Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Jay P. Abramson
ISBN: 9781938168376
Category : Algebra
Languages : en
Pages : 1564

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Book Description
"The text is suitable for a typical introductory algebra course, and was developed to be used flexibly. While the breadth of topics may go beyond what an instructor would cover, the modular approach and the richness of content ensures that the book meets the needs of a variety of programs."--Page 1.

Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Jay P. Abramson
ISBN: 9781938168376
Category : Algebra
Languages : en
Pages : 1564

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Book Description
"The text is suitable for a typical introductory algebra course, and was developed to be used flexibly. While the breadth of topics may go beyond what an instructor would cover, the modular approach and the richness of content ensures that the book meets the needs of a variety of programs."--Page 1.

Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Sheldon Axler
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 047058579X
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 784

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Book Description
Axler Algebra & Trigonometry is written for the two semester course. The text provides students with the skill and understanding needed for their coursework and for participating as an educated citizen in a complex society. Axler Algebra & Trigonometry focuses on depth, not breadth of topics by exploring necessary topics in greater detail. Readers will benefit from the straightforward definitions and plentiful examples of complex concepts. The Student Solutions Manual is integrated at the end of every section. The proximity of the solutions encourages students to go back and read the main text as they are working through the problems and exercises. The inclusion of the manual also saves students money. Axler Algebra & Trigonometry is available with WileyPLUS; an innovative, research-based, online environment for effective teaching and learning. WileyPLUS sold separately from text.

Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Harley Flanders
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483271048
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 442

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Book Description
Algebra and Trigonometry presents the essentials of algebra and trigonometry with some applications. The emphasis is on practical skills, problem solving, and computational techniques. Topics covered range from equations and inequalities to functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, and exponentials and logarithms. Trigonometric functions and complex numbers are also considered. Comprised of 11 chapters, this book begins with a discussion on the fundamentals of algebra, each topic explained, illustrated, and accompanied by an ample set of exercises. The proper use of algebraic notation and practical manipulative skills such as factoring, using exponents and radicals, and simplifying rational expressions is highlighted, along with the most common mistakes in algebra. The reader is then introduced to the solution of linear, quadratic, and other types of equations and systems of equations, as well as the solution of inequalities. Subsequent chapters deal with the most basic functions: polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithm, and trigonometric. Trigonometry and the inverse trigonometric functions and identities are also presented. The book concludes with a review of progressions, permutations, combinations, and the binomial theorem. This monograph will be a useful resource for undergraduate students of mathematics and algebra.

College Algebra & Trigonometry

College Algebra & Trigonometry PDF Author: Julie Miller
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9780078035623
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 1264

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Book Description
Julie Miller wrote her developmental math series because students were coming into her Precalculus course underprepared. They weren’t mathematically mature enough to understand the concepts of math nor were they fully engaged with the material. She began her developmental mathematics offerings with intermediate algebra to help bridge that gap. The Precalculus series is a carefully constructed end to that bridge that uses the highly effective pedagogical features from her fastest growing developmental math series. What sets Julie Miller’s series apart is that it addresses course issues through an author-created digital package that maintains a consistent voice and notation throughout the program. This consistency--in videos, PowerPoints, Lecture Notes, and Group Activities--coupled with the power of ALEKS and Connect Hosted by ALEKS, ensures that students master the skills necessary to be successful in Precalculus and can carry them through to the calculus sequence.

College Algebra and Trigonometry

College Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Richard N. Aufmann
ISBN: 9781439049396
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 906

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Book Description
Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, 7e, International Edition uses the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By incorporating interactive learning techniques, the Aufmann team helps students to better understand concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency. The text also includes technology features to accommodate courses that allow the option of using graphing calculators. The authors' proven Aufmann Interactive Method allows students to try a skill as it is presented in example form. This interaction between the examples and Try Exercises serves as a checkpoint to students as they read the textbook, do their homework, or study a section. In the Seventh Edition, Review Notes are featured more prominently throughout the text to help students recognize the key prerequisite skills needed to understand new concepts.

College Algebra

College Algebra PDF Author: Jay Abramson
ISBN: 9789888407439
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 892

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Book Description
College Algebra provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they've learned. Coverage and Scope In determining the concepts, skills, and topics to cover, we engaged dozens of highly experienced instructors with a range of student audiences. The resulting scope and sequence proceeds logically while allowing for a significant amount of flexibility in instruction. Chapters 1 and 2 provide both a review and foundation for study of Functions that begins in Chapter 3. The authors recognize that while some institutions may find this material a prerequisite, other institutions have told us that they have a cohort that need the prerequisite skills built into the course. Chapter 1: Prerequisites Chapter 2: Equations and Inequalities Chapters 3-6: The Algebraic Functions Chapter 3: Functions Chapter 4: Linear Functions Chapter 5: Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 6: Exponential and Logarithm Functions Chapters 7-9: Further Study in College Algebra Chapter 7: Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 8: Analytic Geometry Chapter 9: Sequences, Probability and Counting Theory

Algebra and Trigonometry

Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Paul A. Foerster
Publisher: Savvas Learning Company
ISBN: 9780131657106
Category : Algebra
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
In this text, algebra and trigonometry are presented as a study of special classes of functions. In the process, relationships betwen theory and real-world applications are thoroughly explored, bringing the material to life. Suitable for a second-year course, a trigonometry course, or a pre-calculus course.

Algebra and Trigonometry, Structure and Method, Book 2

Algebra and Trigonometry, Structure and Method, Book 2 PDF Author: Richard G. Brown
Publisher: McDougal Littel
ISBN: 9780395977255
Category : Algebra
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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College Algebra and Trigonometry

College Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: Diana Dwyer
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780534369958
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 692

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Book Description
Prepare for exams and succeed in your mathematics course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH, 2nd Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your textbook examples.

College Algebra and Trigonometry

College Algebra and Trigonometry PDF Author: John J. Schiller
Publisher: Scott Foresman
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 746

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