A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self PDF Author: Louise McHugh
ISBN: 9780369356192
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Book Description
The self plays an integral role in human motivation, cognition, and social identity. That's why observing the self is such an important element of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). However, for many ACT clinicians, it can be difficult to apply this complex theory in everyday practice. A must-have addition to any ACT practitioner's library, A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self translates the ACT model's most difficult-yet essential-process into easy-to-apply steps and user-friendly language. With this unique road map, clinicians will help clients develop empathy, compassion, and flexible perspective taking-leading to better treatment outcomes and better lives for clients.

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self PDF Author: Louise McHugh
ISBN: 9780369356192
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Book Description
The self plays an integral role in human motivation, cognition, and social identity. That's why observing the self is such an important element of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). However, for many ACT clinicians, it can be difficult to apply this complex theory in everyday practice. A must-have addition to any ACT practitioner's library, A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self translates the ACT model's most difficult-yet essential-process into easy-to-apply steps and user-friendly language. With this unique road map, clinicians will help clients develop empathy, compassion, and flexible perspective taking-leading to better treatment outcomes and better lives for clients.

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self PDF Author: Louise McHugh
Publisher: Context Press
ISBN: 1626251770
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Book Description
The self plays an integral role in human motivation, cognition, and social identity. A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self translates this difficult—yet essential—therapeutic process into easy-to-apply steps and user-friendly language. For many clients, it's incredibly difficult to shed preconceived notions of “who they really are,” and negative perceptions of the self can lead to feelings of low self-worth that stand in the way of treatment. Furthermore, every client who partakes in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) must identify a self as part of their treatment, and clinicians often report that observing the self, or “self as context,” is the most difficult of all six core ACT processes. Problems with the self arise when clients orient themselves in the world and learn to relate to others, but these problems can vary considerably. For example, some clients may have deficits in developing a strong sense of self in the first place—particularly if they are diagnosed with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). Depressed clients or those with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may develop a skewed, negative sense of self, and those with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) may develop an inflated sense of self. With this unique road map, you will learn to apply the complex theory of the self into everyday practice, and help all clients develop empathy, compassion, and flexible perspective taking—leading to better treatment outcomes and better lives for clients.

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self

A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self PDF Author: Louise McHugh
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1626251789
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 343

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Book Description
The self plays an integral role in human motivation, cognition, and social identity. A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self translates this difficult—yet essential—therapeutic process into easy-to-apply steps and user-friendly language. For many clients, it's incredibly difficult to shed preconceived notions of “who they really are,” and negative perceptions of the self can lead to feelings of low self-worth that stand in the way of treatment. Furthermore, every client who partakes in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) must identify a self as part of their treatment, and clinicians often report that observing the self, or “self as context,” is the most difficult of all six core ACT processes. Problems with the self arise when clients orient themselves in the world and learn to relate to others, but these problems can vary considerably. For example, some clients may have deficits in developing a strong sense of self in the first place—particularly if they are diagnosed with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). Depressed clients or those with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may develop a skewed, negative sense of self, and those with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) may develop an inflated sense of self. With this unique road map, you will learn to apply the complex theory of the self into everyday practice, and help all clients develop empathy, compassion, and flexible perspective taking—leading to better treatment outcomes and better lives for clients.

Contextual Behavior Therapy for Sexual and Gender Minority Clients

Contextual Behavior Therapy for Sexual and Gender Minority Clients PDF Author: Matthew D. Skinta
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429638531
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 150

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Combining theory, research, and case studies, this book shows clinicians how to apply transdiagnostic contextual behavioral approaches when working with sexual and gender minority (SGM) clients. The text first examines minority stress theory through the lens of contextual behavior analysis. Subsequent chapters illustrate the application of therapeutic techniques drawn from acceptance and commitment therapy, functional analytic psychotherapy, and compassion-focused therapy. The book concludes with a close look at special areas of consideration, including pre-surgical evaluation, the impact of HIV on SGM communities, ethical considerations, and future directions in therapy with SGM clients. Every chapter provides a series of diverse vignettes that illustrate how each aspect of treatment might build upon the last along with a list of recommended books for further exploration of that topic. This book offers a unique, integrated approach that can be used for case conceptualization and followed as a treatment manual for professionals or graduate students with a foundation in SGM psychology.

The Self and Perspective Taking

The Self and Perspective Taking PDF Author: Louise McHugh
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 157224996X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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Helping clients cope with problems of self is an important goal of modern psychotherapy. However, without ways of understanding or measuring the self and self-relevant behavior, it’s difficult for psychologists and researchers to determine if intervention has been effective. From a modern contextual behavioral point of view, the self develops in tandem with the ability to take perspective on one’s own and other people’s behavior. This collection of articles by Steven Hayes, Kelly Wilson, Louise McHugh, Ian Stewart, and other leading researchers begins with a complete history of psychological approaches to understanding the self before presenting contemporary accounts that examine the self and perspective taking from behavioral, developmental, and cognitive perspectives. The articles in The Self and Perspective Taking also explore the role of the self as it relates to acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and mindfulness processes. Featuring work from world-renowned psychologists, this resource will help clinicians augment self-understanding in clients, especially those with autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, and impaired perspective-taking abilities.

The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix

The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix PDF Author: Kevin L. Polk
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1626253625
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 477

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Book Description
The ACT Matrix revolutionized contextual behavioral science. Now, the creators of this pioneering new model present the first detailed, step-by-step guide to help professionals implement the ACT Matrix in clinical practice and improve clients’ psychological flexibility. If you’re a clinician, you know that acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is extremely effective in helping clients who are “stuck” in unhealthy thought patterns by encouraging them align their values with their thoughts and actions. However, the ACT model is complex, and it's not always easy to use. Enter the ACT Matrix, a seamless fusion of the six core processes of the ACT hexaflex—cognitive defusion, acceptance, contact with the present moment, observing the self, values, and committed action—into a simplified, easy-to-apply approach. From the editors of The ACT Matrix, The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix offers professionals a comprehensive guide to using the innovative Matrix model in-session. With this book, you’ll learn how to help your clients break free from painful psychological traps and live more meaningful lives. You’ll also learn how client actions and behavior should be viewed as workable or unworkable, rather than good or bad. Most importantly, you'll discover how this unique approach can be used to deliver ACT more effectively in a variety of settings and contexts, even when clients are resistant or unmotivated to participate. This book is essential for any ACT clinician looking to simplify their therapeutic approach in client sessions.

Learning ACT

Learning ACT PDF Author: Jason B. Luoma
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1626259518
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 646

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Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is among the most remarkable developments in contemporary psychotherapy. This second edition of the pioneering ACT skills-training manual for clinicians provides a comprehensive update—essential for both experienced practitioners and those new to using ACT and its applications. ACT is a proven-effective treatment for numerous mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, stress, addictions, eating disorders, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and more. With important revisions based on new developments in contextual behavioral science, Learning ACT, Second Edition includes up-to-date exercises and references, as well as material on traditional, evidence-based behavioral techniques for use within the ACT framework. In this fully revised and updated edition of Learning ACT, you’ll find workbook-format exercises to help you understand and take advantage of ACT’s unique six process model—both as a tool for diagnosis and case conceptualization, and as a basis for structuring treatments for clients. You’ll also find up-to-the-minute information on process coaching, new experiential exercises, an increased focus on functional analysis, and downloadable extras that include role-played examples of the core ACT processes in action. By practicing the exercises in this workbook, you’ll learn how this powerful modality can improve clients’ psychological flexibility and help them to live better lives. Whether you’re a clinician looking for in-depth training and better treatment outcomes for individual clients, a student seeking a better understanding of this powerful modality, or anyone interested in contextual behavioral science, this second edition provides a comprehensive revision to an important ACT resource.

Contextual Schema Therapy

Contextual Schema Therapy PDF Author: Eckhard Roediger
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1684030978
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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In this groundbreaking book, three internationally recognized psychologists present a step-by-step guide outlining the most up-to-date innovations in schema therapy (ST). This important book offers a clear and practical road map for putting the schema mode model into practice, improving clients' interpersonal functioning, and integrates the latest advances in contextual behavioral psychology. ST is a powerful, integrative treatment model that combines aspects of cognitive, behavioral, and psychodynamic therapies. It has proven highly effective in treating a number of mental health issues, including difficult-to-treat personality disorders. ST’s main premise is that mental health issues arise as a result of unmet emotional needs in childhood, leading to the development of early maladaptive schemas (EMS). But, more and more, ST has shifted away from EMS to focus on schema content—that is, changing the way clients relate to their experiences and to others. This book incorporates the latest findings in contextual behavioral science with a focus on clients’ coping styles—or schema modes—and improving interpersonal functioning. The book includes exercises from compassion-focused therapies, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and even functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP) to help your clients become more aware of their own unhealthy coping patterns and behaviors. You’ll also discover a range of emotion-focused and experiential techniques to use in therapy with your client.

Evolution and Contextual Behavioral Science

Evolution and Contextual Behavioral Science PDF Author: David Sloan Wilson
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1626259151
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 646

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What do evolutionary science and contextual behavioral science have in common? Edited by David Sloan Wilson and Steven C. Hayes, this groundbreaking book offers a glimpse into the histories of these two schools of thought, and provides a sound rationale for their reintegration. Evolutionary science (ES) provides a unifying theoretical framework for the biological sciences, and is increasingly being applied to the human-related sciences. Meanwhile, contextual behavioral science (CBS) seeks to understand the history and function of human behavior in the context of everyday life where behaviors occur, and to influence behavior in a practical sense. This volume seeks to integrate these two bodies of knowledge that have developed largely independently. In Evolution and Contextual Behavioral Science, two renowned experts in their fields argue why ES and CBS are intrinsically linked, as well as why their reintegration—or, reunification—is essential. The main purpose of this book is to continue to move CBS under the umbrella of ES, and to help evolutionary scientists understand how working alongside contextual behavioral scientists can foster both the development of ES principles and their application to practical situations. Rather than the sequential relationship that is typically imagined between these two schools of thought, this volume envisions a parallel relationship between ES and CBS, where science can best influence positive change in the real world.

The ACT Practitioner's Guide to the Science of Compassion

The ACT Practitioner's Guide to the Science of Compassion PDF Author: Dennis Tirch
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 162625057X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 391

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Book Description
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is proven effective in the treatment of an array of disorders, including addiction, depression, anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders, and more. Evidence shows that mindfulness and acceptance exercises help clients connect with the moment, uncover their true values, and commit to positive change. But did you know that compassion focused exercises can also greatly increase clients’ psychological flexibility? More and more, therapists are finding that the act of compassion—both towards oneself and towards others—can lead to greater emotional and physical well-being, increased distress tolerance, and a broader range of effective responses to stressful situations. One of the best advantages of compassion focused methods is how easily they can be integrated into an ACT approach. An important addition to any ACT professional’s library, The ACT Practitioner’s Guide to the Science of Compassion explores the emotionally healing benefits of compassion focused practices when applied to traditional acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). This book offers case conceptualization, assessments, and direct clinical applications that integrate ACT, functional analytic psychotherapy, and compassion focused therapy to enhance your clinical practice. This is the first book on the market to provide an in-depth discussion of compassion in the context of ACT and other behavioral sciences. The integrative treatment model in this book provides powerful transdiagnostic tools and processes that will essentially build bridges across therapies. If you are ready for a new, easily integrated range of techniques that can be used for a variety of treatment applications, this guide will prove highly useful. And if you are looking to build on your previous experience with cognitive and behavioral therapies, this book will help to enhance your treatment sessions with clients and increase their psychological flexibility.