An deo-ghréine

An deo-ghréine PDF Author:
Category : Folklore
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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An Edinburgh Reel

An Edinburgh Reel PDF Author: Iona McGregor
Category : Children's stories
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Scottish Dance: A celebration of Scottish dancing (Collins Little Books)

Scottish Dance: A celebration of Scottish dancing (Collins Little Books) PDF Author: The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Publisher: HarperCollins UK
ISBN: 0008261539
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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A perfect introduction to the world of Scottish dance written by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, including a short history of Scottish dancing. The book takes you through simple ceilidh moves to more complex formations and set dances, illustrated through diagrams and photos.

The Gow Collection of Scottish Dance Music

The Gow Collection of Scottish Dance Music PDF Author: Neil Gow
Publisher: Oak Publications
ISBN: 1783234911
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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An essential addition to the dance tune library and an important milestone in traditional music publishing. This volume of almost 600 strathspeys, jigs and reels has been compiled from the original collections published between 1784 and 1822 by Niel and Nathaniel Gow, the father and son violinist/composers. Niel Gow revolutionized Scottish music by inventing a new style of bowing, known as the ‘up-driven’ technique, that accented the unique strathspey rhythm. Besides the invaluable contributions of the Gows, other important Scottish composers such as William Marshall and Donald Dow are featured, as well as some of the more important tunes in the traditional Scottish repertoire. This unique collection also features detailed notes on the life and times of Niel and Nathaniel Gow, an analysis of the ‘up-driven’ bow technique, the origination of the strathspey as well as a complete discography and bibliography. This book will prove an invaluable addition to your repertoire and home library.

Scottish Reeling

Scottish Reeling PDF Author: David Yarwood
Publisher: David Yarwood
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 43

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The only comprehensive Scottish Reeling eBook. This book covers all eleven of the popular reels: Dashing White Sergeant Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh Duke of Perth Eightsome Reel Foursome Reel Hamilton House Inverness Country Dance Machine Without Horses Mairi’s Wedding Postie’s Jig Reel of the 51st Division The free sample offers a good sense of what you'll find inside. Uniquely, three original elements are provided for every dance, simply referenced to each other: A crib, similar to a teacher's instructions; A traditional Scottish dancing style diagram specifically designed for this eBook including things like helicopters, claps, and stamping of feet; and A page of invaluable tips I've gathered dancing and teaching reels for over a decade. There's additional help for those with a Scottish country dancing background who want to learn how reeling differs and a full glossary of terms you may encounter. Original colour figures illustrate: 4 and 6 Set Progressions Corners Reels of 3 (Figures of Eight) Reels of 4 Rights and Lefts There's no single way to learn or teach (or even dance) reels. I reference other resources, like videos, which this book can supplement. My primary focus is helping anyone new to reeling, but experienced dancers may benefit too. I cover how supporting couples can help those dancing. Throughout, I emphasise the fun and social side of reeling, and scarcely mention footwork at all! I first discovered Scottish dancing at primary school. Next were ceilidhs at Edinburgh University, then London evening classes, where I was introduced to reeling. A former London Reels committee member, I've taught there and at other places. Related links: Instagram: YouTube: Please also join a community group for reelers everywhere which includes useful guides and a reeling map Other Languages While some types of Scottish dancing are enjoyed worldwide, reeling is concentrated in Scotland and England. To help broaden reeling's appeal, I am currently translating this eBook into various languages. Please see my author page for the French and German versions. These include a free copy of the English version. I'm working on an Italian translation and would also love to do a Japanese version amongst others. If you are interested or could help with this please contact me. David Yarwood [email protected]

Couldn't Have a Wedding Without the Fiddler

Couldn't Have a Wedding Without the Fiddler PDF Author: Ken Perlman
Publisher: Univ. of Tennessee Press
ISBN: 1621900975
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 494

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13. The Role of Radio and Recordings -- 14. The Repertoire -- 15. "It's Amazing How Quick It Did Go Down"--16. "If Everybody Does a Little Bit, Great Things Can Happen"--17. "There's Been a Big Revival of Music on the Island" -- Appendix A. Musical Examples -- Appendix B. Lists of Interview Sessions -- Appendix C. Lists of Collected Tunes -- Appendix D. Pronunciation Guide -- Appendix E. Discography and Suggested Listening -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Index

The Little Book of Edinburgh

The Little Book of Edinburgh PDF Author: Geoff Holder
Publisher: The History Press
ISBN: 0752492969
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 187

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The Little Book of Edinburgh is a funny, fast-paced, fact-packed compendium of the sort of frivolous, fantastic or simply strange information which no-one will want to be without. Here we find out about the most unusual crimes and punishments, eccentric inhabitants, famous sons and daughters and literally hundreds of wacky facts.Geoff Holder’s new book contains historic and contemporary trivia on Edinburgh. There are lots of factual chapters but also plenty of frivolous details which will amuse and surprise.A reference book and a quirky guide, this can be dipped in to time and time again to reveal something you never knew. Discover the real story of Greyfriars Bobby (he was a publicity stunt), meet the nineteenth-century counterparts of our favourite modern detectives, from Jackson Brodie to John Rebus, seek out historical sites from the distant past to the Second World War, and tangle with the Tattoo and freak out with the Festival. A remarkably engaging little book, this is essential reading for visitors and locals alike.

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine PDF Author:
Category : Scotland
Languages : en
Pages : 914

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Gaelic Cape Breton Step-Dancing

Gaelic Cape Breton Step-Dancing PDF Author: John G. Gibson
Publisher: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP
ISBN: 0773550615
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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The step-dancing of the Scotch Gaels in Nova Scotia is the last living example of a form of dance that waned following the great emigrations to Canada that ended in 1845. The Scotch Gael has been reported as loving dance, but step-dancing in Scotland had all but disappeared by 1945. One must look to Gaelic Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and Antigonish County, to find this tradition. Gaelic Cape Breton Step-Dancing, the first study of its kind, gives this art form and the people and culture associated with it the prominence they have long deserved. Gaelic Scotland’s cultural record is by and large pre-literate, and references to dance have had to be sought in Gaelic songs, many of which were transcribed on paper by those who knew their culture might be lost with the decline of their language. The improved Scottish culture depended proudly on the teaching of dancing and the literate learning and transmission of music in accompaniment. Relying on fieldwork in Nova Scotia, and on mentions of dance in Gaelic song and verse in Scotland and Nova Scotia, John Gibson traces the historical roots of step-dancing, particularly the older forms of dancing originating in the Gaelic–speaking Scottish Highlands. He also places the current tradition as a development and part of the much larger British and European percussive dance tradition. With insight collected through written sources, tales, songs, manuscripts, book references, interviews, and conversations, Gaelic Cape Breton Step-Dancing brings an important aspect of Gaelic history to the forefront of cultural debate.

Dance Legacies of Scotland

Dance Legacies of Scotland PDF Author: Mats Melin
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000334333
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 271

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Dance Legacies of Scotland compiles a collage of references portraying percussive Scottish dancing and explains what influenced a wide disappearance of hard-shoe steps from contemporary Scottish practices. Mats Melin and Jennifer Schoonover explore the historical references describing percussive dancing to illustrate how widespread the practice was, giving some glimpses of what it looked and sounded like. The authors also explain what influenced a wide disappearance of hard-shoe steps from Scottish dancing practices. Their research draws together fieldwork, references from historical sources in English, Scots, and Scottish Gaelic, and insights drawn from the authors’ practical knowledge of dances. They portray the complex network of dance dialects that existed in parallel across Scotland, and share how remnants of this vibrant tradition have endured in Scotland and the Scottish diaspora to the present day. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of Dance and Music and its relationship to the history and culture of Scotland.

Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians

Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians PDF Author: George Grove
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 760

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