A Sound Reference Base for Soils: The "Référentiel Pédologique"

A Sound Reference Base for Soils: The Author:
Publisher: Editions Quae
ISBN: 9782738008114
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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Book Description
This new system names soil types and links them to a comprehensive reference base. The book takes into account all that is currently known on the soils in Europe and further afield. Based on clarified and modern concepts, it offers a clear and well defined language. More than just a soil classification system, it is a coherent method for organizing all the available information. Above all, it is an effective tool that conveys the necessary information and establishes correlations between different regions.

A Sound Reference Base for Soils: The "Référentiel Pédologique"

A Sound Reference Base for Soils: The Author:
Publisher: Editions Quae
ISBN: 9782738008114
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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Book Description
This new system names soil types and links them to a comprehensive reference base. The book takes into account all that is currently known on the soils in Europe and further afield. Based on clarified and modern concepts, it offers a clear and well defined language. More than just a soil classification system, it is a coherent method for organizing all the available information. Above all, it is an effective tool that conveys the necessary information and establishes correlations between different regions.

World Reference Base for Soil Resources

World Reference Base for Soil Resources PDF Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9789251041413
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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Key to the reference soil groups; Diagnostic horizonts, properties and materials; Diagnostic horizons, Albic horizon; Andic horizon; Anthraquic horizon; Anthropedogenic horizons, Argic horizon; Calcic horizon; Cambic horizon; Cryic horizon; Duric horizon; Ferralic horizon; Ferric horizon; Folic horizon; Fragic horizon; Fulvic horizon; Gypsic horizon; Histic horizon; Hydragric horizon; Hortic horizon; Irragric horizon; Melanic horizon; Mollic horizon; Natric horizon; Nitic horizon; Ochric horizon; Petrocalcic horizon;petroduric horizon; Petrogypsic horizon; Petroplinthic horizon; Plaggic horizon; Plinthic horizon; Salic horizon; Spodic horizon; Sulfuric horizon; Takyric horizon; Terric horizon; Umbric horizon; Vertic horizon; Vitric horizon; Yermic horizon; Diagnostic properties; Abrupt textural change; Albeluvic tonguing, Alic properties; Aridic properties; Continuous hard rock; Ferralic properties; Geric properties; Gleyic properties; Permafrost; Secondary carbonates; Stagnic properties; Strongly humic properties; Diagnostic materials; Anthropogeomorphic soil material; Calcaric soil material; Fluvic soil material; Gypsiric soil material; Organic soil material; Sulfidic soil material; Tephric soil material; Classifying subdivisions of the reference soil groups.

World reference base for soil resources 2014

World reference base for soil resources 2014 PDF Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 925108369X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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This publication is a revised and updated version of World Soil Resources Reports No. 84 and 103 and presents the international soil classification system. Every soil in the world can be allocated to one of the 32 Reference Soil Groups as defined in this document, and can further be characterized by a set of qualifiers. The resulting soil name provides information on soil genesis, soil ecological function and soil properties relevant for land use and management. The same system, refined slightly, may be used to name the units of soil map legends, thereby providing comprehensive spatial information. By accommodating national soil classification systems, the World Reference Base facilitates the worldwide correlation of soil information.

A Handbook of Soil Terminology, Correlation and Classification

A Handbook of Soil Terminology, Correlation and Classification PDF Author: Pavel Krasilnikov
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136546642
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 449

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Book Description
Soil classification and terminology are fundamental issues for the clear understanding and communication of the subject. However, while there are many national soil classification systems, these do not directly correlate with each other. This leads to confusion and great difficulty in undertaking comparative scientific research that draws on more than one system and in making sense of international scientific papers using a system that is unfamiliar to the reader. This book aims to clarify this position by describing and comparing different systems and evaluating them in the context of the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources. The latter was set up to resolve these problems by creating an international 'umbrella' system for soil correlation. All soil scientists should then classify soils using the WRB as well as their national systems. The book is a definitive and essential reference work for all students studying soils as part of life, earth or environmental sciences, as well as professional soil scientists. Published with International Union of Soil Sciences

Soils in Urban Ecosystem

Soils in Urban Ecosystem PDF Author: Amitava Rakshit
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811689148
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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This book is a compilation of latest work in the field of urban soil management. It explores the global status of urban soils and puts forwards methods for sustainable utilization of urban soils and green spaces.Urban soil study is a new frontier of soil science. Urban soils research is challenging due to complexity of classification, spatial-temporal variability, exposure to pollution and the predominant effect of the anthropogenic factor on soil formation. Management of urban soils and green spaces is an important aspect for developing sustainable spaces. This is a comprehensive collection of information for the students, researchers, landscape architects understanding and maximizing the benefits of soils in urban ecosystems.

Interactions in Soil: Promoting Plant Growth

Interactions in Soil: Promoting Plant Growth PDF Author: John Dighton
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9401788901
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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This book investigates soil ecology and biodiversity for its ability to maintain a balance of beneficial organisms to support plant growth. This subject is discussed by a group of international authors in natural, agricultural and urban systems. The importance of biodiversity per se and, specifically, the feedbacks between the plant and soil biota in mediating soil function are emphasized. Examples are selected from allelopathy and invasive plant species along with the, hitherto overlooked, role of viruses in soil. The book is intended to provide a framework for a holistic understanding of the essential role of soil organisms in promoting plant growth.

The Soils of Italy

The Soils of Italy PDF Author: Edoardo A.C. Costantini
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400756429
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Book Description
The Soils of Italy is the first comprehensive book on Italian pedology in seventy years. Taking advantage of the authors’ large experience and of the most up-to-date information and technology, this book treats the main soil types of Italy, their diffusion, their functions, ecological use, and the threats to which they are subjected during centuries of intensive management. It also deals with future scenarios of the relationships between soil science and other disciplines, such as urban development, medicine, economics, sociology, and archaeology. The description of the soils is accompanied by a complete set of data, pictures and maps, including benchmark profiles. Factors of soil formation are also treated, making use of new, unpublished data and elaborations. The book also includes a history of pedological research in Italy, spanning over a century.

Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe

Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe PDF Author: Ólafur Arnalds
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540487115
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 648

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This book compiles information gained by an EU research network over six years of research on European volcanic soils. It gives comprehensive coverage of soils in volcanic regions within Europe, dealing with most aspects of modern day soil science. New methodology is introduced and the synthesis of the research casts a new light on soils with andic soil properties.

Mapping of the Soil

Mapping of the Soil PDF Author: Jean-Paul Legros
Publisher: Science Publishers
ISBN: 9781578083633
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 436

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A treatise on soil cartography, it deals with methods and techniques, use of computers, and application of statistics for mapping soil cover and covers things required for the interpretation of results obtained, and for determining the most economical itinerary to attain that purpose.

Encyclopedia of Soil Science

Encyclopedia of Soil Science PDF Author: Rattan Lal
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498738931
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2795

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Book Description
New and Improved Global Edition: Three-Volume Set A ready reference addressing a multitude of soil and soil management concerns, the highly anticipated and widely expanded third edition of Encyclopedia of Soil Science now spans three volumes and covers ground on a global scale. A definitive guide designed for both coursework and self-study, this latest version describes every branch of soil science and delves into trans-disciplinary issues that focus on inter-connectivity or the nexus approach. For Soil Scientists, Crop Scientists, Plant Scientists and More A host of contributors from around the world weigh in on underlying themes relevant to natural and agricultural ecosystems. Factoring in a rapidly changing climate and a vastly growing population, they sound off on topics that include soil degradation, climate change, soil carbon sequestration, food and nutritional security, hidden hunger, water quality, non-point source pollution, micronutrients, and elemental transformations. New in the Third Edition: Contains over 600 entries Offers global geographical and thematic coverage Entries peer reviewed by subject experts Addresses current issues of global significance Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Third Edition: Three Volume Set expertly explains the science of soil and describes the material in terms that are easily accessible to researchers, students, academicians, policy makers, and laymen alike. Also Available Online This Taylor & Francis encyclopedia is also available through online subscription, offering a variety of extra benefits for researchers, students, and librarians, including: Citation tracking and alerts Active reference linking Saved searches and marked lists HTML and PDF format options Contact Taylor and Francis for more information or to inquire about subscription options and print/online combination packages. US: (Tel) 1.888.318.2367; (E-mail) [email protected] International: (Tel) +44 (0) 20 7017 6062; (E-mail) [email protected]