Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy

Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy PDF Author: Kimberly Lenters
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429648235
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 215

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Book Description
This book explores the impact of sensation, affect, ethics, and place on literacy learning from early childhood through to adult education. Chapters bridge the divide between theory and practice to consider how contemporary teaching and learning can promote posthuman values and perspectives. By offering a posthuman approach to literacy research and pedagogy, Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy re-works the theory-practice divide in literacy education, to emphasize the ways in which learning is an affective and embodied process merging in a particular environment. Written by literacy educators and international literacy researchers, this volume is divided into four sections focussing on: Moving with sensation and affect; becoming worldmakers with ethics and difference; relationships that matter in curriculum and place; before drawing together everything in a concise conclusion. Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy is the perfect resource for researchers, academics, and postgraduate students in the fields of literacy education and philosophy of education, as well as those seeking to explore the benefits of a posthumanism approach when conceptualising theory and practice in literacy education.

Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy

Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy PDF Author: Kimberly Lenters
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429648235
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 215

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Book Description
This book explores the impact of sensation, affect, ethics, and place on literacy learning from early childhood through to adult education. Chapters bridge the divide between theory and practice to consider how contemporary teaching and learning can promote posthuman values and perspectives. By offering a posthuman approach to literacy research and pedagogy, Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy re-works the theory-practice divide in literacy education, to emphasize the ways in which learning is an affective and embodied process merging in a particular environment. Written by literacy educators and international literacy researchers, this volume is divided into four sections focussing on: Moving with sensation and affect; becoming worldmakers with ethics and difference; relationships that matter in curriculum and place; before drawing together everything in a concise conclusion. Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy is the perfect resource for researchers, academics, and postgraduate students in the fields of literacy education and philosophy of education, as well as those seeking to explore the benefits of a posthumanism approach when conceptualising theory and practice in literacy education.

Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy

Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy PDF Author: Kimberly Lenters
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429650876
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 247

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Book Description
This book explores the impact of sensation, affect, ethics, and place on literacy learning from early childhood through to adult education. Chapters bridge the divide between theory and practice to consider how contemporary teaching and learning can promote posthuman values and perspectives. By offering a posthuman approach to literacy research and pedagogy, Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy re-works the theory-practice divide in literacy education, to emphasize the ways in which learning is an affective and embodied process merging in a particular environment. Written by literacy educators and international literacy researchers, this volume is divided into four sections focussing on: Moving with sensation and affect; becoming worldmakers with ethics and difference; relationships that matter in curriculum and place; before drawing together everything in a concise conclusion. Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy is the perfect resource for researchers, academics, and postgraduate students in the fields of literacy education and philosophy of education, as well as those seeking to explore the benefits of a posthumanism approach when conceptualising theory and practice in literacy education.

The Handbook of Critical Literacies

The Handbook of Critical Literacies PDF Author: Jessica Zacher Pandya
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000430898
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 699

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The Handbook of Critical Literacies aims to answer the timely question: what are the social responsibilities of critical literacy academics, researchers, and teachers in today’s world? Critical literacies are classically understood as ways to interrogate texts and contexts to address injustices and they are an essential literacy practice. Organized into thematic and regional sections, this handbook provides substantive definitions of critical literacies across fields and geographies, surveys of critical literacy work in over 23 countries and regions, and overviews of research, practice, and conceptual connections to established and emerging theoretical frameworks. The chapters on global critical literacy practices include research on language acquisition, the teaching of literature and English language arts, Youth Participatory Action Research, environmental justice movements, and more. This pivotal handbook enables new and established researchers to position their studies within highly relevant directions in the field and engage, organize, disrupt, and build as we work for more sustainable social and material relations. A groundbreaking text, this handbook is a definitive resource and an essential companion for students, researchers, and scholars in the field.

Humour and Environmental Education

Humour and Environmental Education PDF Author: Constance Russell
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040303641
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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This book illustrates how humour can be a powerful tool for environmental education. Hailing from eight different countries, the authors’ inquiries are grounded in a range of sites of learning and focus on different comedic forms, offering a variety of perspectives on the ways humour features, or could feature, in environmental education. The chapters adopt an array of methodological approaches and theoretical frames, drawing not only on environmental education research and humour studies, but also scholarship in affect theory, antiracist and Indigenous education, climate change communication, critical pedagogy, ecocriticism and language arts education, feminist theory, human– animal relations, media studies, new materialisms, philosophy, psychology, public pedagogy, science education, and social movement studies. Many of the topics discussed in this volume necessitated multi- or interdisciplinary inquiries and pedagogies. Delving into humour led the authors to push beyond the boundaries of their own disciplines and, for some, to form creative collaborations that took them not only into new academic fields but also outside their professions to work with actors, cartoonists, comedians, and game developers. This book was originally published as a special issue of Environmental Education Research.

Becoming Readers and Writers

Becoming Readers and Writers PDF Author: Christopher J. Wagner
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000913007
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Through incisive and accessible chapters from top scholars, it introduces readers to the concept of literate identities, examining them across ages and grade levels to present an overview of how scholars and educators can use this concept in their research and teaching. Organized by developmental level with sections on early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and cross-age research, contributors reveal how literacy can be framed as an identity practice to engage students and support their development. Applying a range of theoretical perspectives and frameworks, each chapter identifies the identity theory used, explains the relevant methodology and research questions, covers implications for practice, and includes questions or prompts for discussion. The volume reveals how understanding literate identities is at the heart of effective and inclusive literacy instruction by addressing key topics, including culturally relevant pedagogy, intersectionality, and transnationalism, among others. Illuminating multiple pathways to understanding students as readers and writers, this book is essential for teachers, scholars, and researchers in literacy education, research methods, and multicultural education.

Multimodal Funds of Knowledge in Literacy

Multimodal Funds of Knowledge in Literacy PDF Author: Sally Brown
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040150233
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Applying an asset-based approach, Multimodal Funds of Knowledge in Literacy prepares educators to teach and support diverse students and their families as they negotiate multimodal aspects of literacy learning. Framed by sociocultural theory, multiliteracies, multimodality, and posthumanism, the text combats deficit narratives by providing concrete alternatives that push educators to rethink their practices and support students’ and families’ cultural and linguistic strengths. Chapters include case studies, vignettes, prompts, and learning samples that will leave readers with valuable insights and new understandings of multimodal funds of knowledge. Comprehensive and instructive, this book is a key text in literacy education, family literacy, and community engagement.

Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times

Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times PDF Author: Ute Ward
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 104012576X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times encourages early childhood students and practitioners to take stock of current practices and pedagogies in light of challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, ecological concerns, and regulatory pressures. The contributions from various scholars and practitioners present a range of theoretical concepts as well as innovative practice examples, inviting deep reflection on your own beliefs and attitudes. They examine and envisage different ways of working with and for young children, their families and communities for a better future. Chapters in this timely book include experts from around the globe examining key issues in early childhood education. The first section questions the increasing digitalisation in nurseries and pre-schools and its impact on staff members, parents and children. The second section focuses on workforce development, management systems and the role of parents in policymaking. The third section showcases innovative pedagogical approaches looking beyond widely accepted early learning goals, assessments and curricula to develop inclusive environments that foster all children’s development and learning. Lastly, the fourth section steps back from day-to-day practice and considers what concern for the environment, social justice and posthumanism means for early childhood education and pedagogy. This book will be a key resource for early childhood education and care practitioners, graduate students, policymakers and researchers facilitating the step from the here-and-now to revised future practice and policy that will enable all children to flourish.

A History of Literacy Education

A History of Literacy Education PDF Author: Robert J. Tierney
Publisher: Teachers College Press
ISBN: 0807779687
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 401

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In this volume, two notable scholars trace the monumental shifts in theory, research, and practice related to reading education and literacy, with particular attention to what they consider the central goal of literacy—making meaning. Each section describes a specific epoch, including a brief snapshot of how the reader of that period is envisioned and characterized by researchers and teachers, as well as a deep discussion of the ideas and contextual events of that era. These developmental waves are organized in rough historical sequence by a series of shifts in underlying theoretical and scholarly lenses—from the behavioral to the psycholinguistic to the cognitive to the sociocultural to the critical to the multimodal to the global. The book closes with a discussion of the various research frames and methodological approaches that paralleled these developments. Throughout, there is a profound recognition that all research and practice are ultimately directed toward how students make meaning, from sound to letter to word, to ideas and images. Book Features: Animates some of the revolutionary developments related to reading education and literacy in modern times. Each development is accompanied by a discussion of the aspirational reader that sets the stage for contemplating these shifts and their significance.Traces the research and theoretical developments to illustrate the origins of the shifts and their influences. Supported by a website with video lectures and conversations tied to the various waves of development.

The Ethnography of Reading at Thirty

The Ethnography of Reading at Thirty PDF Author: Matthew Rosen
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031382269
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 285

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This edited volume examines what the classic text The Ethnography of Reading (Boyarin ed., 1993), and the diverse ethnographies of reading it helped inspire, can offer contemporary scholars interested in understanding the place of reading in social life. The Ethnography of Reading at Thirty brings together new research and critical reflections from an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars who have kept their ears tuned to the voices in and around the texts they encountered and constructed in the process of bringing the ethnography of reading into the twenty-first century. Rather than operating from universalist assumptions about how people interact with and make meaning from written texts, each of the present contributors draw in one way or another on the theoretical, methodological, and creative legacies of The Ethnography of Reading. Under the broad umbrella of ethnographic reader studies, they collectively explore new relations between texts, social imagination, and social action.

Feminist Speculations and the Practice of Research-Creation

Feminist Speculations and the Practice of Research-Creation PDF Author: Sarah E. Truman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000440338
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 189

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Feminist Speculations and the Practice of Research-Creation provides a unique introduction to research-creation as a methodology, and a series of exemplifications of research-creation projects in practice with a range of participants including secondary school students, artists, and academics. In conversation with leading scholars in the field, the book outlines research-creation as transdisciplinary praxis embedded in queer-feminist anti-racist politics. It provides a methodological overview of how the author approaches research-creation projects at the intersection of literary arts, textuality, artistic practice, and pedagogies of writing, drawing on concepts related to the feminist materialisms, including speculative thought, affect theories, queer theory, and process philosophy. Further, it troubles representationalism in qualitative research in the arts. The book demonstrates how research-creation operates through the making of or curating of art or cultural productions as an integral part of the research process. The exemplification chapters engage with the author’s research-creation events with diverse participants all focused on text-based artistic projects including narratives, inter-textual marginalia art, postcards, songs, and computer-generated scripts. The book is aimed at graduate students and early career researchers who mobilize the literary arts, theory, and research in transdisciplinary settings.