A Devil's Vaudeville

A Devil's Vaudeville PDF Author: William J. Leatherbarrow
Publisher: Northwestern University Press
ISBN: 0810120496
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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A study of the 'demonic markers' that run throughout Dostoevsky's fiction, this also explores the narrative and generic implications of the way Dostoevsky inscribed the demonic in his fictional works - implications that point to a new understanding of familiar concepts in the work of this Russian master.

A Devil's Vaudeville

A Devil's Vaudeville PDF Author: William J. Leatherbarrow
Publisher: Northwestern University Press
ISBN: 0810120496
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Book Description
A study of the 'demonic markers' that run throughout Dostoevsky's fiction, this also explores the narrative and generic implications of the way Dostoevsky inscribed the demonic in his fictional works - implications that point to a new understanding of familiar concepts in the work of this Russian master.


DEVILS PDF Author: Tanay Bhadra
Publisher: Notion Press
ISBN: 1649195915
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 285

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When the night settles, And the wolf howls at its moon, The murk shall devour the sky, The Lands shall cry, A forever midnight will besiege the ticking of time, For the Devils only come out at midnight. Angels will fall, And the Devils will rise. For every end shall have a new beginning. - Aeon, Ruler of the Great Beyond “Everyone believes that there are two kinds of devils – ones that come from above and the ones that come from below. The ones that come from below seek vengeance upon the mortal world. The ones that come from above seek redemption amongst the living. But I personally believe in the third kind of devils, who seek both – redemption and vengeance. These devils are us – the living creatures.”: SPAR 84 “You were brave to enact and try to bring things in order, but you messed up. Someone needed to clean up that mess of yours: Destiny chose me”: Yanat “Evil cannot be suppressed, it can only be delayed”: VEH 8462

A Vaudeville of Devils

A Vaudeville of Devils PDF Author: Robert Girardi
ISBN: 9780385333986
Category : Didactic fiction, American
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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A collection of stories in which people have to make choices. Typical is the story, Three Ravens on a Red Ground, in which a company executive must decide between protecting his workers' jobs or enriching himself by selling to the Japanese.

The Demonic

The Demonic PDF Author: Ewan Fernie
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136178570
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Are we either good or bad, and do we really know the difference? Why do we want what we cannot have, and even to be what we’re not? Can we desire others without wanting to possess them? Can we open to others and not risk possession ourselves? And where, in these cases, do we draw the line? Ewan Fernie argues that the demonic tradition in literature offers a key to our most agonised and intimate experiences. The Demonic ranges across the breadth of Western culture, engaging with writers as central and various as Luther, Shakespeare, Hegel, Dostoevsky, Melville and Mann. A powerful foreword by Jonathan Dollimore brings out its implications as an intellectual and stylistic breakthrough into new ways of writing criticism. Fernie unfolds an intense and personal vision, not just of Western modernity, but of identity, morality and sex. As much as it’s concerned with the great works, this is a book about life.

The Hermeneutics of Hell

The Hermeneutics of Hell PDF Author: Gregor Thuswaldner
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319521985
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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This collection of essays analyzes global depictions of the devil from theological, Biblical, and literary perspectives, spanning the late Middle Ages to the 21st century. The chapters explore demonic representations in the literary works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dante Alighieri, Charles Baudelaire, John Milton, H.P. Lovecraft, and Cormac McCarthy, among others. The text examines other media such as the operas Orfeo and Erminia sul Giordano and the television shows Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, and Mad Men. The Hermeneutics of Hell, featuring an international set of established and up-and-coming authors, masterfully examines the evolution of the devil from the Biblical accounts of the Middle Ages to the individualized presence of the modern world.


Nightmare PDF Author: Dina Khapaeva
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004222758
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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An analysis of the novels of Maturin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Mann, Lovecraft and Pelevin through the prism of their interest in investigating the nature of the nightmare reveals the unstudied features of the nightmare as a mental state and traces the mosaic of coincidences leading from literary experiments to today’s culture of nightmare consumption.

Russian Literature and Its Demons

Russian Literature and Its Demons PDF Author: Pamela Davidson
Publisher: Berghahn Books
ISBN: 9781571817587
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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Merezhkovsky's bold claim that "all Russian literature is, to a certain degree, a struggle with the temptation of demonism" is undoubtedly justified. And yet, despite its evident centrality to Russian culture, the unique and fascinating phenomenon of Russian literary demonism has so far received little critical attention. This substantial collection fills the gap. A comprehensive analytical introduction by the editor is follwed by a series of fourteen essays, written by eminent scholars in their fields. The first part explores the main shaping contexts of literary demonism: the Russian Orthodox and folk tradition, the demonization of historical figures, and views of art as intrinsically demonic. The second part traces the development of a literary tradition of demonism in the works of authors ranging from Pushkin and Lermontov, Gogol and Dostoevsky, through to the poets and prose writers of modernism (including Blok, Akhmatova, Bely, Sologub, Rozanov, Zamiatin), and through to the end of the 20th century.

The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii

The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii PDF Author: W. J. Leatherbarrow
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139826069
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 427

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Key dimensions of Dostoevskii's writing and life are explored in this collection of specially commissioned essays. While remaining accessible to an undergraduate and non-specialist readership, the essays as a whole seek to renegotiate the terms in which Dostoevskii and his works are to be approached. This is achieved by replacing the conventional 'life and works' format by one that seeks instead to foreground key aspects of the cultural context in which those works were produced. Contributors trace the often complex relationship between those aspects and the processes accompanying the creation of Dostoevskii's art. They examine topics such as Dostoevskii's relation to folk literature, money, religion, the family and science. The essays are well supported by supplementary material including a chronology of the period and detailed guides to further reading. Altogether the volume provides an invaluable resource for scholars and students.

Dostoevsky and Kant

Dostoevsky and Kant PDF Author: Evgenia Cherkasova
Publisher: Rodopi
ISBN: 9042026111
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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"In this book, Evgenia Cherkasova brings the philosopher Kant and the novelist Dostoevsky together in conversations that probe why duty is central to our moral life. She shows that just as Dostoevsky is indebted to Kant, so Kant would profit from the deeply philosophical narratives of Dostoevsky, which engage the problem of evil and the claims of human community. She not only produces a novel reading of Dostoevsky, but also guides us to later, often neglected Kantian texts. This study is written with scholarly care, penetrating analysis, elegance of style, and moral urgency: Cherkasova writes with both mind and heart." Emily Grosholz, Professor of Philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University

Aspects of Dostoevskii

Aspects of Dostoevskii PDF Author:
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9401207895
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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Perhaps more than any other nineteenth-century Russian writer, Dostoevskii’s continuing popularity rests on his contemporary relevance. The prophetic streak in his creativity gives him the same lasting appeal as dystopian novelists such as Zamiatin and Orwell whom he influenced and whose ethical concerns he anticipated. Religious themes are prominent in his work, too, and, though he was a believer, his interest seems to lie in the tension between faith and unbelief, which was felt as keenly in the Russia of his time as in our own. The nature of Dostoevskii’s art also continues to be debated. The older tendency to disparage his literary method has given way to a recognition of the originality of his techniques, without which his ideological concerns would not have emerged with such thought-provoking clarity. The chapters which comprise this volume address these issues in a range of Dostoevskii’s works, from shorter classics, such as House of the Dead and Notes from Underground to great novels such as Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov. This work will be of use to scholars and students of Dostoevskii at all levels as well as to those with an interest in nineteenth-century literature more generally.