A Master of Wisdom on Higher Metaphysics

A Master of Wisdom on Higher Metaphysics PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 11

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1. The supreme energy resides in the Buddhi: latent when wedded to Atman alone; active and irresistible when galvanized by the essence of Manas. 2. Healing requires perfect benevolence, untainted even by latent selfishness. 3. The unreformed Western mind cannot grasp the essence of Buddhistic exegesis. The twin faces of Avalokiteshvara. The blind and guilty Rhys Davids leads the blind and innocent Lillie into the ditch. 4. God Geometrises. 5. Only the unshackled Spirit shall see the things of the Spirit without a veil.

A Master of Wisdom on Higher Metaphysics

A Master of Wisdom on Higher Metaphysics PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 11

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1. The supreme energy resides in the Buddhi: latent when wedded to Atman alone; active and irresistible when galvanized by the essence of Manas. 2. Healing requires perfect benevolence, untainted even by latent selfishness. 3. The unreformed Western mind cannot grasp the essence of Buddhistic exegesis. The twin faces of Avalokiteshvara. The blind and guilty Rhys Davids leads the blind and innocent Lillie into the ditch. 4. God Geometrises. 5. Only the unshackled Spirit shall see the things of the Spirit without a veil.

Mystical Insights

Mystical Insights PDF Author: Paul Leon Masters
ISBN: 9780996459679
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Is there a Universal Consciousness in Whose Consciousness, we move, live, and have our being? The exploration of consciousness is the final frontier in the exploration of life and the mysteries of existence-its origin, its on-going presence-as well as for answering questions that intellectual analysis cannot answer because it is based on the speculations of the five senses. Consider then that within every human being there are simultaneous states of existence that are active-predating human life, during human life, and beyond human life. Participate in this world of illusions but always retain the Light of Universal Awareness, wherever your soul's purpose path may lead you. - Dr. Paul Leon Masters As far back as he could remember, Paul Leon Masters was drawn to the mysteries of life, the universe, the mind, the soul, and the Presence of a Higher Intelligence-or God-behind creation. What he studied caused him to thirst for more knowledge about the mystical as well as any form of psychology that had an appreciation of the mystical. He also found that what he had learned, when applied to the lives of others, seemed to help them. This led him to seek a school that had a degree program in tune with the mystical/psychological path he wished to pursue. Traditional universities, particularly in the 1950s, did not offer anything close to what he sought. A true pioneer, in subsequent decades Dr. Masters spent countless hours with thousands of people conducting higher consciousness research - all of which enormously expanded what he originally learned in the1950s and early 1960s. He founded the National Metaphysics Institute in 1965, conducting research on the spiritual heights and potentials of mind and spirit. His contributions to the field of mystical psychology were those of a trail-blazer. Having founded the University of Metaphysics (1976), he then founded the International Metaphysical Ministry (1989) to accommodate the world-wide interest and enrollment in his courses. Five years later, he founded the University of Sedona (2003). He deservedly earned recognition as the world's foremost teacher of metaphysical doctors, teachers, and ministers, offering self-paced, distance learning degree programs in Holistic, New Thought, Theocentric, Transcendent, and Transpersonal Metaphysics. But the most important achievements of all Dr. Paul Masters' efforts were the support and advancement of higher consciousness research, education, and advanced New Thought Metaphysics. Both universities have a curriculum that is non-secular and theological in nature. They are the world's largest schools of their kind, spanning 123 countries with over 10,000 students and graduates.

Theosophia Inner Wisdom

Theosophia Inner Wisdom PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, et al.
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
ISBN: 0955040035
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 49

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Theosophy is the renaissance of ancient spiritualism. Theosophy is Archaic Wisdom-Religion, as taught by Masters and Magi, Sages and Hierophants, Prophets and Philosophers, to the Elect — undisguised by symbols. It is Spiritual Knowledge, reasoned out and corroborated by personal experience. Diogenes Laërtius traces Theosophy to an epoch antedating the dynasty of the Ptolemies. But, in fact, Theosophy is much older: It is the parent stem of Archaic Wisdom. The term was revived in the 3rd century AD by Ammonius Saccas, the Alexandrian Socrates of Neo-Platonism, teacher of Plotinus, and founder of the Eclectic Theosophical System. Briefly, Eclectic Theosophy asserts that: 1. Humanity is a periodic emanation from a single noetic essence and, 2. When by exertion and merit, a mortal soul activates its latent faculties and potencies, it can be re-connected with its immortal noetic origin and source. Hence, the Buddhistic, Vedantic, and Magian or Zoroastrian systems were taught in the Eclectic Theosophical School along with all the philosophies of Greece. It was Theosophy which prompted such men as Hegel, Fichte, and Spinoza, to take up the labours of the old Grecian philosophers and speculate upon the One Substance — the Deity, the Divine All, proceeding from Divine Wisdom. And it was Theosophy that made it possible for great thinkers such as Plotinus, Schelling, and Emerson, to reflect upon man’s divine ancestry. What Theosophy is and is not. By looking inwards at the noumenal worlds and causes, Theosophy is Esoteric Science, par excellence. Exact Science is only concerned with phenomenal worlds and effects. Esoteric Science corroborates Nature’s metaphysics and Divine Laws; Exact Science, Its physics and natural laws. In Its fruition, Theosophy is Inner Knowledge about the divinity of Cosmos and Man, and a noetic progression from the known and knowable, to the unknown and, otherwise, unknowable. And, as such, It lies at the root of every moral philosophy, religion, and science. Theosophy is the world’s tree of knowledge and sum total of all sciences. Sophia is the accumulated wisdom of Divine Beings from the beginning of time, who have willingly accepted the harshness and drudgery of sentient life to help their toiling brothers. Theosophy is not a religion. It is but an analytical science, the ally of every honest religion. Being the culmination and practical demonstration of the Truths underlying every creed, Theosophy is compatible with every religion. It believes in no miracle, whether divine or devilish, and cherishes no anthropomorphic concepts, whether gods or demons. Theosophy discriminates between finite animal man, and Infinite Divine Man, and differs from the Vedantin doctrines. It is not even “esoteric” religion! Every old religion is but a chapter or two of the entire volume of archaic primeval mysteries — Eastern Occultism alone being able to boast that it is in possession of the full secret, with its seven keys. In other words, Theosophy is Religion itself! Loyalty to Truth is Its creed, Brotherhood of all beings, not just men, Its noble aim. Theosophy is Inner Wisdom or Divine Knowledge. It is at the heart of all religions and philosophies from the earliest time to the present day, embracing all domains of mundane knowledge and human endeavour. Yet, It is a practical, and an ethical philosophy, ever transcending self-imposed boundaries to expand consciousness, and to dispel lingering doubts. In short, Theosophy is Supernal Philosophy, Wisdom’s True Love, not mere verbiage. It is a philosophy to live by. Metaphysically, Theosophy is the accumulated testimony and wisdom of the ages. Theosophy is not knowledge of a “God,” It is knowledge of gods, Celestial Knowledge: a shoreless ocean of Everlasting Truth, Love, and Impartiality, monistic through and through. By seeking the One Truth, its allied with the ideals of every seeker of Truth. To fully define Theosophy, we must consider it under all its aspects. By means of Its Golden Precepts, those who are intellectually and ethically fit might gain insights of the inner world of being. There, mystics can see past, present, and future as in a mirror. Theosophy wakes up and frees the Heavenly Man from the clutches of Its outer shadow, so that He can live for others, here on Earth, unconstrained by his earthly jailer, forgetting himself in the midst of the many selves, in the words of a Philaletheian. Ethically, Theosophy is unconditioned love for humanity and for all that lives. Theosophy is philanthropy, par excellence, unconditioned and unreserved love for our fellow human beings and for all that lives, in thought and deed. It alone can restore hope and instil responsibility in a world suffocating from ignorance and its own misdeeds, by mediating between egotism and altruism. Even the great Law of Harmony depends on altruism! Theosophy’s aim and noble mission is to establish a community of spiritual thinkers who, by studying Its precepts and enriching everyday life with Its exalted ethics, can bring about a peaceful realignment of mainstream thought, as a matter of urgency! Warnings to aspirants. Those who do not enter inner life in the Spirit of Brotherhood; Those who try to degrade a noble philosophy into a den for immorality; Those who are ignorant of the dangers of psychic powers; And specially those who have already pledged to live for the World, Beware! Only purity of deed and thought can raise you to the company of your Divine Self.

A Master of Wisdom on God

A Master of Wisdom on God PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 13

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Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom

Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom PDF Author: A Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 15

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The cis-Himalayan Mahatmas are Great Souls and Masters of Wisdom; their higher individuality is en rapport with the Universal Soul. Through occult training in successive births, the hold of lower Manas weakens until the whole Manas identifies with the Universal Soul, which runs through humanity at large, and lo and behold! a new Saviour of Mankind is born. Only a pure and unexpecting soul, whose brotherly love has uplifted his Manas above the fog of separateness, can ever hope to approach the majesty of a Mahatma. Manasic perception is enlightened belief without intellectual understanding. That is the real meaning of faith, not the blind belief implied by the religious meaning of faith. The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers. Their three higher aspects are merged into One. A Planetary Spirit can roam the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, while continue living on earth in his original body. That is highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our planet. Only an Occultist, by analysing and experiencing sentient life in all its phases, whether on earth or beyond, whether mineral, vegetable, animal, or spiritual life, can figure out the Great Problem of Consciousness. Spirit and Matter are co-existent, inseparable, interdependent, and convertible to each other. This androgynous Force is Mind and Soul. Since motion is all-pervading and absolute rest inconceivable, under whatever form or mask may appear, whether as light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity or elec-tricity — all these must be phases of One and the same universal omnipotent Force. Consciousness is not only transformable into other aspects or phases of the all-pervading Force, but that it can be infused into, and animate, an artificial man. The three extant centres of Occult Brotherhood, though widely separated geographically, and as widely exoterically, promulgate the same esoteric doctrine. Self is a passing guest, whose concerns are all like a mirage of the great desert. It is upon the serene and placid surface of the unruffled mind that the visions gathered from the invisible find a representation in the visible world. Nature has linked all parts of her Empire together by subtle threads of magnetic sympathy. By subduing the lower Manas and thus identifying with his higher counterpart, man can become master and ruler over blind molecular motion.

A Master of Wisdom on the Music of the Spheres

A Master of Wisdom on the Music of the Spheres PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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With Addendum by Thomas Taylor, the English Platonist.

A Master of Wisdom on the Panoramic Vision at Death

A Master of Wisdom on the Panoramic Vision at Death PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 8

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Philosophy and Life

Philosophy and Life PDF Author: Ilham Dilman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400961847
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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JOHN WISDOM AND THE BREADTH OF PHILOSOPHY hham Dhman 1. THE ESSAYS IN THIS VOLUME The essays following the two pieces by John Wisdom have all been written by philosophers who are former students or friends of Wisdom or who have a high regard for his work. Their contributions were all written with him in mind and to be discussed at a conference honouring his work. This conference was held in August 1983 at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which Wisdom has been a fellow since 1935. Wisdom is a master of discursive reasoning and one of his distinctive contributions in philosophy has been to examine its various forms and their interconnections, particularly the form it takes in philosophical inquiry and the way it advances our understanding there. His concern to bring out the links between all that is abstract in such reasoning and the concrete and particular is well known and represented in many of the essays in this volume. But Wisdom has also a deep appreciation of the kind of understanding that is advanced non-discursively. As he puts it in the first piece in this volume: However skilled a good critic 'I am sure that much of what makes "Hamlet" "Hamlet" will run between his fingers'. He has himself advanced our understanding on many questions in philosophy in this way, not simply by what he has said, but also by what he has suggested 'between the lines'.

The Master Atom is Man’s Spiritual Soul

The Master Atom is Man’s Spiritual Soul PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism

Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism PDF Author: Frithjof Schuon
Publisher: Library of Traditional Wisdom
ISBN: 9780941532273
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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A near complete survey of Schuon's thought in the areas of cosmology and metaphysical principles.