Alias Shakespeare

Alias Shakespeare PDF Author: Joseph Sobran
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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This erudite and entertaining work of literary detection sets out to solve the most puzzling mystery in all of literary history: Who wrote Shakespeare's plays? Presenting his case for a swashbuckling Elizabethan courtier, Sobran vindicates a long list of prominent skeptics, among them the great Shakespearean actors, Kenneth Branagh and Sir John Gielgud. of photos & illustrations.

Alias Shakespeare

Alias Shakespeare PDF Author: Joseph Sobran
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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Book Description
This erudite and entertaining work of literary detection sets out to solve the most puzzling mystery in all of literary history: Who wrote Shakespeare's plays? Presenting his case for a swashbuckling Elizabethan courtier, Sobran vindicates a long list of prominent skeptics, among them the great Shakespearean actors, Kenneth Branagh and Sir John Gielgud. of photos & illustrations.

Alias William Shakespeare?

Alias William Shakespeare? PDF Author: Claud Walter Sykes
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Contested Will

Contested Will PDF Author: James Shapiro
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1416541632
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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Shakespeare scholar James Shapiro explains when and why so many people began to question whether Shakespeare wrote his plays.

Shakespeare by Another Name

Shakespeare by Another Name PDF Author: Margo Anderson
Publisher: Untreed Reads
ISBN: 1611871786
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 667

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The debate over the true author of the Shakespeare canon has raged for centuries. Astonishingly little evidence supports the traditional belief that Will Shakespeare, the actor and businessman from Stratford-upon-Avon, was the author. Legendary figures such as Mark Twain, Walt Whitman and Sigmund Freud have all expressed grave doubts that an uneducated man who apparently owned no books and never left England wrote plays and poems that consistently reflect a learned and well-traveled insider's perspective on royal courts and the ancient feudal nobility. Recent scholarship has turned to Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford-an Elizabethan court playwright known to have written in secret and who had ample means, motive and opportunity to in fact have assumed the "Shakespeare" disguise. "Shakespeare" by Another Name is the literary biography of Edward de Vere as "Shakespeare." This groundbreaking book tells the story of de Vere's action-packed life-as Renaissance man, spendthrift, courtier, wit, student, scoundrel, patron, military adventurer, and, above all, prolific ghostwriter-finding in it the background material for all of The Bard's works. Biographer Mark Anderson incorporates a wealth of new evidence, including de Vere's personal copy of the Bible (in which de Vere underlines scores of passages that are also prominent Shakespearean biblical references).

Pseudonymous Shakespeare

Pseudonymous Shakespeare PDF Author: Penny McCarthy
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351907964
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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An investigation into modes of early modern English literary 'indirection,' this study could also be considered a detective work on a pseudonym attached to some late sixteenth-century works. In the course of unmasking 'R.L.', McCarthy scrutinizes devices employed by writers in the Sidney coterie: punning, often across languages; repetitio-insistence on a sound, or hiding two persons 'under one hood'; disingenuous juxtaposition; evocation of original context; differential spelling (intended and significant). Among McCarthy's stunning-but solidly underpinned-conclusions are: Shakespeare used the pseudonym 'R.L.' among other pseudonyms; one, 'William Smith', was also his 'alias' in life; Shakespeare was at the heart of the Sidney circle, whose literary programme was hostile to Elizabeth I; and his work, composed mainly from the late 1570s to the early 90s, occasionally 'embedded' in the work of others, was covertly alluded to more often than has been recognized.

Sexual Shakespeare

Sexual Shakespeare PDF Author: Michael Keevak
Publisher: Wayne State University Press
ISBN: 9780814329757
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Shakespeare's sexuality has always been an ambiguous concept, despite the pleasant fictions of Shakespeare in Love. Now Michael Keevak examines such sources as anecdotes, imitations, forgeries, spurious works and portraits to show that this ambiguity has a long and twisted history.

Shakespeare's Wife

Shakespeare's Wife PDF Author: Germaine Greer
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0061847763
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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Little is known about Ann Hathaway, the wife of England's greatest playwright; a great deal, none of it complimentary, has been assumed. The omission of her name from Shakespeare's will has been interpreted as evidence that she was nothing more than an unfortunate mistake from which Shakespeare did well to distance himself. While Shakespeare is above all the poet of marriage—repeatedly in his plays, constant wives redeem unjust and deluded husbands—scholars persist in positing the worst about the writer's own spouse. In Shakespeare's Wife, Germaine Greer boldly breaks new ground, combining literary-historical techniques with documentary evidence about life in Stratford, to reset the story of Shakespeare's marriage in its social context. With deep insight and intelligence, she offers daring and thoughtful new theories about the farmer's daughter who married England's greatest poet, painting a vivid portrait of a remarkable woman. A passionate and perceptive work of first-rate scholarship that reclaims this maligned figure from generations of scholarly neglect and misogyny, Shakespeare's Wife poses bold questions and opens new fields of investigation and research.

Sir Henry Neville Was Shakespeare

Sir Henry Neville Was Shakespeare PDF Author: John Casson
Publisher: Amberley Publishing Limited
ISBN: 1445654679
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 559

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Who really wrote the plays of Shakespeare?


Shakespeare PDF Author: Encyclopaedia Britannica
Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
ISBN: 162045968X
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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An authoritative, accessible overview of history's greatest literary figure The great dramatist Ben Jonson wrote that William Shakespeare "was not of an age, but for all time." In the nearly four centuries since his death, Shakespeare's plays still have a tremendous impact on everything from the classroom to popular culture. Now you can have at your fingertips all the vital details on the most influential writer in the history of the English language--straight from one of the most trusted sources of information in the world. In Shakespeare, Encyclopedia Britannica presents a concise and balanced overview of the Bard's life, work, and legacy. From his upbringing in Stratford to his early theater career in London, from his poetry and plays to the controversy surrounding his authorship, from his contemporaries and collaborators to his critics past and present, this comprehensive guide provides the necessary background to appreciate Shakespeare's unique place in world literature. This informative volume also looks at new interpretive approaches to Shakespeare and his work and offers insights from the foremost Shakespeare scholars in the world, including David Bevington (University of Chicago), Stephen J. Greenblatt (Harvard University), and Gail Kern Paster (Folger Shakespeare Library), among others. Every concise entry--from All's Well That Ends Well to The Winter's Tale--promotes a deeper understanding of Shakespeare's life, times, writings, and influence that only Encyclopedia Britannica can provide. Since 1768, Encyclopedia Britannica has been a leading provider of learning products and one of the world's most trusted sources of information.


Anonymous SHAKE-SPEARE PDF Author: Kurt Kreiler
Publisher: Junius Verlag
ISBN: 3862180212
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 291

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A new Roland Emmerich film - Anonymous - was released in October 2011. The seventeenth Earl of Oxford (1550-1604), says Emmerich, wrote the Shakespearian works. How could such a postulation come about and where does this doubt as to William Shaksper's authorship come from? (No offence is intended by calling the actor from Stratford-upon-Avon "Shaksper"; he certainly wouldn't have taken any, that's how he wrote it on his marriage license.) - After the academic world has been guessing and floundering for 150 years, the literary detective Kurt Kreiler surprises us with a book that addresses this subject after years of sound and thorough academic research. This is definitely the leading book on this subject. Chapters 1 and 2 explain why Will Shaksper from Stratford-upon-Avon was not an author. In chapter 3, ten works of the author William Shakespeare will be analysed with a view to determine what criteria the author must have had in order to write the works in question. Which foreign lands had the author visited? What historical references have been made? When were the pieces written? Chapter 4 examines the social perspectives of the "Author of the plays". Chapter 5 examines what Shakespeare's literary contemporaries knew about him, with whom did they associate him, what qualities did they attribute to him? An analysis of the Harvey-Nashe-Quarrel show us that they both agree that the author "Master William" was the creator of the figure Falstaff and that this author was Eduard de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Chapter 6 deals with the first part of the biography of Eduard de Vere. Chapters 7 and 8 show that the the profile of the Author that was developed in chapters 3-5 correlates logically and universally with the biography of the Earl of Oxford. Chapter 9 is a continuation of the biography of the writer and spear shaker "William Shake-speare" up to his death in 1604. Chapter 10 shows why, how and for whom the dramatist Ben Jonson went about the task of procuring the nom de plume Shake-speare. By using the coincidental similarity between the names Shake-speare and Shaksper, Jonson posthumously set up a marionette to claim authorship of the Shakespearian works. Kurt Kreiler (b. 23 June 1950) is a German author and dramaturg. He read philology and philosophy at university, his studies culminating in a doctoral thesis on the short lived Bavarian Republic of People's Councils (1918/19). In 1983 he began his work as a writer for television and radio. In 2009 Insel Verlag published Kreiler's: "The Man who invented Shakespeare"; a book that caused a considerable stir in Germany."