization, coinage, and Panhellenic victors.The first part of the book is a description of the method and principles applied in the construction of the inventory and an analysis of some of the results to be obtained by a comparative study of the 1,035 poleis included in it. The ancient Greek concept of polis is distinguished from the modern term `city state', which historians use to cover many other historic civilizations, from ancient Sumeria to the West African cultures absorbed by the nineteenth-century colonializingpowers. The focus of this project is what the Greeks themselves considered a polis to be.

An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis

An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis PDF Author: Mogens Herman Hansen
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198140991
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 1413

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Book Description
This is the first ever documented study of the 1,035 identifiable Greek city states (poleis) of the Archaic and Classical periods (c.650-325 BC). Previous studies of the Greek polis have focused on Athens and Sparta, and the result has been a view of Greek society dominated by Sophokles', Plato's, and Demosthenes' view of what the polis was. This study includes descriptions of Athens and Sparta, but its main purpose is to explore the history andorganization of the thousand other city states.The main part of the book is a regionally organized inventory of all identifiable poleis covering the Greek world from Spain to the Caucasus and from the Crimea to Libya. This inventory is the work of 47 specialists, and is divided into 46 chapters, each covering a region. Each chapter contains an account of the region, a list of second-order settlements, and an alphabetically ordered description of the poleis. This description covers such topics as polis status,territory, settlement pattern, urban centre, city walls and monumental architecture, population, military strength, constitution, alliance membership, colonization, coinage, and Panhellenic victors.The first part of the book is a description of the method and principles applied in the construction of the inventory and an analysis of some of the results to be obtained by a comparative study of the 1,035 poleis included in it. The ancient Greek concept of polis is distinguished from the modern term `city state', which historians use to cover many other historic civilizations, from ancient Sumeria to the West African cultures absorbed by the nineteenth-century colonializingpowers. The focus of this project is what the Greeks themselves considered a polis to be.

The Shotgun Method

The Shotgun Method PDF Author: Mogens Herman Hansen
Publisher: University of Missouri Press
ISBN: 0826265480
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 153

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"Reflecting the innovative work of the Copenhagen Polis Centre's 2004 inventory of Archaic and Classical Greek city-states, Hansen's "shotgun method" for reconstructing and estimating the overall size and local distribution of the Greek population challenges the long-standing opinion that the majority of ancient Greeks lived a rural, subsistent life"--Provided by publisher.

The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece

The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece PDF Author: Josiah Ober
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691173141
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 448

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A major new history of classical Greece—how it rose, how it fell, and what we can learn from it Lord Byron described Greece as great, fallen, and immortal, a characterization more apt than he knew. Through most of its long history, Greece was poor. But in the classical era, Greece was densely populated and highly urbanized. Many surprisingly healthy Greeks lived in remarkably big houses and worked for high wages at specialized occupations. Middle-class spending drove sustained economic growth and classical wealth produced a stunning cultural efflorescence lasting hundreds of years. Why did Greece reach such heights in the classical period—and why only then? And how, after "the Greek miracle" had endured for centuries, did the Macedonians defeat the Greeks, seemingly bringing an end to their glory? Drawing on a massive body of newly available data and employing novel approaches to evidence, Josiah Ober offers a major new history of classical Greece and an unprecedented account of its rise and fall. Ober argues that Greece's rise was no miracle but rather the result of political breakthroughs and economic development. The extraordinary emergence of citizen-centered city-states transformed Greece into a society that defeated the mighty Persian Empire. Yet Philip and Alexander of Macedon were able to beat the Greeks in the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BCE, a victory made possible by the Macedonians' appropriation of Greek innovations. After Alexander's death, battle-hardened warlords fought ruthlessly over the remnants of his empire. But Greek cities remained populous and wealthy, their economy and culture surviving to be passed on to the Romans—and to us. A compelling narrative filled with uncanny modern parallels, this is a book for anyone interested in how great civilizations are born and die. This book is based on evidence available on a new interactive website. To learn more, please visit:

Introduction to an Inventory of 'Poleis'

Introduction to an Inventory of 'Poleis' PDF Author: Mogens Herman Hansen
Publisher: Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
ISBN: 9788773042755
Category : Cities and towns, Ancient
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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Greek City Walls of the Archaic Period, 900-480 BC

Greek City Walls of the Archaic Period, 900-480 BC PDF Author: Rune Frederiksen
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 9780199578122
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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In this fully illustrated study, Rune Frederiksen assembles all sources for Archaic city walls in the ancient Greek world, and argues that widespread fortification of settlements and towns, usually considered to date from the Classical period, in fact took place much earlier.

Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science

Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science PDF Author: Mirko Canevaro
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
ISBN: 1474421784
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 604

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The first full-length academic study to deal exclusively with female stardom in British cinema.

Democracy Beyond Athens

Democracy Beyond Athens PDF Author: Eric W. Robinson
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521843316
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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First full study of ancient Greek democracy in the Classical period outside Athens, which has three main goals: to identify where and when democratic governments established themselves; to explain why democracy spread to many parts of Greece; and to further our understanding of the nature of ancient democracy.

From Political Architecture to Stephanus Byzantius

From Political Architecture to Stephanus Byzantius PDF Author: David Whitehead
Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag
ISBN: 9783515065726
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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What was a polis? The Copenhagen Polis Centre (core-funded by the Danish National Research Foundation) has recently begun a broad series of investigations into the origins, nature and development of the ancient Greek city-states (poleis). This empirical project will be grounded in a comprehensive inventory of all attested poleis of the late archaic and classical periods (ca. 600 - ca. 323 B.C.); and that in turn necessitates an attempt to establish working principles, in source-criticism and historical methodology generally, for the differentiation of poleis from communities of other types. The present volume is a collection of papers, from members of the Centre, which seek to make preliminary contributions to the clarification of such principles.

Polis and City-state

Polis and City-state PDF Author: Mogens Herman Hansen
Category : Cities and towns, Ancient
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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More Studies in the Ancient Greek "polis"

More Studies in the Ancient Greek Author: Mogens Herman Hansen
Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag
ISBN: 9783515069694
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Aus dem Inhalt: N. Demand: Poleis on Cyprus and Oriental Despotism H. Bowden: The Greek Settlement and Sanctuaries at Naukratis T. H. Nielsen: Was There an Arkadian Confederacy in the Fifth Century B.C.' T. H. Nielsen: A Survey of Dependent Poleis in Classical Arkadia J. Roy: Polis and Tribe in Classical Arkadia A. G. Keen: Were the Boiotian Poleis Autonomoi? M. H. Hansen: Were the Boiotian Poleis Deprived of Their Autonomia During the First and Second Boiotian Federations? A Reply P. Flensted-Jensen/M. H. Hansen: Pseudo-Skylax' Use of the Term Polis M. H. Hansen: City-Ethnics as Evidence for Polis Identity .