Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy

Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy PDF Author: Judy W. Kugelmass
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1617352438
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Mission Statement: This book investigates issues surrounding the creation of social policy and support systems for children and families in this emerging democracy. Approaches advocated by progressively oriented Lithuanian educators, mental health and human service professionals toward addressing these conditions are presented by Lithuanian and American educators and mental health practitioners who have been working toward the development of democratically based social institutions.

Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy

Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy PDF Author: Judy W. Kugelmass
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1617352438
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Book Description
Mission Statement: This book investigates issues surrounding the creation of social policy and support systems for children and families in this emerging democracy. Approaches advocated by progressively oriented Lithuanian educators, mental health and human service professionals toward addressing these conditions are presented by Lithuanian and American educators and mental health practitioners who have been working toward the development of democratically based social institutions.

Challenging Democracy in Early Childhood Education

Challenging Democracy in Early Childhood Education PDF Author: Valerie Margrain
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811377715
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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This book explores how concepts and values of contemporary democracy are variously understood and applied in diverse cultural contexts, with a focus on children and childhood and diversity. Drawing on a range of methodological approaches relevant to early childhood education, it discusses young children's engagement and voice. The book identifies existing practices, strengths, theories and considerations in democracy in early childhood education and childhood, highlighting the democratic participation of children in cultural contexts. Further, it illustrates how democracy can be evident in early childhood practices and interactions across a range of curriculum contexts and perspectives, and considers ways of advancing and sustaining practices with positive transformational opportunities to benefit children and wider ecological systems. It offers readers insights into what democracy and citizenship look like in lived experience, and the issues affecting practice and encouraging reflection and advocacy.

Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children's Voice and Agency

Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children's Voice and Agency PDF Author: Ilene R. Berson
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1641135484
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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This volume of the Research in Global Child Advocacy Series explores participatory methodologies and tools that involve children in research. Perspectives on the role of children have transitioned from viewing children as objects of research, to children as subjects of research, to acknowledgement of children as competent contributors and agents throughout the inquiry process. Researchers continue to explore approaches that honor the capacity of children, drawing on diverse methodologies to elevate children’s voices and actively engage them in the production of knowledge. Nonetheless, despite these developments, questions over the extent to which children can be free of adult filters and influence merits sustained scholarly attention. The book includes chapters that critically examine methodological approaches that empower children in the research process. Contributions include empirical or practitioner pieces that operate from an empowerment paradigm and demonstrate the agenic capacity of children to contribute their perspectives and voices to our understanding of childhood and children’s lives. The text also features conceptual pieces that challenge existing theoretical frameworks, critique research paradigms, and analyze dilemmas or tensions related to ethics, policy and power relations in the research process.

Overcoming AIDS

Overcoming AIDS PDF Author: Donald E. Morisky
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1607527154
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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As a result of the AIDS epidemic, many nations around the world have faced the demands of caring for a particularly vulnerable population of children, the orphans of parents who have died of AIDS or whose caregivers are terminally ill from the disease. Overcoming AIDS: Lessons Learned from Uganda offers an in-depth exploration of this global issue and provides a broad focus on evolving a constructive response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This collaborative resource is the fourth in the Research in Global Child Advocacy book series, and it offers readers a glimpse into the experience of HIV/AIDS infected and affected people from the perspective of researchers, policy makers, and professionals who diligently work toward crafting a framework for action that is integrated across disciplines. Despite the enormity and intensity of the problem, chapter authors share a commitment to advocate for a better world in which social and economic disparities do not preclude children from experiencing a future that is bright with potential opportunities and hope.

Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education

Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education PDF Author: Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr.
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1452265976
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1393

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More than any other field in education, the social and cultural foundations of education reflect many of the conflicts, tensions, and forces in American society. This is hardly surprising, since the area focuses on issues such as race, gender, socioeconomic class, the impact of technology on learning, what it means to be educated, and the role of teaching and learning in a societal context. The Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education provides a comprehensive introduction to the social and cultural foundations of education. With more than 400 entries, the three volumes of this indispensable resource offer a thorough and interdisciplinary view of the field for all those interested in issues involving schools and society. Key Features · Provides an interdisciplinary perspective from areas such as comparative education, educational anthropology, educational sociology, the history of education, and the philosophy of education · Presents essays on major movements in the field, including the Free School and Visual Instruction movements · Includes more than 130 biographical entries on important men and women in education · Offers interpretations of legal material including Brown v. Board of Education(1954) and the GI Bill of Rights · Explores theoretical debates fundamental to the field such as religion in the public school curriculum, rights of students and teachers, surveillance in schools, tracking and detracking, and many more · Contains a visual history of American education with nearly 350 images and an accompanying narrative Key Themes · Arts, Media, and Technology · Curriculum · Economic Issues · Equality and Social Stratification · Evaluation, Testing, and Research Methods · History of Education · Law and Public Policy · Literacy · Multiculturalism and Special Populations · Organizations, Schools, and Institutions · Religion and Social Values · School Governance · Sexuality and Gender · Teachers · Theories, Models, and Philosophical Perspectives · A Visual History of American Education

Education for a Civil Society

Education for a Civil Society PDF Author: Dan Gartrell
Publisher: National Association for the Education of Young Children
ISBN: 9781928896876
Category : Affective education
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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Social and emotional skills children need.

Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education: A-H ; 2, I-Z ; 3, Biographies, visual history, index

Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education: A-H ; 2, I-Z ; 3, Biographies, visual history, index PDF Author: Eugene F. Provenzo
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1412906784
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1393

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The 'Encyclopedia' provides an introduction to the social and cultural foundations of education. The first two volumes consist of A-Z entries, featuring essays representing the major disciplines including philosophy, history, and sociology, and a third volume is made up of documentary, photographic, and visual resources.

High-Tech Tots

High-Tech Tots PDF Author: Ilene R. Berson
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1617350117
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Young children are coming of age surrounded by information and communication technology (ICT). ICT is a prominent force in their lives, and working with ICT can stimulate students intellectually, incite their creativity, and challenge them to apply developmentally appropriate inquiry approaches that enhance their learning experiences. Digital technologies also allow children to expand their physical space and access many online social environments that transcend time and space. However, any focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of technology applications in the early childhood years cannot overlook the potential consequences of technological development on children with regard to their social functioning, interpersonal interactions, and global understanding. In addition to evaluating technology as a tool of instruction, we must focus on educational implications and ethical issues associated with their use. This book is the fifth in the Research in Global Child Advocacy Series. The volume examines theoretical assumptions as well as the application of innovative strategies that optimize the interface between young children and ICT from a global perspective. Despite divergent perspectives, the chapter authors share a commitment to explore the immersion of ICT into the lives of young children and consider the educational value of these tools as well as the developmental appropriateness of technological affordances. This volume brings together scholars and policymakers whose rich discourse delves into questions such as: How do communication technologies benefit young children’s social and cognitive development? What standards and technical specifications are needed to effectively safeguard young children engaged with ICT? How are young children introduced to ICT? What are the challenges and risks for young children online? What programs are effective in mediating risk? What are the educational applications for ICT in early childhood? Is social networking the new "online playground” for young children? How can young children become competent users of digital technology and media? How can early childhood educators and families encourage positive usage and discourage negative social consequences associated with today’s technology? How can ICT enhance teaching and learning for young children? What ICT activities are developmentally appropriate for young children? In the book there are three primary areas of emphasis: (a) ICT as a teaching and learning tool across cultures and countries to promote the social and cognitive development of young children; (b) research on developmentally appropriate education on cybersafety and cybercitizenship; and (c) studies on the influence of digital technologies on young children, including exposure to inappropriate content and participation in online social networks. This resource offers readers a glimpse into the experience of children and the expertise of researchers and professionals who diligently work toward crafting a framework for action that reflects intercultural and cross-national initiatives. Given the role that electronic media plays in the lives of children as both an educational and entertainment tool, understanding the physical and social contexts, as well as the developmental issues, is critical to programs aiming to optimize the full potential of digital tools that support and enhance the experiences of young children.

Cultural Sociology of Divorce

Cultural Sociology of Divorce PDF Author: Robert E. Emery
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1412999588
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 1625

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While the formal definition of divorce may be concise and straightforward (legal termination of a marital union, dissolving bonds of matrimony between parties), the effects are anything but, particularly when children are involved. The Americans for Divorce Reform estimates that "40 or possibly even 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce if current trends continue." Outside the U.S., divorce rates have markedly increased across developed countries. Divorce and its effects are a significant social factor in our culture and others. It might be said that a whole "divorce industry" has been constructed, with divorce lawyers and mediators, family counselors, support groups, etc. As King Henry VIII's divorces showed, divorce has not always been easy or accepted. In some countries, divorce is not permitted and even in Europe, countries such as Spain, Italy, Portugal, and the Republic of Ireland legalized divorce only in the latter quarter of the 20th century. This multi-disciplinary encyclopedia covers curricular subjects related to divorce as examined by disciplines ranging from marriage and the family to anthropology, social and legal history, developmental and clinical psychology, and religion, all through a lens of cultural sociology. Features: 550 signed entries, A-to-Z, fill 3 volumes (1,500 pages) in print and electronic formats, offering the most detailed reference work available on issues related to divorce, both in the U.S. and globally. Cross-References and Further Readings guide readers to additional resources. A Chronology provides students with context via a historical perspective of divorce. In the electronic version, the comprehensive Index combines with Cross-References and thematic Reader's Guide themes to provide convenient search-and-browse capabilities. For state and nation entries, uniform entry structure combined with an abundance of statistics facilitates comparison between and across states and nations. Appendices provide further annotated sources of data and statistics.

Digital Technologies and Early Childhood in China

Digital Technologies and Early Childhood in China PDF Author: Ilene R. Berson
Publisher: IAP
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 153

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This edited book on Digital Technologies and Early Childhood in China: Policy and Practice is the eighth volume in the Research in Global Child Advocacy Series. This volume details the entanglement of digital technologies and early childhood ecologies, learning and pedagogies in China. It analyses how traditional Chinese values, Eastern and Western curricular approaches, and socio-political, economic, cultural, and demographic changes influence current policies, services, and practice. This book is the first research-based review of technology integration into early childhood education and the factors that affect it in China. It is particularly timely given China’s growing influence and the increased recognition of the importance of early childhood education for human capital development globally. Across international contexts, there is limited knowledge of China’s early childhood curricular reforms, and this book offers insight into the socio-cultural and political influences that have driven the nation’s tremendous investment in the technology infrastructure, the ambitious goals for implementation into the education of young children, and barriers to these integration efforts. Collectively, this rich collection of chapters offers a nuanced understanding of the entanglement of digital technologies and early childhood education in China. Each chapter sheds light on a distinct aspect of this complex landscape, providing valuable insights and opening new avenues for exploration. It sheds light on the socio-cultural and political influences that have shaped China's ambitious goals for technology integration in the education of young children. By addressing the barriers and challenges faced in these integration efforts, the book provides critical knowledge for policymakers, researchers, and educators seeking to enhance early childhood education practices in China and beyond. Furthermore, this volume contributes to the global understanding of China's early childhood curricular reforms and the significant investments made in technology infrastructure. As China continues to play an influential role in the global landscape, understanding its early childhood curricular reforms and technology integration efforts becomes increasingly important. This book contributes to the international knowledge base by offering insights into the socio-cultural and political influences driving China's investment in technology infrastructure and the challenges faced in its implementation. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and educators worldwide seeking to enhance early childhood education practices, promote digital literacy, and harness the potential of digital technologies in early learning environments.